Martial arts giant

Chapter 40 Is it life or death?

Chapter 40 Is it life or death?

The huge roar was deafening, and Hong Yuan's silver-gray body was immediately swallowed by the terrifying white light of Thunder Tiger's blast, and the mushroom cloud that exploded went straight into the sky.

The sky suddenly darkened, thick smoke and dust covered the sky, as if a second piece of land had formed in the sky!

Boom boom boom boom boom!
The sky is like this, and the ground is even more so. A series of violent explosions seem to never stop, shaking the ground in the dense forest, as if the end is coming.

Blood flowers kept blooming in the center of the explosion.

It was Hong Yuan's blood.

Titanium combat body is a heaven-level martial skill, but after all, Hong Yuan has not yet reached the realm of martial artist, and he barely uses unfinished martial skills that are still beyond the limit of his own cultivation, which will cause great harm to himself.

But this is also helpless.

That thunder tiger broke through to the ground-level martial arts, and the fifth-level beast pill greatly improved Gu Mochen's cultivation base. This punch was enough to deal him a big blow.

At least for now, although he vomits blood, but with the addition of a titanium battle body, the damage he receives is always limited, and it is far from the point where he will be defeated in one blow.


Hong Yuan roared crazily in the center of the explosion, and as the power of Leihu Bangtianpo gradually weakened, the light of the silver-gray titanium battle body suddenly became brighter.

Boom, boom boom boom boom!

Stepping forward, Hong Yuan counterattacked fiercely against the undissipated fist power. With a titanium battle body on his body, his colossal solid body was like a moving fortress. Every step made the ground vibrate violently. Its strength is not inferior to the burst of Leihu Bangtianpo.

It also showed the violent anger in Hong Yuan's heart, and his determination to vent his hatred if he didn't kill Gu Mochen!

However, his running only lasted a few steps, and he didn't even make up for the distance he was blasted back before. His bloodshot eyes suddenly burst out.

The scene in front of him almost made Hong Yuan vomit blood!

The huge white light was blasting towards him rapidly, and the strength in it was no less than that of the one he had received just now——

Thunder Tiger blasts the sky!
Gu Mochen didn't stop at all, he punched out, just took a breath of time to recover, he didn't even care what it looked like during the explosion, and the second punch with all his strength came out again!

The wild dragon pendant swallowed the two balls of glory in the hands of the nameless old man in the ruins, and its own energy fluctuations have exceeded the past, and the fifth-level beast pill swallowed by Gu Mochen, the two superimposed, his internal strength at this time He was so strong that just punching Leihu Bangtianpo was far from being able to empty his internal strength.

The previous violent explosion made Hong Yuan furious, which affected his judgment, and at the same time played a good role in covering up the vibration of the sound when the second punch was punched.

So much so that Hong Yuan didn't realize that the second punch was approaching until he took two steps forward.


Hong Yuan cursed angrily, but it was too late to dodge, his huge body's flexibility was also greatly compromised, and immediately bumped head-on into Lei Hu Hongtianpo's thick white beam of light.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
The violent explosion roared again, and the dust and debris in the sky that was about to hit the ground were violently blown back to the sky, and Hong Yuan's body retreated violently again without any accident.

Its momentum was so fast that the few steps taken by the previous hardtop attack had long since disappeared, and instead it was pressed straight to the mountain wall where the cave entrance of the ruins was located.

The air wave of the explosion was still there, and Gu Mochen finally stabilized his figure, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and the next moment, the fist with sharp claws stretched.

Third punch!
Thunder Tiger blasted three consecutive shots!

Whether it is calmness or madness, Gu Mochen knows that there is no way to retreat, but his potential explodes. Taking advantage of the opportunity when Hong Yuan is still suppressed by himself, he uses up all his strength at once...

Either you die or I die!
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
This dense forest that originally belonged to the territory of the steel storm bear was finally almost completely destroyed after two major battles. The terrifying force that destroyed the world was rampant, and the series of intensive explosions could not be suppressed by a small nuclear explosion. Everything I could see was—destroyed!
The huge body fell heavily to the ground.

Even with the dual blessings of the wild dragon pendant and the fifth-level beast pill, Gu Mochen's internal energy finally reached the brink of exhaustion after three consecutive punches of Leihu Bangtianpo, so that he didn't even have the strength to keep standing. He punched and fell to the ground.

Lei Hu blasted the sky with three consecutive blows, and each blow was an unprecedented fusion of the seven Leihu Xiaotian fists. After the three punches, the burden on his body was far greater than the simple multiplication of 21.

Such a huge amount of internal force was pulsed out from the meridians in a short period of time, and at this time his body was dripping with blood. Although he was fine on the surface, in fact, the severity of his internal injuries was almost on the verge of death.

The cold and ruthless vertical pupils slowly changed back to normal human eyes, but they were bloodshot.

Although Gu Mochen fell to the ground, his consciousness was still tenaciously awake. He tried his best to raise his head, staring at the violently billowing smoke and dust in the distance with his red eyes.

He has reached the limit of what he can achieve so far. Not to mention swinging his fist again, even moving his fingers is extremely difficult. After fighting to this extent, he certainly hopes that the balance of victory will tilt to his side.

So... Leihu Bangtianpo, whose three punches are comparable to earth-level martial arts, can kill Hong Yuan?
Can Gu Mochen survive?

All this, he wanted to see the final result with his own eyes!

Time seems to stand still at this moment, maybe a second, maybe a year, Gu Mochen's waiting seems to continue endlessly, until...

The dust has settled.

The chaotic and vibrating dense forest finally regained its calm amidst the damage. There were no more explosions, no more smoke and dust billowing, and the line of sight gradually became clearer.

Looking at the messy road ahead, Gu Mochen tried his best to raise his head higher, so a tattered figure was finally reflected in his bloodshot eyes.

Hong Yuan!

Seeing the target, Gu Mochen opened his eyes sharply. He even tried to stand up and look more carefully. Unfortunately, his body was weak and he couldn't even do such an ordinary movement. After trying a few times, He had to give up, but his eyes were still fixed on Hong Yuan.

In the end... life or death?
Hong Yuan's appearance at this time was really miserable. The reason why Gu Mochen could still find his figure when he fell to the ground was because he was already in midair.

To be precise, the whole person was firmly embedded in the dilapidated mountain wall, the body was sunken, and only one head was left hanging powerlessly, and the metallic silver-gray luster all over the body had disappeared.

The titanium battle body disappeared, and Hong Yuan's huge body that was stretched slowly shrunk, and the body that was stuck immobile also came out of the depression on the mountain wall.

clap clap.

As the gravel rolled down, his body fell slowly, like a withered yellow leaf, falling silently from the air.


The ground was smashed with smoke and dust.

(End of this chapter)

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