Chapter 509
Because of Li Xin, Gu Mochen suddenly woke up from a state of rage and loss of reason.

Immediately, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He remembers clearly what he did when he lost his mind, but now that he thinks about it, he doesn't even know what he was thinking at the time and why he did such a thing.

The Luo family, especially Mr. Luo, treated him well, but the only one who has any grudges at present is Luo Bufan.

But just now he turned his anger on all the members of the Luo family. The four disciples of the Luo family who died so miserable were all caused by himself.

It's not that he has never killed anyone, just like Yan Fenglei died by his own hands, but he has never used such brutal and bloody methods to torture and kill a person.

Those four people... died too badly!

The four bloody and mutilated corpses kept flashing back in his mind. Even though it was clear that these people were killed by him, Gu Mochen couldn't believe it now, it was really his own hands!
Just now, he brutally and bloodily murdered four people. It is shocking to think about it now, but at that time, there was no wavering in his heart.

It's like...he was originally a brutal and bloodthirsty person!

How could this be?
Gu Mochen was dripping with cold sweat, and the bloody and brutal feeling was vivid in his memory, making him feel as if he had become another person.

If it wasn't for Li Xin...

"It seems that I should be the one to be afraid of, right?"

In a flashback in Gu Mochen's mind, Li Xin had already put on his clothes extremely quickly, but when he looked up, he saw that Gu Mochen's back was facing him, but there were beads of sweat the size of soybeans hanging on the back of his forehead, the whole body The person was also trembling slightly, looking terrified.

Can't help being a little dissatisfied.

"You broke into my house out of nowhere, what do you want?"

She asked coldly, as if the embarrassment that the two were almost naked just now did not exist.


Li Xin's voice like a cold spring always had an indescribable magical power for Gu Mochen, which made him tremble and wake up from his imagination.

However, he really couldn't answer Li Xin's question, he was still at a loss, how did he know how he got to Li Xin's room?

"The movement didn't hear it?"

He could only ask rhetorical questions instead of answers.

"What movement?"

Li Xin frowned, shook his head and said, "I was just about to start today's alchemy practice after taking a bath and changing clothes, when you suddenly appeared, and I didn't hear anything."

When asking this question, Gu Mochen also realized that Li Xin didn't like to make troubles, and alchemy naturally needed a quiet environment, so the residence that Mr. Luo arranged for her was far away from the main house of the Luo family, almost in the Luo family. The outermost fringe of the home range, where a small independent courtyard was arranged for her.

It's hard to hear the movement of the main house here, and Li Xin is in the bathroom in a sealed environment...

But looking at Li Xin's obviously restless eyes, Gu Mochen felt that he couldn't argue.

First of all, his mind is clear, and with his current cultivation level, it is naturally very easy to sneak into Li Xin's room.


He suddenly remembered that before he came to Li Xin, he was fighting against Master Luo...

Mr. Luo!

He was really bold at that time, Gu Mochen couldn't help but smile wryly.

How old master Luo's strength is, as early as the first day when he came to Luo's house, Gu Mochen had learned it. Even though he is not weak now, but in a sober state, he has no idea of ​​​​confronting him.

He was really brave in that state.

However, it was the same punch he had with Mr. Luo, after which he turned around and appeared in Li Xin's room. There is no relationship between the two, right?
"Hey, let me ask you, what are you doing here?"

There was a trace of coldness in Li Xin's eyes. It was obvious that she was a little annoyed. The relationship between herself and Gu Mochen didn't seem to be at the point where she could break in without even knocking, right?
What's more, she was only wrapped in a bath towel at that time, and she was almost about to be killed by Gu Mochen...


Gu Mochen smiled bitterly, still having nothing to say, but at this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Maybe the old man can answer this question."

When the voice came together, Gu Mochen was immediately overjoyed, because it was the voice of Mr. Luo. Now if there is anyone who can know why he suddenly appeared in Li Xin's room, it is probably only Mr. Luo.

And the arrival of Mr. Luo also made Gu Mochen sure that the feeling of spinning the world just now was not an illusion, but was indeed manipulated by Mr. Luo.

As soon as Mr. Luo came, someone could finally solve the embarrassing situation for him.

"Is it convenient to come in?"

Mr. Luo asked again outside the door.

"Convenient, convenient!"

Gu Mochen glanced at Li Xin. At this time, she was fully dressed and had no intention of objecting, so he rushed to the door and opened the door that was actually locked, and the dignified face of Mr. Luo suddenly appeared on the scene. in front of you.

Seeing Mr. Luo, the joy on Gu Mochen's face froze, especially the seriousness on the other's face, which reminded him of the four members of the Luo family who died tragically, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Old... Luo..."

The joy of being rescued by someone instantly dissipated into nothingness. Gu Mochen's voice was very dry. He opened his mouth, suddenly feeling a little unsure how to speak.

"Come in and talk."

Mr. Luo spoke lightly, unable to see what he was thinking.

Gu Mochen choked for a moment, nodded silently, and let the door open.

The two walked into Li Xin's room together, but saw Li Xin looking at them coldly.

Mr. Luo smiled wryly, and apologized to Li Xin first: "Miss Xin, I'm sorry today, old man, after much deliberation, you are the only one who can wake up little brother Gu."

"Is it your hands and feet?"

Li Xin was not afraid of Mr. Luo's identity and cultivation level at all, his eyes turned cold, and he glared at him directly.

Old Master Luo nodded, turned to look at Gu Mochen, and said, "Brother Gu, do you still remember the black hole that the old man made at the end?"

Gu Mochen nodded silently. Of course he remembered that facing the terrifying and huge black hole, he was so fearless and rushed in directly. It was truly admirable courage.

"That's the old man's unique skill, it's time to move!"

Mr. Luo said proudly: "The black hole I blasted out with the Nine Stars Lianzhu has the skill of moving stars, and can freely transfer people who rush into the black hole within a radius of five kilometers."

"And at that time, old man, I had no choice but to send little brother Gu to you. Only in this way might we be able to wake up little brother Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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