Chapter 51

"Okay, let him rest for a while and he will wake up."

Li Xin took off the medical rubber gloves, and said to Gu Mochen while washing his hands carefully in the sink.

Gu Mochen looked at Zhang Anhai who was still in a coma and nodded silently, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

"Bring it!"

Li Xin washed her white hands and spread them in front of Gu Mochen.

Gu Mochen snatched the engraved copy of Dan Dao's essays from Li Xin just now, otherwise, with Li Xin's level of concentration before, Gu Mochen was afraid that she would fix Zhang Anhai's bones while reading the book, and the bones would be crooked ...

"Don't be in a hurry, there is something else to talk about?"

Gu Mochen shook the engraved book in front of Li Xin's eyes, but pointed his finger at the backpack.

The things in the backpack really made him helpless.

It is clear who sees the dozens of beast pills that are jealous, but here is Li Xin, only when Gu Mochen took them out to slap Chen Bian in the face, she once had a look of admiration, but after that, she didn't even look straight glance.

She doesn't treat money like dirt, does she?

"What? Oh, yes!"

Judging by Li Xin's appearance, all her heart was probably focused on the alchemy essay. She tilted her head and thought for a while, as if she suddenly remembered that there was still a beast pill.

"That's right, it's the first time I've gone out and I've gained so much!"

Recalling the shocking scene of beast pills rolling all over the ground, Li Xin sincerely praised for the first time.

"thank you."

Gu Mochen shrugged, very happy that she finally remembered this section.

Then, Li Xin just admired it for a while, the change in expression lasted less than a second, and he quickly decided:

"Well, for the sake of getting back the essay on alchemy, I will refine this batch of animal pills for you for free, and it's not even half a cent. Let's go ninety-one, you ninety-one, I'll take back the pills needed for alchemy The cost is fine.”

"nine one?"

Gu Mochen stared. After refining the pills, the value of these dozens of beast pills will be even greater. Li Xin gave up [-]% so easily?
As expected... people from Zhonglin Li's family treat money like dung... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"By the way, I want to ask..."

Thinking of the matter of Zhonglin's top ten aristocratic families again, Gu Mochen endured and endured, still couldn't help being curious, and was about to ask, but he just raised his head when he saw Li Xin put his index finger in front of his eyes.

"Don't ask, I'll tell you when it's time to tell you."


When Li Xin finished speaking, Gu Mochen clearly felt that the person standing in front of him was no longer that glamorous beauty, but had really turned into a cold iceberg!


After a long silence, Gu Mochen nodded. Everyone has secrets that they don't want to mention. Li Xin didn't ask him how he got so many animal pills. On the contrary, it was inappropriate for him to ask about his family affairs again and again.

"Then these beast pills..."

He pointed to the backpack.

"Put it here."

Li Xin snatched the engraved copy of Dan Dao's essays with his hands, and the iceberg-like aura melted immediately, his gaze could no longer be taken away from the engraved book, and he said lightly:

"You come to pick it up in ten days. I'll be a little busy these days."

Pulling back his seat, Li Xin crossed Erlang's legs in a comfortable posture, and that small snow-white calf almost dazzled Gu Mochen's eyes.

After explaining this sentence, she ignored Gu Mochen and immersed herself in Dan Dao's essays.

Gu Mochen expressed helplessness.

Looking around, it's useless to stay here, Zhang Anhai won't be able to wake up for a while, he can't stay here forever to face an iceberg...

Anyway, the animal pill has been handed over to Li Xin, and the result will be available in ten days.

He shook his head and had no choice but to gently exit the school infirmary.

As for whether Li Xin would steal his beast pill and run away during these ten days, he wasn't worried about it at all.

It's not because Li Xin came from the Li family, but, although the two didn't talk much, and Gu Mochen even hated him when they first met, somehow, Gu Mochen felt that I believe that Li Xin will not be that kind of person.

This feeling is inexplicable but very real, so that Gu Mochen can leave without any worries.

Downstairs, the crowd had dispersed long ago, and even Chen Yan's Hulong off-road vehicle with a broken hood disappeared, but he didn't talk to him about compensation.

Gu Mochen stood downstairs and thought about it. It was still early in the morning, and he still had time to do another thing he really wanted to do.

Martial arts club.

After returning from the danger zone, he has been busy upgrading the beast core, and he has never had time to get a detailed understanding of his own cultivation.

During the Beast Tide War before, he was lucky enough to have an epiphany before the battle, and directly raised his cultivation to the peak of the extreme warrior. At that time, he was able to touch the threshold of the second limit of the human body.

In other words, as long as he goes one step further, he can also break through to the realm of a super warrior like Zhao Zichao, and his strength will have a qualitative leap.

Even Gu Mochen once thought, if he was already a super warrior when he was fighting against Hong Yuan, and with the help of the wild dragon pendant, would he not be so embarrassed, but really have a fight? ?

But... when he returned to Changtian City from the danger zone, he could no longer feel the existence of the limit.

This is incredible, he once had the experience of breaking through the limits of the human body.

When he didn't get the wild dragon pendant, Gu Mochen's cultivation had been stuck at the peak of the third-level warrior. At that time, he could always feel the existence of the limit barrier of the human body limit for the first time, but he couldn't break through it. .

But this time, I obviously already felt it, but why didn't I feel it afterwards?
There may only be one explanation for this.

That is, when he swallowed two fifth-level beast pills one after another and withstood a powerful force far beyond the current level with the physical fitness of an extreme warrior, the limit of his body... was stretched!
This is like the original 100-meter runway. Gu Mochen has already run 99 meters. Seeing that his fingertips are about to touch the red rope at the finish line, but suddenly, the runway has been lengthened. The red rope also moved away from him.

Although mysterious, Gu Mochen felt this way, and this was also the reason why swallowing two fifth-level beast pills could not make him forcefully break through the second limit.

You know, when he broke through the limit for the first time, he relied on the help of the active pill that he got from Li Xin and was promoted by himself.

It doesn't make sense that the fifth-level beast pill, which is far more powerful than Huoluo Pill, can't do it.

Therefore, it is very possible that the limit of his second body was exploded by the energy of the fifth-level beast pill and stretched even longer.

It's a pity that he couldn't hit the super warrior realm immediately, but Gu Mochen was more concerned about where his current realm was.

So he wanted to go to the Martial Arts Club to test his current strength.

The small strength testing machine in the dormitory can only withstand a force of 1000 kilograms, while the Budo Club has a more advanced super strength testing machine that can withstand a full-strength blow from a Kagemura.

(End of this chapter)

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