Martial arts giant

Chapter 519 Exploring

Chapter 519 Exploring
Changtian City, the stronghold of hunters.

The gust of wind was still howling, rolling up smoke and dust from time to time, making that terrifying and deep fist mark clearer.

Gu Mochen, the avatar that kept Duan Kant's appearance, was still standing at the starting point of the fist marks, with a dumb and silent expression.

Behind him, occasionally a disciple of the Golden Dragon Gang who hadn't left yet poked his head out to take a look, but when they felt the death intent emanating from Gu Mochen's body, they shrank back extremely quickly.

Regardless of whether the person standing outside is Duan Kangde or Gu Mochen, they all know that this person is absolutely irresistible at this time. If one is not careful, the terrifying fist mark on the ground may have to be copied again, and it will still be printed on the own body.

The hunter's stronghold was very quiet, and no one knew what would happen next. Although some people were curious about the disappearance of Chen Yu's army, they didn't dare to go around the gate where Gu Mochen was standing to find out.

It was also very quiet outside the hunter's stronghold. Except for the howl of the strong wind, no human voice could be heard, as if all the people were like Gu Mochen's grandfather, whose bodies were broken and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"Should... be dead?"

Gu Mochen raised his head, his figure was still Duan Kant's figure, but his face had changed back to his original face, his expression was no longer blank, but fell into deep thought.

Should be dead, who died?
At this moment, there are two people that Gu Mochen most wishes to die.

One is naturally Luo Bufan, but unfortunately, he knows that the Luo Bufan who stays here is just a clone just like him.

Then there is another one, who is also the instigator of this war, Chen Yan!

Because of his arrogance, and because he thought that the hunter's stronghold was already in his pocket, Chen Yan stood very forward. After that old man Gu's shocking punch was blasted, even though Chen Yan was already trying his best to retreat, And ordered the remaining beasts to take him away.

It's a pity that everyone was in danger at that time, who cares about the second generation ancestor of the Chen family, Chen Yu's escape was not smooth, when that punch was thrown out, he was still in the first echelon surrounded by punch power.

And there was also Luo Bufan's deliberate action. At that time, Luo Bufan knew that Mr. Gu's punch was aimed at him, so he was also adjusting the angle, trying his best to let the punch that penetrated through hit him. The power of the fist will hit Chen Yu's body.

Recalling the situation at that time, the punch after smashing Luo Bufan's avatar did not weaken much in terms of punching power, and it would not be a problem to kill a Chen Yan who was in the realm of a super warrior.

Gu Mochen stood on the spot and recalled the scene when Chen Yu's army fled, and he became more and more sure of the result in his heart.

And in order to prove this point, even after recalling it, he raised his feet and searched carefully in the direction where the fist marks extended, trying to find if there were any traces left by Chen Yu.

The reason why Gu Mochen is so nervous about Chen Yu's life and death is because his next plan must clarify the issue of Chen Yu's life and death.

There is still no news of Zhang Anhai and the three of them. It is very likely that after they were caught, they were taken to a secret place by Chen Yan's men to wait for Chen Yan's next order.

But if that subordinate knows that Chen Yan is dead, what he will do next after losing control is beyond Gu Mochen's imagination.

Maybe kill Zhang Anhai and the three who have become burdensome, and then return to Zhonglin Chen's house to report by himself, or maybe bring Zhang Anhai and the three back to Chen's house together, and continue to use them as bargaining chips to restrain him and Gu Mochen.

No matter which one, Gu Mochen is not happy to see it.

If Zhang Anhai and the others were still within the range of Changtian City, he might still be able to save the three of them, but if he was brought back to the Chen family by Chen Yu's men, with his current strength, even if he brought the entire Luo family together It doesn't help, not to mention that his relationship with the Luo family is not good now.

Furthermore, if the three of Zhang Anhai were killed directly, it would be even more unacceptable to him.

Therefore, Gu Mochen had to confirm whether Chen Yu was dead or not. It was good if he was not dead. If he was dead, then he also needed to give the hidden subordinates a false impression that Chen Yan was not dead.

Then the incarnation outside the body will be effective again.

As Gu Mochen walked, he carefully examined the traces left near the fist marks.

He found some broken limbs and broken arms left by the warriors, and even fragments of the corpses of strange beasts, but he had not seen Chen Yan's corpse yet.

Could it be that he was allowed to run away?
Gu Mochen frowned. He searched extremely carefully, not missing any details, but he didn't see even a stump belonging to Chen Yan.

Standing up, he took a deep breath. The strong smell of blood at the scene made him unable to focus on his consciousness well, but he also knew that although he didn't want Chen Yu to die, it would be very troublesome to keep this person.

The best choice is to replace him by yourself after confirming Chen Yu's death.

But where is Chen Yan?

If it doesn't work, he can only find and enter Changtian City directly from here. If Chen Yan is really still alive, returning to Changtian City will be his first choice.

After losing the protection of warriors from various forces in Changtian City, Chen Yi would never dare to travel from the dangerous area to nearby cities alone. There are hidden dangers that Chen Yi cannot deal with in the large dangerous area between cities. Alien beast.

I have to go back to the city first to have a look...

Gu Mochen shook his head helplessly. At the same time, another Wei Ningsi avatar who accompanied the top ten beast warriors to Jiang'an City suddenly paused.

"Why don't you go?"

Seeing Wei Ningsi not moving, the beast warriors looked puzzled.

"This is not far from Jiang'an City, you go first, someone will contact you when you arrive in the city."

Gu Mochen replied in Wei Ningsi's voice.

"then you?"

Yan Kai, the leader of the Ten Beast Warriors, raised his chin and asked Wei Ningsi.

"I... and Lao Duan always came out together. I want to go back and have a look. If he is dead, I can collect his body."

Wei Ningsi spoke lightly, but Yan Kai was stunned.

"Brother Duan, he... is here to protect us."

"So you should listen to him, first go to Jiang'an City to settle down, and then wait for the new order from above!"

Gu Mochen said hurriedly, lest these guys with muscles in their heads be moved for a while, and turn back to kill the hunter's stronghold.

"Okay, then please!"

Thinking of Duan Kangde's heroism at that time, Yan Kai didn't use his righteousness to go back with Wei Ningsi. Instead, he led the rest of the top ten beast warriors to Jiang'an City according to the original plan, leaving only Wei Ningsi behind. .

The reason why Gu Mochen did this was that he needed internal strength.

Changtian City is too far away from Zhonglin City, even if the avatars can be immortal, it is impossible to transmit internal force between each other, so he had to take four avatars with him at once to risk the explosion of his avatars. Internal force rushed to Changtian City.

But now, his avatar left in the hunter's stronghold has insufficient internal strength.

(End of this chapter)

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