Martial arts giant

Chapter 535 Wake Up

Chapter 535 Wake Up
"This is……"

Duan Kande woke up from his stupor, he felt as if he was lying down.

"I... was defeated?"

There was a daze in his heart, but he didn't have the memory of participating in that battle in his mind. When he regained consciousness, what emerged in his mind was the punch Gu Mochen punched behind him.

"Brother Gu!"

This shock was no small matter, Duan Kangde jumped up directly, but there was a sharp pain in the back of his head, which made him unable to help covering his head.

Gu Mochen's blow was really hard. He knew Duan Kangde's strength, and he was afraid that the blow was not hard enough. If Duan Kangde woke up halfway and rushed to open the acupoints that restrained him, it would be terrible.

It was the disciples of the Luo family who filled Duan Kangde's acupoints later on. Among them, the highest cultivation level was nothing more than a shadow warrior, but of course there was no comparison with Gu Mochen, a shadow warrior.

Although Duan Kangde is also a shadow warrior, but he can imitate a beast and transform into a beast warrior. The sudden explosion of strength is enough to open the acupoints tapped by Luo family disciples in one fell swoop.

So Gu Mochen could only say sorry to Duan Kangde. The punch he punched and the punch Wei Ningsi were all done with all his strength, which can be regarded as a double insurance.

"Master Duan, are you awake?"

His loud cry attracted the disciples of the Luo family who were waiting outside the door, and someone pushed the door open and entered immediately.

"who are you?"

Duan Kande had never seen this person before, his body tensed up, and he immediately put on a defensive posture.

"Master Duan, I am a disciple of the Luo family. Brother Gu asked me to take care of you. You can call me Luo Li!"

The disciple was startled, Duan Kant's staring eyes made him feel as if he was being stared at by a ferocious beast, he quickly stepped back half a step, and waved his hands, releasing his kindness.

"Brother Gu?"

Hearing that it was arranged by Gu Mochen, Duan Kangde relaxed a little, rubbed the swelling and pain at the back of his head, and asked, "Where's Brother Gu?"

However, before Luo Li could answer, he was suddenly startled again, jumped up from the bed, and shouted, "No, where is this?"

The drowsiness in his mind was gone, and Duan Kangde suddenly realized the purpose of Gu Mochen knocking him unconscious.

Why knock him unconscious?

Duan Kangde, who knew Gu Mochen very well, knew that it was Gu Mochen's wishful thinking to save him, but... Duan Kangde didn't need him to save him!

More than half of the top ten beast warriors were killed or injured. As the supreme commander, Duan Kande must be responsible. At that time, Duan Kande only wished to die outside the gate of the hunter, and use his own life to pay for those brothers who died in vain. An explanation.

After all, he still underestimated the strength that Chen Yu could muster. He thought that the ten beast warriors gathered together with him and Wei Ningsi, with these twelve shadow warrior realm beast warriors, and the Changtian city warriors gathered by Chen Yu Power, in fact, is unbearable for them to fight.

After all, Yan Fenglei, the strongest in Changtian City, is dead, and among the remaining forces, the one with the highest cultivation level is nothing more than a Shadow Warrior.

Ordinary shadow warriors are not enough to beat them as beast warriors?

With these 12 people present, although the process is dangerous, it is no problem to defend the hunter's stronghold.

But he underestimated Chen Yu's ambition.

Regardless of the life and death of everyone, Chen Yan used various methods such as coercion, lure and coaxing, etc., to forcibly use the beast pill to raise the top part of the warriors in Changtian City by a rank.

Regardless of whether it is a real beast warrior or a fake beast warrior, at least speaking, their combat power in actual combat is terrifying. The only difference lies in whether the beast warrior can recover itself after the pseudo-beast transformation is over. I was originally aware of this point.

There are a lot of twelve beast fighters?
No, Chen Yan has more there.

Although Changtian City is small, there are many warriors, and there are many big and small forces. As long as warriors pass the hurdle of extreme warriors, as long as they practice hard, they will definitely be able to reach the realm of shadow warriors. As for whether they can break through to martial arts practitioners , it depends on their own opportunities.

Therefore, Changtian City has a backlog of shadow warriors. Even if the strength of the beast-like warriors is not as good as that of Duan Kangde's beast warriors, it is still no problem to replace two or three.

Duan Kant also realized this in the end, but it was impossible to order him to retreat when the battle was already under way.

Beast fighters have the rationality of human beings, but also the bloodiness of wild beasts. The saying that they would rather die than retreat is not just a saying. Besides, how can Duan Kant retreat when his brother has died in battle?

In the end, he met Gu Mochen at the last moment, but Gu Mochen couldn't help but beat him unconscious and took him away.

"Brother are so confused!"

With a bang, Duan Kangde shattered the table in front of him with his fist. Among the shattered sawdust, Duan Kande held his head in pain. Now his life was saved, but he became a sinner of the organization, and his beasts Warrior brothers...

"Hmph, you are the one who is confused!"

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded outside the door.

When Luo Li, a disciple of the Luo family, heard the voice, his body trembled again, and he hurriedly stepped aside, seeming to be extremely afraid of the people behind him.

"Yan... big brother?"

Duan Kande was taken aback, he was very familiar with this voice, and there was a look of surprise on his painful face. Among his brothers, there were still some people alive, which gave him a little comfort.

The person who came in was Yan Kai, one of the top ten beast warriors who had not yet fought in the hunter's stronghold at that time.

"Damn it, we were all fooled by that kid!"

After entering the door, Yan Kai glared at Luo Li fiercely, causing the latter to sneer and move away from him. Then he slapped Duan Kande on the shoulder, causing Duan Kande's upper body to sink.


Duan Kangde ignored the severe pain from the palm that slapped him on the shoulder, instead he was taken aback, looking at Yan Kai with some confusion.

"That kid!"

Yan Kai gritted his teeth, and said: "After being stunned and meditating, he pretended to be you and ran to pass the order from above, let us retreat!"


Duan Kangde opened his mouth wide, "Tricking you to retreat?"

He was suddenly ecstatic, grabbed Yan Kai, and said, "What about the other brothers?"

Yan Kai is here, so Gu Mochen's deception is naturally successful, so besides Yan Kai, is there anyone else?
"Except for the few who died in the battle, everyone else has retreated. We are now in Jiang'an City!"

Yan Kai replied, and at the same time glared at Luo Li, obviously still angry.

"Those who died in battle..."

Duan Kangde's eyes dimmed for a moment, yes, after all, there are still brothers who died in battle.

"Where's the hunter stronghold?"

His voice sank, the hunter stronghold that he and the others had defended with their lives should have been lost after Gu Mochen's false rumor evacuated, right?
"This... I can answer!"

But after the words fell, Luo Li weakly raised his hand beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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