Martial arts giant

Chapter 549 Everyone!

Chapter 549 Everyone!
Aren't you responsible?

In one sentence, the question that Gu Mochen had been deliberately avoiding in his mind was stabbed out.

That's right, isn't he responsible for Grandpa's death?
The reason why Gu Mochen deliberately didn't think about this issue was because, in fact, in his heart, he believed that he was more responsible.

Just like Elder Luo Yan said, if it wasn't for his xinxing problem, how could his grandfather would rather give up his life to solve this weakness for Gu Mochen after realizing this?
Grandpa died for himself, regardless of other people's business.

In Gu Mochen's heart, he understood this very well, but how could he have the courage to face and accept it?
How could he accept the fact that he killed his grandfather?

Maybe it was just subconsciously, he put the blame on Luo Bufan, after all, Luo Bufan was also the instigator of this incident, if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have exposed his weakness of heart, and neither would his grandfather. make that move.

So Gu Mochen, who didn't want to think it was his fault, pushed everything on Luo Bufan. If he wanted to kill Luo Bufan, why didn't he want to kill the self who killed his grandfather in his heart?
It can be said that during this period of time, Gu Mochen has been living in the illusion created by himself. He wants to chase and kill Luo Bufan, which is also a psychological hint he gave himself. To kill Luo Bufan is to kill that The self he hates!
Elder Luo Yan's words brought Gu Mochen back to reality.

Why did he kill Luo Bufan?
Elder Luo Yan might know it clearly, but Gu Mochen definitely knew it, which made him stunned for a moment.

The struggle was much weaker, and Elder Luo Yan was taken aback for a moment. When he looked up at Gu Mochen again, he saw the blankness in his eyes.

Did your words work?
He breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, when he said those words just now, he was prepared to completely offend Gu Mochen, but he didn't expect that these words would have an effect, causing Gu Mochen to fall into a state of confusion. middle.

"So your enemy is not Luo Bufan, do you understand?"

In order to let Gu Mochen relax further, Elder Luo Yan tried to continue this topic again.

"My enemy... isn't Luo Bufan?"

Gu Mochen chattered, his distracted eyesight gradually became focused, and his eyes stayed on Elder Luo Yan's face, but what Elder Luo Yan didn't expect was that the focused sight revealed a trace of sharp.

"If my enemy is not Luo Bufan, then... it will be the entire Luo family!"

Elder Luo Yan never expected that such words came out of Gu Mochen's mouth, which is completely different from his previous performance!

"You... what did you say?"

Elder Luo Yan's complexion changed. He still didn't want Gu Mochen to target the Luo family, so he had been dealing with Gu Mochen in a private capacity all along. He originally thought that he could use the situation at that time to make Gu Mochen Chen changed his mind, but he didn't want to, and inexplicably, it had the opposite effect, making Gu Mochen directly point his head at the entire Luo family.

"Do you need to repeat it?"

Gu Mochen stared at him with cold eyes, and said with a ferocious expression: "I will not let anyone who killed my grandfather back then go."

"Chen Yan deserves to die, Luo Bufan deserves to die, and the fighters who besieged the hunter's stronghold deserve to die, including myself!"

After a pause, the corner of his mouth curled up, showing a self-deprecating sneer, "But I can't die yet, my revenge is not over yet."

"Now Chen Yu is dead, and most of the fighters who besieged the hunter's stronghold were killed by Grandpa, but this is not enough, there is still one person who is still alive, Luo Bufan, he is still my target."

"As for Luo Bufan's death, after I fulfill my grandfather's wish, you don't need to worry about it!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of death on Gu Mochen's face, which made Elder Luo Yan's mouth open, wanting to say something, but in the end, all he could say was only one word.


Elder Luo Yan was speechless, how could he persuade a person who didn't even want his own life?

However, what he didn't expect was that this time he had a moment of stupefaction, and at this moment, right in front of his eyes, Elder Luo Yan watched this incarnation with Chen Yu's appearance dissipate !
Before he locked Gu Mochen's wrist, in addition to preventing him from chasing Luo Bufan, he also locked Gu Mochen's avatar with his breath, preventing him from exchanging with the main body or letting it pass from the main body. More internal force to deal with yourself.

But with such a dazed effort, Gu Mochen violently shook out all the internal force in the avatar, and at that moment got rid of the restraint of Elder Luo Yan, and then dissipated the avatar.

Luo Bufan has almost disappeared, and the trace of perception that Gu Mochen left on the opponent is about to be broken away by him, and that trace of perception is sent by the avatar. Gu Mochen can only use the avatar while the perception is still there. Only by merging back into the main body can the main body be able to directly perceive Luo Bufan's position.


Not far ahead, at the same time that Chen Yu's avatar dissipated, Elder Luo Yan heard a loud noise, and when he raised his head again, his heart sank.

It's Gu Mochen!

Gu Mochen's body directly smashed through the outer wall of Luo's other courtyard, and rushed out from inside. The momentum was so fast that the moment he raised his head, Gu Mochen was already far away!
What a great speed!

Elder Luo Yan was shocked, Gu Mochen's speed was extremely fast, and it felt as if he could compete with the speed of his full strength as a Yuan warrior.

But Gu Mochen is just a shadow warrior!

This speed is too much!

And he even felt that with such a speed, he originally believed that Luo Bufan could escape, but when he saw the speed displayed by Gu Mochen, he immediately changed his perception.

Luo Bufan...can't escape!

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, Elder Luo Yan made his own judgment in a flash, if he didn't catch up, Luo Bufan would definitely be in trouble!

Under the repeated torment of the three warriors, the poor taxi was finally broken up by the powerful impact of Elder Luo Yan. The figure of Elder Luo Yan was like a cannonball, and he went straight to chase after Gu Mochen's leaving back. up.

After this chase, his heart became tighter.

Gu Mochen's speed was indeed comparable to his. He started a moment late, and now he could barely follow Gu Mochen's back so as not to lose track of him, but it was extremely difficult to rush forward to stop him.

"Patriarch, I will take responsibility for this matter!"

At the same time, in Luo's house, Elder Luo Yan, who felt Gu Mochen's murderous intent, disappeared before he could say such a word to Mr. Luo.

He knew that if he didn't use his main body, his avatar might not be enough to beat Gu Mochen!

(End of this chapter)

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