Martial arts giant

Chapter 56 Disputes of Interest

Chapter 56 Disputes of Interest
"I said Brother Gu, you can't be so shameless!"

On the other side of the communicator, Duan Kande let out a sigh of relief with great difficulty, and immediately roared wildly.

"How shameless?"

Gu Mochen snorted coldly: "Did you forget what you said back then?"


Duan Kangde was speechless, with a conscience in heaven and earth, he really said that casually at the time, the main purpose was to persuade him to accept the token.

Originally, when Gu Mochen found out that accepting the token would do him no harm at all, but could gain a lot of benefits, he would be ashamed to say things like offsetting favors.

After all, Duan Kant was really giving him benefits at the time, how could he have thought that he would really take his own benefits with peace of mind, and even offset that favor by the way?
"Then...well, Brother Gu, let's not be so unkind, shall we?"

Duan Kangde was about to cry. He patted his chest on the organization side and assured that there would be no problem with this matter, but who knows...

"One is willing to buy and the other is willing to sell. You are also a business person. This business is reasonable, why is it not kind?"

The corner of Gu Mochen's mouth hooked slightly, he had made up his mind not to deal with Duan Kant's troubles.

He had heard about the events at the hunter's stronghold, and he also guessed that the mysterious force that suddenly appeared behind must be Duan Kant and the woman in black.

So, now that Duan Kangde suddenly came to him, presumably it must be related to the dispute at the hunter's stronghold, otherwise why would he be so shameless?
The situation over there is not so good. All forces, large and small, in Changtian City want to take a bite of this piece of fat. One can imagine how many pairs of eyes should be staring at the current hunter stronghold.

Although his cultivation is far superior to the same level, he is not strong enough. He does not want to be exposed to everyone's sight prematurely and become a victim of this competition.

Of course, it is not impossible to expose, after all, he did owe Duan Kant and the woman in black a life-saving grace, but it was true that Duan Kant said before that asking him to accept the token was a favor.

With this sentence, even if Gu Mochen does not reject helping them, some additional benefits are definitely indispensable.

Buying and selling.

Duan Kangde is indeed worthy of being a human being, and he accurately captured the retreat left by Gu Mochen's words. He was relieved immediately, and patted his chest to promise: "Brother Gu, let's not talk about human feelings. How about we make a deal?"

"What kind of transaction method?"

The smile on the corner of Gu Mochen's mouth grew wider, but his tone was very indifferent.

"In this way, as long as you help Brother Duan this time, whatever you want, can mention it as you like!"

Duan Kangde gritted his teeth and said abruptly.

"Tell me first, what do you need my help for?"

Gu Mochen didn't agree first, but asked after thinking about it.

This is also what he is wondering about.

Judging from the cultivation base of the woman in black that day, she is far more advanced than he is now, and she should be a shadow fighter. Besides, there is a so-called birdman association behind Duan Kangde, and they are on the side of the hunter's stronghold. The strength shown, in addition to the two shadow warriors, there are even eight super warriors. These ten people, on the surface, are all stronger than him.

So, Duan Kangde's difficulty this time is not in the level of cultivation, but in some special aspects?

"That's it..."

Duan Kangde hesitated for a moment, but decided to speak to Gu Mochen.

It turned out that the mysterious force that suddenly intervened in the hunter's stronghold before was indeed led by Duan Kangde and the woman in black.

They also worked hard to capture the hunter's stronghold this time, not to mention preparing a strong enough force, and they also controlled Wei Hong in order to become famous as a teacher.

They thought it was safe, but they still underestimated how jealous the various forces in Changtian City were towards the hunter's stronghold.

Therefore, even if Wei Hong patted his chest and admitted that Duan Kangde and the others were part of the Golden Dragon Gang, and they had enough strength to back them up, the various factions reacted strongly after they lost their voice for a short time.

Duan Kande and the others thought they were sure of everything, but in fact they ignored the most crucial point, and it was just brought up by someone that they could not die.

That is... the major negligence of the Golden Dragon Gang in dealing with the beast tide this time!

Although various factions have not begun to investigate the inside story of this incident, judging from the current situation, the Golden Dragon Gang not only miscalculated the level of the beast tide, so that at the beginning of the beast tide, they carelessly opened the emergency For the mission of clearing up, most of the forces in the stronghold were sent out.

Not only that, the Golden Dragon Gang also kept silent to the various forces in Changtian City who were cooperating to defend against the beast swarm, and did not report the attack of the beast swarm according to the usual practice, so that it delayed the opportunity of the battle and caused such a large number of casualties.

This responsibility was originally forgotten with the destruction of the Golden Dragon Gang, but this mysterious force jumped out and claimed to be a member of the Golden Dragon Gang. Since the Golden Dragon Gang is still there, should this responsibility be paid?
When this proposal was brought up, the people on Duan Kangde's side were immediately speechless.

The dereliction of duty of the Golden Dragon Gang is indeed a real problem, and it is also the real cause of the subsequent tragedy. Since the people on Duan Kant's side consider themselves members of the Golden Dragon Gang, they must pay for it.

So after thinking twice, they gritted their teeth and decided to give up huge profits to compensate for the loss of this tragic war.

However, this proposal was not accepted.

Huge benefits?
After all, it was just a one-time compensation. Compared with the never-ending benefits of the hunter stronghold, which can be said to be like a golden chicken laying eggs, it is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Some people even suggested that in view of this dereliction of duty, the Golden Dragon Gang is no longer suitable for managing the hunter stronghold, and a new force should be re-elected to rebuild the stronghold!

This proposal has been agreed by most forces, it is better to eat it than to sit on the ground and divide the dirt!
This is called starving the timid to the death of the daring. The interests of the hunter stronghold have been envied by various families for many years.

Of course, Duan Kangde naturally firmly opposed this proposal. The Golden Dragon Gang is the real owner of the hunter stronghold anyway, so how can they withdraw immediately?
So the war of words continued for a long time, and finally, everyone took a step back.

Duan Kande's forces agreed to re-elect the control of the hunter stronghold, but they did not want to vote to elect a new control force, because in that case, they would not have any chance of unknown origin.

On the other hand, in order to appease the emotions of this unfathomably powerful force, the various forces in Changtian City also gave in and agreed to Duan Kangde's proposal to determine the hunter's stronghold in the form of a contest.

(End of this chapter)

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