Martial arts giant

Chapter 566 Chapter Family

Chapter 566
Zhonglin City is huge.

The reason is that the ten most powerful families among human warriors are all in Zhonglin City.

Think about how much area the Luo family alone occupies, not to mention the gathering of ten great families. If Zhonglin City is not big, it would be enough to accommodate the ten great families.

Of course, the size of Zhonglin City is also due to the strange beasts.

In the entire Ancient Xia Alliance, the dangerous area outside Zhonglin City is the most powerful of alien beasts. Correspondingly, if warriors do not have the strength to resist, how can there be Zhonglin City now?
It is precisely because of the powerful alien beasts that the top ten aristocratic families have gradually developed to this day, becoming the pillars of the human warrior world.

So this is more in line with Xuanlong God's statement, without a powerful enemy, how can he improve?

Since the catastrophe of heaven and earth, in just a few hundred years, the strength of warriors has been improving at a rapid speed. Among them, it can be said that... the strange beasts are really indispensable!

The Li family, one of the top ten families.

This family has a special status among the top ten families. It can be said that if a large-scale war of beasts breaks out, the Li family will be in a logistical position.

It is the logistics of the other nine families.

The Li family's alchemy skills are not in vain. Once upon a time, in the early stages of the development of human warriors, the huge animal horde that nearly destroyed the entire city in Zhonglin City was stabilized by the Li family's timely supply of pills. situation.

So the Li family is a very special existence.

Because of the current decline, the Luo family has begun to be coveted by other families. No one wants to give up the benefits contained in a family with a deep heritage.

But if the declining family is replaced by the Li family, the situation is different.

Although the major families want to have alchemy techniques like the Li family, they also know that the sporadic alchemists outside are absolutely unable to compare with the Li family.

If the Li family declines, not only will the other families not take the opportunity to annex them, but they will also try their best to pull the Li family together, combining the power of the other nine great families to keep the Li family stable.

This is the importance of pills.

On the battlefield, a high-grade elixir may be your life, and this life is given by the Li family.

Only with elixir can you have confidence!

Who can guarantee that after annexing the Li family, they will still be able to refine high-level pills?

So the Li family is the one who is living the most nourishing life in Zhonglin City.

And the alchemy competition once a year is like a grand festival here in Zhonglin City. It is not only expected by the warriors, but even ordinary people living in the city regard it as a top priority.

In the alchemy competition, each family can not only replenish the consumed pills, but also learn about the Li family's recent alchemy geniuses in the final real competition, and what new research the Li family has recently, is there any? A medicine that is more suitable for oneself.

Pills are life, who dare not care about one's own life?

So Gu Mochen, who came out of Luo's house, finally felt the strong festive atmosphere.

Especially the closer to the Li family, the stronger the atmosphere.

And now, Gu Mochen and Li Xin are standing at the gate of the Li family, one of the top ten aristocratic families.

The decline of the Luo family has only happened slowly in the past hundred years. In terms of appearance, the Luo family is not inferior to the Li family at all, but in terms of momentum...

Standing at the door of Li's house, what Gu Mochen felt was a thriving aura, while at the Luo's house, although Gu Mochen was still shocked when he first went to Luo's house, but faintly, he could Feel the meaning of the decline of the Luo family.

This is a mysterious feeling, but it is not the focus of Gu Mochen's attention at this time.

The alchemy competition has been started for a while, but now, it seems that it is still in the stage of auctioning the pills.

They came late, and the auction seemed to have already started. Standing at the door, they didn't see any other aristocratic families or powerful warriors, and they had already gone inside.

"Let's go?"

Gu Mochen turned his head and looked at Li Xin. This is the place where Li Xin lived since he was a child. She should feel a little emotional, right?

Looking at Li Xin with such thoughts, Gu Mochen found that what shot out of Li Xin's cold eyes was cold light.

From her eyes, what Gu Mochen saw was not nostalgia, but deep hatred.

After a while of silence, when Li Xin returned to the Li family, I am afraid that the first thing she thought of was not her life in the Li family. Although she did not seem to be treated very well in the Li family before, what she thought of should be her dependent life. Mother.

When Gu Mochen looked at Li Xin, Li Xin was looking up at the magnificent gate of Li's house, there was a piece of gold inlaid with jade, and the word Li was flying like a dragon and a phoenix.

" exaggerated!"

Li Xin smiled coldly. Facing the word Li, she had a strong disdain, and it was directly expressed on her face. This was a very rare thing for her.

From the time he walked all the way to the gate of Li's house, Gu Mochen has been feeling Li Xin's increasingly cold changes. Now Li Xin seems to be a different person.

If the Li Xin in the past was an iceberg, what is brewing on this iceberg now is a devastating avalanche!

"Okay, let's go."

Li Xin took another deep look at the word Li, and finally took a breath. His cold face became calm, and he took a step ahead of Gu Mochen, and walked slowly towards the gate.

Gu Mochen followed, but he had just raised his foot, and there was already a scolding coming from ahead.


It's the doorman standing around the gate of Li's house.

Seeing Li Xin approaching, the two who had been observing Gu Mochen and Li Xin shouted in unison.

Gu Mochen could tell that these two were just super warriors.

If it was placed in Changtian City, even the Fenglei Sect would not be able to allow two super warriors to guard the gate, but in Zhonglin City, this is very common.

The status of super warriors in Zhonglin City may be equivalent to that of extreme warriors in Changtian City, and they are still rookies who are new to extreme warriors.

But the scolding of these two people was full of momentum, and a hint of pride could be faintly heard, and they didn't take Gu Mochen and Li Xin seriously.

This is the so-called... Dogs see people as inferior, right?

Gu Mochen sneered in his heart. It was the first time he came to Li's house. Because of the two concierges, he already had no good impression of them, let alone he was on Li Xin's side.

Of course, Li Xin couldn't wait for Li Xin to do this kind of rough work relying on warriors. Gu Mochen walked behind and didn't see how he moved. He just bent and flicked with one hand slightly, and then shot out with two hidden vigor left and right.

There were two muffled puffs, hitting Tanzhong acupoints of the two of them.

Tanzhong acupoint is the place where qi and blood gather. When Gu Mochen flicked his finger up, the two super warriors immediately felt their breath stagnate. The sound of scolding and the ending swirled in their mouths, but the movement of stepping forward to stop Li Xin At this moment, he stopped suddenly, his four eyes glared angrily, but he froze on the spot.


The two uttered monosyllables meaninglessly in their Adam's apples, but they could only watch Li Xin walk past them slowly.

In fact, from the time the two scolded them, Li Xin didn't look at them, and she was not affected at all by the way she walked before or now.

She just walked towards Li's house step by step, towards her so-called home.

However, such a magnificent Li family is of course more than just two concierges looking at the gate.

There was a situation here just now, and two more people appeared in front of Li Xin.

These two people are not like the gatekeepers of the two super warriors. Judging from the aura, they are already the peak shadow warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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