Martial arts giant

Chapter 573 The Oppression of Strength

Chapter 573 The Oppression of Strength

The scene became awkward for a while.

Of course, it wasn't Gu Mochen and Li Xin who were embarrassed, but Li Hao and the others who had always maintained a condescending posture.

They have always looked down on Li Xin and never wanted Li Xin to enter the Li family's gate, but the sudden message from the owner slapped them in the face.

Even Li Hao was even more shocked.

To be honest, like Li Jie, after finding out that Li Xin is still only a first-level martial artist, he will inevitably have doubts about her alchemy level.

If you can't even improve your own cultivation, how can you talk about the level of alchemy?
So Li Hao's master and apprentice bullied Li Xin without any scruple.

However, a word from the Patriarch broke Li Hao's heart into a hole in the ice.

If Li Xin is really that useless, why did the Patriarch send someone out to deliver a message?
Since the Patriarch sent someone to send a message, it meant that he already knew what happened at the gate, which made Li Hao's heart pound.

To be honest, it was really unreasonable for him to forcibly stop Li Xin from letting her in. According to the rules of the Li family, as long as they are disciples of the Li family, they are eligible to participate in the alchemy competition.

Even the two dark men next to him, they are retainers attached to the Li family, but even they, if they are interested in the Alchemy Dao Competition, they can try their skills.

Even the retainers are like this, let alone the legitimate disciples of the Li family?
Li Hao felt that he had shot himself in the foot this time. He thought that the higher-ups had misjudged Li Xin, but he never thought that even the Patriarch was still paying attention to Li Xin.

This time it was bad.

Now it's the alchemy competition, and the Patriarch can't afford to deal with him, but Li Hao knows that the Patriarch's temper will definitely not have any good fruit for him after the event.

It's all the boy's fault!

While Li Hao broke out in a cold sweat, he couldn't help but glared at Li Jie.

It was all caused by this kid. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been idle and forced to stand out, but it turned out to be a good thing now, and I don't know how to deal with the aftermath after getting into trouble.

"Still blocking?"

Li Xin and Gu Mochen walked up to the four of them side by side. With the words of the Patriarch as a guarantee, Li Xin's expression did not change, and he still asked in a flat tone with the same cold look.

For her, it doesn't matter whose favor she wins. What's important is that she can enter and participate in the alchemy competition. If she can participate in the alchemy competition, she can seek justice for her mother!
Compared with her mother, the four jumping clowns in front of her are not in her consideration at all.


Li Hao still wanted to take care of his face, but he couldn't get angry after all, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart, silently turned sideways, and let the passage into Li's house open.

He is like this, as a disciple, Li Jie dare not even give a fart. The sentence just now that the Patriarch has orders, why not also gave him a blow, and at this moment, his heart is beating hard, how dare he stop him a little bit .

"Xin... girl..."

However, Li Jie felt that he should do something to redeem the terrible consequences of today's incident.

So he smiled dryly, swallowed, squeezed out a smile that was not much better than crying, and said bitterly: "For the sake of us growing up together, what happened just...just..."

"Just what?"

Li Xin raised his chin and glanced at him indifferently, "Why don't you speak ill of you in front of the Patriarch?"

"Don't worry, I'm not bored to that extent yet."

As she said that, she had already walked through the passage made by Li Jie and Li Hao, and Li Jie felt as if an iceberg was drifting by his side.

At any rate, he let go of some uneasy feelings. Based on his understanding of Li Xin, she is indeed not a person who likes to complain.

"Recently, you'd better not leave the gate of Li's house."

However, after the iceberg drifted past, a cold killing intent locked him again. Gu Mochen followed and smiled coldly at Li Jie. Before he finished speaking, he had already chased Li Xin away.

The other party really wanted to embarrass Li Xin, and his master once wanted to kill Li Xin, which made Gu Mochen unbearable. Although there was nothing he could do now, a single threat was enough for Li Jie.

He was a ruthless character that even the other party's master could easily handle. This threat seemed flimsy, but it was enough to scare Li Jie out of his courage.

Gu Mochen believes that as long as he is still alive, the haze in Li Jie's heart will always be with him and become the biggest demon in his life.

With the inner demons in his heart, no matter whether it is practicing martial arts or diamond alchemy, Li Jie will never be able to calm down, and if he cannot go all out and concentrate, he will not be able to make progress.

Gu Mochen's words really cut off Li Jie's way out.

It's great to have strength!

He knew in his heart what kind of serious consequences his actions would have on another person, but what Gu Mochen was lamenting was his own strength.

At the beginning Zhang Anhai was bullied by Chen Yu's subordinates, all Gu Mochen could do was go to Chen Yu to fight for his life, but the other party dismissed him.

But now, someone is bullying Li Xin, and he can make that person lose all hope with just a casual word.

This is the obvious difference brought about by the improvement of strength.

It is inevitable for Chen Yan to disdain him. The other party is stronger than him and has a better family background. Why would he care about the desperate efforts of a young warrior?

At that time, if Chen Yan really made up his mind to kill Gu Mochen, he didn't even need to do anything, he only needed to give orders.

It's a pity that because of Li Xin's relationship at that time, Chen Yi missed the excellent opportunity to kill Gu Mochen. Moreover, the quarrel with a martial artist kid was about to kill him, and Chen Yan also felt that he had lost his identity.

However, it was precisely because of this mistake that he died in the hands of Gu Mochen in the end. This made people lament the impermanence of the world, but it also taught Gu Mochen a good lesson.

He will not make the mistake of Chen Yan, as long as he has the opportunity, he will obliterate all people or things that may pose a threat to him.

This is how he treats Li Jie today, and in the future, he will not give anyone a chance, and he will try his best to obliterate any person or thing that may harm him or the people around him in the cradle.

Gu Mochen has changed. After experiencing what happened to his grandfather, his mentality has changed significantly.

If it was in the past, he would not have any thoughts about Li Jie, but now, he will not let go of anyone who intends to harm him or Li Xin.

In one sentence, Li Jie was sent to hell!

This sentence was also heard in Li Hao's ears. With his knowledge of cultivation, he naturally knew what kind of impact this sentence would have on Li Jie, but he didn't dare to speak out at all.

Gu Mochen is a person who can easily manipulate himself in the realm of shadow warriors, and Li Xin is even protected by the patriarch. These two people, he can't afford to offend him suddenly.

He was even thinking about whether he should go out recently, how could he take Li Jie into consideration?

(End of this chapter)

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