Martial arts giant

Chapter 579 Finale Lot

Chapter 579 Finale Lot
Robbing money?
Gu Mochen took a deep breath, and had a new understanding of the wealth of these big families.

From the moment I came in to the present, I saw with my own eyes that the elder of the Chen family spent more than 30 billion without even blinking an eye. If this money was spent in that remote town of Changtian City...

Can you just buy the whole city?

As for the Li family, which has earned more than three billion yuan, the auctioneer on the stage just smiled happily, and it's hard to say how excited he was.

The wealth of the top ten aristocratic families is so much exaggerated that ordinary people dare not even dream.

"Okay, thank you all the elders and Patriarchs for your generosity, now, let's move on to the final lot of this auction!"

After the emotions of the families in the audience calmed down a bit, the auctioneer spoke at the right time, and what he said with a smile on his face was full of seductive words.


There was an uproar in the audience, and the Yuanyin Pishen Pill, which was thought to be able to absolutely prevent insanity, was already the climax of this auction. After all, in terms of the efficacy of the medicine alone, the Yuanyin Pishen Pill is no longer inferior to the eighth-level pill .

I didn't expect that there would be a finale?
Everyone in the audience couldn't help sitting up straight, and countless pairs of eyes focused on the auctioneer's face. What is the elixir that is more valuable than the Yuanyin Pill?
The auctioneer had a smile on his face, and was very satisfied with the effect of his words. After selling enough, he finally said: "The following not a pill!"

"Not a pill?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was another uproar in the audience. This was one of the few auctions in the history of the Li family holding the Alchemy Dao Competition that did not sell pills.

However, everyone also knew that every time when medicine pills were not used as auction items, what the Li family brought out were priceless treasures.

Of course, that is the proof that I don't know how many years later.

There have been several times in history that the Li family received some items of unknown purpose, but they were extraordinary at first sight because of their unique advantages.

The Li family will study these items for a period of time first, and if they find out that they are useful to the Li family, they will keep them, and if they are useless, they will put them up for auction.

However, there are some items that the whole Li family can't understand their uses. As the Li family who are extremely pragmatic and like visible benefits, they will choose to take them out for auction and exchange them for alchemy materials with considerable value. .

These items with unknown uses have a certain gambling nature, and the starting price is usually not too high, so there are also aristocratic families who are willing to buy one in hope, or to curry favor with the Li family.

These items were bought, some were shelved, some were studied by buyers, and some of them showed their original value due to some accidental reasons, which shocked the entire warrior world.

Among the auctioned items that the Li family could not thoroughly research, the most valuable item was a magical weapon!
Back then, the Hua family, one of the top ten aristocratic families, bought this magic weapon at a price of one billion yuan. Ten years later, Hua Nian suddenly had an extra magic weapon, which greatly increased its strength. The value of is far more than a billion!
Today, is the Li family going to take out such an item again?

Compared with the divine weapon, the Yuanyin Pishen Pill was really nothing, and as a lot that might have the same value as the divine weapon, it would not be an exaggeration to be the finale.

What kind of item is this?
Even Gu Mochen and Li Xin couldn't help but have curious expressions, and their gazes also fell on the face of the auctioneer on the stage.

"The following lot is..."

While the auctioneer was talking, he raised one hand at the same time, and he could see two disciples of the Li family coming forward from one side of the auction platform, carrying a wooden platform covered with red cloth.

The two walked steadily step by step, but others could still see that beads of sweat were dripping from their dignified faces.

Is it that heavy?
Everyone was puzzled, the part covered by the red cloth on the wooden platform was just a slight bulge, and it didn't seem to have much weight.

Those two disciples also seem to have the cultivation base of super warriors. With the strength of super warriors, do they still feel strenuous?

Just one person on stage aroused the great curiosity of all the families in the audience, including Gu Mochen.


The wooden platform was gently placed next to the auctioneer, and the two disciples could be seen heaving a sigh of relief at the same time. When walking down the platform, they had time to wipe the sweat off their foreheads.

The auctioneer didn't hold back anymore, and under the curious eyes of everyone, he lifted off the red cloth, revealing the contents inside.

It turned out to be a... stone the size of a human head.

The stone is irregularly round as a whole, and the surface is even more bumpy. It looks as ordinary as a big stone picked up by the side of the road.


Everyone in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay, and some disciples of the aristocratic family were even looking at other aristocratic family members, trying to find some clues from the other's complexion.

However, what they saw was blank.

Nobody knows what it is.

"This is... a meteorite?"

Someone in the audience asked tentatively.

But it's just a meteorite, although it's rare, it's not a big deal, right?

"Whether this is a meteorite or not, I don't know, but if you want to explore it yourself, you can release your spiritual sense to perceive it."

The auctioneer smiled lightly, and there was a flash of surprise when his eyes passed over the stone.

The Li family had obtained this stone for a long time, but although they could easily discover the extraordinaryness of this stone, they were at a loss as to how to use it.

After more than ten years of research, the Li family finally gave up. In line with their pragmatic nature, they decided to put the stone up for auction.

It is good for someone to buy it and discover the use of the stone. The other party will also appreciate the goodness of the Li family while their strength has greatly increased. Just like the Hua family who got the magic weapon before, the relationship with the Li family has been good until today.

It doesn't matter even if the person who bought it can't find out the purpose of this stone, anyway, the Li family can make a fortune from it.

The auctioneer's words made the members of the aristocratic families who couldn't hold back their curiosity release their spiritual sense one after another. Originally out of respect for the master, after entering the Li family, the masters of the major families tried their best to suppress their spiritual sense Don't make random perceptions.

Now that they have the permission of the Li family, they are still willing to suppress it. For a while, all kinds of invisible spirits danced in the huge auction venue, and they all flew towards the stone in unison.

Gu Mochen also released his spiritual consciousness, his spiritual consciousness is powerful, and perhaps only a few masters of martial arts can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, so although he is in the last row, his spiritual consciousness is one step ahead around the stone.

He was shocked by this perception.

"This this……"

A very familiar feeling suddenly came to my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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