Chapter 581
Gu Mochen, bid [-] million!
Under the astonished gaze of the crowd, Li Xin frowned slightly.

She didn't want to know why Gu Mochen bid suddenly. After all, since the other party opened his mouth, he naturally understood the function of this stone better than everyone present, but the reason for her frown was...

Does he have [-] million?
Li Xin knew Gu Mochen well. She had known him since he was a poor student of a third-level martial artist. Since then, she has been very clear about what Gu Mochen has experienced.

In my impression, Gu Mochen seems to have never made a fortune?

Then he shouted [-] million with great arrogance, if he can't come up with the money later, it will be...

"That... this brother..."

Beside the two, Li Yang was also tongue-tied.

It's not because of the price of [-] million yuan. In fact, with Li Yang's status in the Li family, [-] million Wu coins is only worth it. He really doesn't pay attention to it.

But the problem is that Gu Mochen yelled this voice in their own area of ​​the Li family.

There has been an unwritten rule in previous auctions, that is, the Li family, as the host, is not eligible to bid.

This is to resolve the doubts in the hearts of the major families, and it is also an act of self-proving innocence.

No matter how high the price of each item is, it is always your nine aristocratic families who bid, and the Li family did not take the opportunity to drive up the price.

So when Gu Mochen yelled out suddenly, Li Yang was stunned, but also noticed that the face of the auctioneer on the stage changed.

It was his master who was acting as the auctioneer on the stage. At this time, he cast his eyes on him with an ugly face, and the meaning of the question was self-evident.


Gu Mochen turned his head and looked at Li Yang, with doubts in his eyes.

"People from the Li family cannot bid at the auction."

Knowing what Li Yang meant, Li Xin calmly explained it for him.

"I'm not from the Li family?"

Gu Mochen raised his brows, people from the Li family can't bid, so can't he too?
"No...but the problem is..."

Li Yang was speechless, and pointed to where they were.

Gu Mochen suddenly realized that he stood in the area of ​​the Li family to bid, and it was not surprising that he was regarded as a disciple of the Li family.

In the blink of an eye, he saw that in the eight areas, the family members of the eight great families also cast their eyes over because of his bid. These people had different expressions, some were puzzled, some were curious, and some were frowning and thinking. .

What is the function of the stone on the stage, no one knows, but at this time someone is bidding, and it is still standing in the area of ​​​​the Li family, which is a bit...

This young man, does he really know the function of this stone, or is he an ignorant boy from the Li family, creating an atmosphere here?

Gu Mochen didn't care about the eyes of these aristocratic family members. After understanding Li Yang's meaning, he realized that his bid just now might be invalid, so he turned his eyes.

Ten areas were divided into the auction site, nine of which were occupied, and only one was vacant, which belonged to the Luo family.

But at this time, when everyone's attention was still on Gu Mochen from the Li family, only a few people noticed that at the Luo family, it seemed...

"I offer [-] million!"

The same voice sounded in the originally empty area of ​​the Luo family. Everyone turned their heads in astonishment, only to see the same young man standing in the Luo family area again with his right hand raised high.

And Gu Mochen also turned his head to look at Li Yang in the Luojia area, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, it's fine to bid here, right?

"The incarnation outside the body is the incarnation outside the body!"

The powerful family members who had already noticed that Gu Mochen used the incarnation outside the body did not say much, but those disciples with lower cultivation bases suddenly realized that what Gu Mochen used just now was the incarnation outside the body!
Then it can be explained that he appeared in the Luo family area.

The Luo family's unique skill is the incarnation outside the body. This young man used the incarnation to run to the Luo family area, and then bid again, which already showed his identity.

It turns out that this time, it's not that the Luo family didn't send someone to participate in the auction, it turned out that... a person came.

So is there just one person?
Seeing Gu Mochen's serious bid, many disciples from aristocratic families who followed their elders to learn more couldn't help laughing.

Compared to the joy of the disciples, many elders who led the team frowned.

It's not surprising that they are members of the Luo family, but the strange thing is, given the current situation of the Luo family, do they have the spare energy to spend [-] million Wu coins to buy a stone with no known use?
In other words, the Luo family knew the purpose of this stone, in order not to attract the attention of the family, so they sent a boy to bid, to confuse everyone, thinking that it was just an ignorant man who wanted to spend [-] million Wu coins on a gamble luck?
No matter what the situation is, based on the consideration of suppressing the Luo family and preventing it from recovering, we have to fight!
There are not a few aristocratic families who have this idea, and the Chen family, which has been showing off at the auction, was the first to make a move.

"Two hundred million!"

The old Chen family didn't even raise their eyelids. To his Chen family, [-] million is just a small amount of money.

Gu Mochen's eyes were fixed, and he glanced at the Chen family, a surge of anger rose in his heart.

People from the Chen family had always been against him in Changtian City, but now in Zhonglin City, before the two sides broke their faces, the Chen family jumped out to ruin his good deeds again!
He must get this stone!
"[-] million, Elder Chen bid [-] million, is there a higher price?"

Although because of Gu Mochen's disturbance, it seems that the Li family may lose money selling this stone, but the matter has come to this point, of course the reputation of the Li family should be the first priority, so the auctioneer is still performing his duties , shouted loudly at the scene.

No further bids were made.

How to use this stone is still unknown. Everyone in the Chen family knew the reason for their bid, so of course it was unanimously announced at this time. If the boy from the Luo family did not bid, of course they would not act rashly.

Moreover, from the boy's next move, they can more accurately judge the significance of this stone to the Luo family, and then decide whether to grab it or not.

Gu Mochen's frown deepened.

In fact, he didn't have much money in his card, and it was just the money left after buying some exotic animal materials and selling them to Duan Kangde at the very beginning, not to mention 100 million, even [-] million he couldn't get out.

But that doesn't mean he has no money.

"Wait a moment!"

After thinking about it, Gu Mochen raised his hand high, and said loudly: "I have a question that needs to be clarified before I can bid."

The auctioneer took a deep look at him. Although the other party was a young man, he also clearly felt that he was just a shadow fighter's little ghost, but he was the only one in the Luo family area at this time, so his words represented the words of the Luo family. If the other party has a question, as an auctioneer, he is of course obliged to answer it.

No one at the scene doubted Gu Mochen's identity, and an incarnation outside his body was enough to make people think otherwise.

(End of this chapter)

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