Martial arts giant

Chapter 601 Li Mo's Regret

Chapter 601 Li Mo's Regret


Li Xin is actually refining the furnace now!

When he realized what was going on at the No. 87 high platform, even Li Mo, who had always been indifferent, changed his face.

Furnace refining, this is an extremely high and profound alchemy technique, and it has a very long history. Among today's alchemists, very few people know this alchemy method.

Even he, the head of the most powerful alchemy family in the world, has only heard of the saying that there is a refining furnace, but he is not clear about how to refine it.

And on the high platform, what Li Xin was actually doing was refining the furnace!

It is said that the focus of this alchemy method is not on the materials used to refine the pills, but on the requirements for the pill furnace.

Before alchemy, first refine the furnace, and dissolve part of the essence of the materials needed for refining the pill into the pill furnace, and then use this pill furnace to refine the pill you want to refine.

In this way, after re-adding materials to start refining, the newly input materials plus the essence of the liquid medicine attached to the alchemy furnace, the two phases overlap, and the effect of the materials can be maximized.

The most special effect of the secret method of refining furnace is that it can make high-level pills from low-level materials by virtue of the superimposed characteristics of the two phases!

This method of leapfrogging is the secret method that all alchemists want to obtain.

After all, you only need to put in the next-level materials to get a super-level elixir. Who wouldn't want such a good thing?
Every time the material for refining elixir is improved by one level, its price will increase by more than ten times.

It's like the difference between the seventh-level animal pill and the eighth-level animal pill.

The price of each seventh-level animal pill ranged from a few million to 1000 million, and it was replaced by an eighth-level animal pill. Gu Mochen had sold forty pills before, and each one was worth [-] million Wu coins.

Moreover, the Li family knew that [-] million Wu coins was only the market price, and it happened frequently that there was a price but no market.

From this, it can be seen how crucial it is to be able to reduce the cost of materials when refining pills of the same grade.

This ancient secret method, which even the Li family wanted but could not obtain, was reproduced by Li Xin?

At this moment, even Li Mo became excited.

If the Li family obtains this art of refining furnaces, it is conceivable that with the current reserves of the Li family, the number of pills that can be refined, regardless of the type or quantity, will at least double!
It is self-evident that the financial resources of the Li family are extremely large and exaggerated. It can be said that among the top ten families, the financial resources of the Li family must be the top of the family because of alchemy. The Chen family will not be the opponent of the Li family if it is just a matter of wealth.

This furnace refining technique is simply the perfect secret technique prepared for the Li family!
But... this secret technique is now in Li Xin's hands.

After Li Mo got excited, he could only smile wryly.

Should I go directly to Li Xin face to face?

He couldn't even imagine what answer Li Xin would give him.

Even if he died, Li Xin wouldn't hand over the secret technique to the Li family, would he?

Li Mo rubbed the center of his brows. He knew that what Li Xin was performing was the furnace refining technique. He should have observed it more closely just now, at least he could have caught a glimpse of something.

But although his attention was on the No. 87 high platform, his mind was thinking about other aspects, and he didn't pay much attention to what Li Xin was doing.

In his mind, it was just alchemy.

Li Mo's attainments in alchemy must have surpassed Li Xin's, so why would he pay special attention to a junior who in his opinion is still young in alchemy?
But Li Mo also knew that the furnace refining technique was ever-changing, but the refining plan was pre-set according to the elixir he wanted to refine, and there was no fixed routine.

He just stood by and watched, and at most he used his excellent alchemy skills to copy the method Li Xin used to refine this elixir.

He only saw the surface but not the inside, and he couldn't understand the principle.

"The Li family...has left the treasure!"

Li Mo shook his head, but he also knew that this was a chance.

It is obvious that Li Xin acquired the art of refining furnaces outside. If she had stayed in Li's house, she might not have had the opportunity.

But at the same time, after Li Xin obtained this opportunity, his relationship with the Li family became very tense, and it was impossible for him to willingly offer the art of refining furnaces with both hands.

After all, the Li family was still short of a chance. At this moment, Li Mo saw the reappearance of the art of refining the furnace, but Li Mo could only watch eagerly.

While thinking about it, he also paid a little attention to observe the elders of Li's parents on the left and right.

Finding that each of these people had their own concerns on their faces, but none of them seemed to have noticed what Li Xin was doing at this time, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Little girl, you're lucky. I'm the only one who knows a little about furnace refining in the Li family. Otherwise, you're going to be in trouble today!"

The art of furnace refining has long been lost. When Li Mo was looking through the collection of the Li family, he saw a little introduction about the art of furnace refining in a very inconspicuous ancient book.

In the entire Li family, he is the only one who knows some characteristics of the art of refining furnaces, but the other elders don't.

Otherwise, given the preciousness of the art of refining furnaces, this is a secret art that can drive any alchemist crazy, even if he is the head of the Li family, he might not be able to suppress it.

Not only could Li Xin not be kept, even he, the patriarch, might be impeached.

The time has gone on for five hours.

In the past two hours, Li Xin didn't do anything, and didn't give any instructions to Gu Mochen, just let him keep the high temperature of [-] degrees to continue roasting the empty pill furnace.

There was no trace of dark green mist in the alchemy furnace, and what stood in front of Li Xin and Gu Mochen seemed to be an empty alchemy furnace.

Gu Mochen is not in a hurry. It is just a trivial matter for him to maintain such an output of internal force. While maintaining a stable output of internal force, he can even spare a little bit of attention to run the Wilderness Art to give the lost internal force to him. Add it back.

It has to be said that on the spot where more than 100 high platforms were simultaneously opened for alchemy, the energy of heaven and earth was so strong that it could be transformed into internal energy with a single breath. If you practice in this kind of place...

Several times, Gu Mochen couldn't help but want to run the Wilderness Art with all his strength, and suck up the pure energy escaping from each pill furnace, and inhale it into his own dantian together.

These energies are so rich that Gu Mochen believes that if he absorbs them all, even without the help of the unrefined dragon essence in his body, he might be able to directly break through to the level of a martial artist.

Too bad he can't.

At such a time, if he dared to create a spiritual vortex, he would be courting death.

(End of this chapter)

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