Chapter 604
The Li family's status in the alchemy world is a holy place in the hearts of other wild alchemists.

Almost all alchemists are proud to be able to enter the Li family.

Similarly, only alchemists understand what kind of changes and breakthroughs will be brought to their alchemy level by entering the Li family.

Even the alchemists living abroad think so, let alone the disciples of the Li family themselves.

Therefore, the recruitment of alchemists by the major aristocratic families these years has not been smooth.

The person they like has no intention of leaving the Li family.

And some people who feel that they have no future in the Li family and want to find another way out often have low levels of alchemy.

So in recent years, the major families have also recruited a group of disciples from the side branches of the Li family, but the level of alchemy of these people is completely unable to meet the needs of the families.

Their most important source of elixirs still had to rely on the Li family.

This can be seen from the fact that every year in the Li family's alchemy competition, various aristocratic families spend a lot of money to buy elixirs that exceed their own value.

The Li family is still an existence that is not easy to offend.

But now it seems that there is a candidate?
The grievances between Li Xin and the Li family did not cost much, and the various families obtained information from the spies stationed in the Li family.

As for such a person, in recent years, the Li family really hoped that she would return to the Li family. Apart from Li Xin's outstanding alchemy talent, there was no need to think twice.

But for a Li Xin, of course, the major families had no intention of directly offending the Li family. Among them, only the Chen family had ever taken action, sending Chen Yan to approach Li Xin, but it failed.

It can be said that Li Xin in the past was just like Gu Mochen in the past. When he didn't really show his strength, although he was good, he didn't deserve too much attention from the aristocratic families.

But not now.

What is happening on the No. 87 high platform now is getting the unanimous attention of the senior management of the Li family.

The thing that can change the face of the Li family is naturally alchemy, so it doesn't care about Gu Mochen, but about Li Xin.

What the families are waiting for now is the result.

What kind of elixir Li Xin can refine has become the focus of their attention, and it also indicates what the various families think about Li Xin in the future.

A high-level alchemist who has a grudge against the Li family is something that can be met but not sought after, so you have to fight for it no matter what!
All the families had the same idea at this time, but for the Chen family, it was extremely entangled.

This kid Gu Mochen has repeatedly clashed with the Chen family. Up to now, they haven't found any news about Chen Yan who is in charge of Changtian City.

Where Chen Yan went, even Wang Ge who returned to Zhonglin City with him at the beginning couldn't tell clearly. Until now, Wang Ge didn't expect that the person who came back with him was actually not Chen Yan himself.

But the Chen family got real information about the conflict between Chen Yu and Gu Mochen.

In addition to the conflict between Gu Mochen and the Chen family four days ago, it can be said that the Chen family and Gu Mochen are definitely enemies rather than friends.

But Li Xin got very close to Gu Mochen...

Regarding Li Xin's alchemy technique, it cannot be forced by force.

The other party is not willing to concoct alchemy for you, or do some little tricks in the elixir, who in the Chen family would dare to eat the elixir refined by her?

According to the collected information, although Li Xin is a woman with a very weak cultivation base, her temper is also extremely strong. If she is strong, she cannot make the other party succumb.

Of course the Chen family also wanted Li Xin, but how could they get it?

Gu Mochen was in the middle.

"It's this kid again!"

The elders of Chen's family looked ashen. After recognizing the current situation, Gu Mochen's hateful face appeared before his eyes again.

With the relationship between Li Xin and Gu Mochen, even if she had to choose any family, she would never choose the Chen family, that's for sure.

So, what to do with what you can't get?

After cursing secretly, the elders of the Chen family made a decision that their Chen family would always make in an instant.

The things that cannot be obtained are of course destroyed. Could it be possible to keep them for other aristocratic families to increase their strength?
There is also a competitive relationship between the various families. If your strength is stronger, your own strength will be weaker. The Chen family, which is currently the hegemony, will certainly not let other families surpass you Opportunity.

It was only because the current strength of the Luo family was too weak that they became the targets of the Chen family's blatant suppression. In fact, why didn't the Chen family want to suppress all the aristocratic families in order to make themselves the dominant one?
Therefore, Li Xin and Gu Mochen who couldn't get it could only be destroyed!
Having made a decision in his heart, when the elders of the Chen family looked at the disciples on the left and right, their eyes were already more sharp.

It's just such a look, the disciples who are very familiar with their elder's behavior style already know what they should do in the next moment.

In addition to monitoring Gu Mochen, the disciples of the Chen family reassigned their staff, and even Li Xin became the focus of attention.

A series of psychological activities off the field foreshadowed the near future of Gu Mochen and Li Xin, but at this moment, their attention was still on the alchemy furnace.

The chaotic-colored companion flower was still suspended in the center of the refining furnace pill, neither going up nor down, facing the high temperature as high as [-] degrees, it was awe-inspiring.

And the dark green breath drawn from the furnace wall was finally exhausted, and no new breath emerged from the furnace wall.

Li Xin observed again, and when she was sure that there would be no more dark green breath coming out, she hesitated and looked at Gu Mochen.


Gu Mochen asked immediately.

"How much more can you increase the temperature in the furnace?"

Li Xin looked at him with a nervous expression on his face.

Gu Mochen was startled, he had never seen Li Xin get nervous before, knowing that this time must be extremely important to her, so he carefully calculated it in his heart.

After thinking about it, he said: "If there is no problem with the alchemy furnace, I should be able to raise the temperature to [-] degrees."

"This is the limit, and it won't last long. It can only last for an hour at most."

Fortunately, the elders of the Li family used their internal force to seal off the No. 87 high platform, otherwise, if the contestants on the nearby high platforms heard it, it would be a direct blow to their hearts.

Which assistant present dare to say that he can raise the temperature of the pill furnace to [-] degrees?

Even the current [-] Baidu, many people can't reach it.

And it lasted for an hour.

After the temperature of the pill furnace exceeds the limit of the flame, it depends on the internal force of the contestants or their assistants to support the combustion. Every degree of increase, the consumption of internal force will increase.

A temperature like the Arabian Nights of [-] degrees cannot be achieved without sufficient internal support.

"An hour?"

Li Xin also estimated in his heart, and said, "Enough."

"As for the alchemy furnace, you don't have to worry. The Li family's alchemy furnaces are all specially made, and it's no problem to withstand a high temperature of [-] degrees."

(End of this chapter)

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