Martial arts giant

Chapter 611 Li Mo

Chapter 611 Li Mo
There is no point in waiting any longer.

Everyone knew that it was impossible for someone to refine an eighth-level elixir on the more than a hundred high platforms present at this time.

In fact, all the contestants now, including the core disciples who are in the innermost circle with the No. 87 high platform, also stopped the pills they were refining, and let those precious materials turn into flying pills in the alchemy furnace. Ash.

What they were paying attention to at this time was the little stars that inadvertently escaped from Gu Mochen's hands.

Eighth-level elixir, among these disciples who have devoted themselves to alchemy for many years, it is a work of art that is more precious than anything else!
The fascinated look appeared on the faces of all Li family disciples, and it also confirmed the guess of the other aristocratic family members that this is an eighth-level elixir.

So what are you waiting for?

Everyone was excited, and everyone understood the irreconcilable conflict between Li Xin and the Li family.

So they were all waiting, waiting for Li Mo to announce the champion of the alchemy contest.

Because only in that way, this alchemy competition will be officially ended, and then they can act.

Whether it was the Chen family who decided to destroy Li Xin and Gu Mochen, or the aristocratic families who wanted to win Li Xin for their own use, they were all gearing up and preparing to carry out their own plans.

And Li Mo...

He didn't seem to feel the questioning eyes cast on him from all around, his brows were still furrowed, he turned his head slightly, and slowly moved his gaze to Li Xin's face.

This gaze caused violent ripples in Li Xin's heart.

She is very familiar with Li Mo's eyes at this time, it can be said to be unforgettable!

Back then, Li Mo made the decision to let his mother go to the front line after showing such a look. It was this look... that killed his mother!
Is it the same look now?
Does he still want to kill himself?
Li Xin looked back coldly, with no emotion in his eyes, cold and indifferent.

The current self is not the weak self of the past. Back then, she was unable to protect her mother, but now, if Li Mo wants to kill her, it is not an easy task!
It's true that her cultivation is very low, but her cultivation level in alchemy is enough to make people ignore her own cultivation.

Li Xin believed that she only had to say one thing at this time, whoever could help her get rid of Li Mo, she would do her best to refine the elixir for him.

As long as she said this, she believed that even the Chen family would definitely make a move!

Who wouldn't want to have an alchemist who can refine divine pills?
Everyone flattered and flattered the Li family for nothing more than the Li family's elixir, but now that they have Li Xin, they don't need to look at the Li family's face anymore, they can be self-sufficient and meet the needs of the entire family's elixir.

This is the powerful power possessed by a high-level alchemist, and it is also the revenge power that Li Xin plans to use to take revenge on the Li family.

Facing Li Mo's gaze, Li Xin looked back at the past without showing any weakness. She was no longer the desperate and helpless little girl back then.

Li Mo was stunned.

He is also very familiar with this look.

Also back then, when he made that difficult decision, Li Xin was young and weak at that time, but from her eyes, Li Mo also saw the cold gaze that wanted to freeze him.

Suddenly, his heart softened.

Li his daughter!
biological daughter!

Few people in the Li family knew about this matter, but there was no doubt that Li Xin was Li Mo's biological daughter.

Back then, when Li Mo had just ascended the throne as the Patriarch of the Li family, he had a relationship with a woman from the side of the Li family, and that woman was Li Xin's mother.

However, the family rules of the Li family are so strict that even he, the head of the family, cannot ignore them.

The rules of the Li family stipulated that all senior members of the Li family, including elders, core disciples, and the head of the family, could only choose a spouse from the principal house of the Li family if they got married.

This regulation is to maintain the dominant position of the Li family in the alchemy world.

The Li family's alchemy skills have always been coveted by other families. For so many years, other families have expressed friendship with the Li family on the surface, but in private, they are constantly sending people to infiltrate the various branches of the Li family, hoping that one day Being able to break into the core group of the Li family, so as to spy out the core and most fundamental secrets of the Li family.

Of course the Li family is aware of this, but even though they have unique advantages, they dare not declare war on all the families at the same time.

And the number of family members from various families who infiltrated into the side branches of the Li family is unknown, and there is no way to find out.

A similar situation happened more than 100 years ago.

At that time, an elder of the Li family had a relationship with a side branch girl, and then married her back to the main room.

Unexpectedly, this woman turned out to be an undercover spy sent by another family, and secretly collected a lot of information about the Li family.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and the information she collected was not passed on.

But this incident also sounded the alarm for the Li family.

In this troubled world, if you want to survive, you must have your own core competitiveness.

The competitiveness of the Li family is the way of alchemy, which is absolutely not to be missed.

Therefore, the patriarch of that generation established an iron law, as long as the disciples involved in the core secrets of the Li family, they are absolutely not allowed to have feelings for people in the side branch!

This rule has been passed down from generation to generation, until Li Mo became the head of the Li family, it has not changed in the slightest.

If Li Mo wants to marry, he can only choose a woman from the main room.

Fortunately, the Li family is too powerful now, and it is only the orthodox backbone. After so many years of spreading branches and leaves, there are thousands of people, so it is unlikely to encounter such a taboo as marriage of close relatives.

Even though he knew this, Li Mo still couldn't help having a true relationship with Li Xin's mother, and gave birth to Li Xin.

Li Mo has kept this secret all the time, and there is no official marriage to bring Li Xin's mother and daughter back to the main house. He has been carefully hiding this secret.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

The relationship between Li Mo and Li Xin's mother was still known in the Li family.

What's even worse is that the person who discovered this was actually a spy sent by the Chen family!

So Li Mo's secret was known by the Chen family.

Li Mo is the head of the Li family and the person with the highest authority in the Li family. When the Chen family realized that they had caught Li Mo, they undoubtedly wanted to covet the Li family's alchemy technique.

The Chen family knew that Li Mo's ability to become the head of the Li family must be extremely loyal to the Li family, so they could only resort to extreme measures if they wanted to make Li Mo submit.

For example... secretly drugged Li Xin's mother, turning her into a pseudo-beast warrior who was still in the experimental stage of the Chen family!
Pseudo-beast fighters, even today, still exist without an antidote.

At that time, the Chen family used Li Xin's mother as a constraint and made a request to Li Mo.

They want Li Mo to also participate in the research on the secrets of beast warriors. Based on Li Mo's understanding of elixir, the Chen family believes that there will be great discoveries!

(End of this chapter)

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