Martial arts giant

Chapter 630 Fusion of Internal Strength

Chapter 630 Fusion of Internal Strength
The internal force coming out of each dantian has the unique aura of this dantian.

After discovering this, Gu Mochen realized that it was not easy to connect each dantian.

There is actually a conflict between the breath and the breath. Even though Gu Mochen came from practicing the wild art, after running around in each dantian, he was contaminated with the unique breath of this dantian.

At this time, the seven dantians in Gu Mochen's body seemed to be seven different countries. Countries can cooperate, but they cannot be annexed.

He once tried to let the internal energy from Shanzhong's dantian enter into Lingtai's dantian, but what he didn't expect was that it caused a strong rebound from the original internal energy in Lingtai's dantian.

He tried it, and found that if he mobilized the internal force from other dantians to invade other internal forces, the maximum that the invaded dantian could tolerate was one-tenth of the internal force transmitted from other dantians.

Even a little more, it will immediately cause a riot in the invaded dantian, and then expel all the internal energy that has entered.

This discovery made Gu Mochen dumbfounded.

It's obviously his own dantian, yet it has such distinct restrictions.

In the past, he mobilized the internal force of each dantian to use powerful martial arts to fight against the enemy. He had never attempted to transfer the internal force of one dantian to another.

Later, Gu Mochen tried to empty the internal force in a dantian.

For example, he transferred all the internal energy of the Tanzhong dantian away from the dantian, allowing it to flow through the meridians first, and then transferred all the internal energy of one of the Jianjing dantians into the Shanzhong dantian.

However, to his surprise, after doing so, he found that the internal force belonging to Jianjing's dantian could not function at all in Shanzhong's dantian.

Although it did not attract the rebound of Shanzhong's dantian, the internal force that can be transferred into it has become a pool of stagnant water, which can only exist in the dantian, but cannot be effectively operated to generate new internal force.

This made Gu Mochen very helpless.

When sensing Li Meng's breakthrough, he clearly felt that the internal forces in the twelve dantians in the opponent's body could be completely integrated?
When the twelve starlights shone on Li Meng, they had completely merged into one.

This means that the internal forces in Li Meng's twelve dantians can be fully integrated without receiving any rebound from different auras in each dantian.

But how can I not do it myself?
Gu Mochen was at a loss.

In the end, he could only extract one-tenth of the internal energy from each of the two dantians, and then fuse the two together.

This time he suddenly felt that the two internal forces with different auras were completely fused together. This fused internal force truly achieved the point where there is me in you and you in me, and there is no distinction between them.

This made Gu Mochen happy, he felt the same aura as Li Meng's before, although it was infinitely weaker.

But this at least proves that he is on the right path!

So he extracted a third internal force of the same tenth from the other internal force. He thought it could be integrated into those two internal forces, but he didn't want to. He just started to get in touch with it. One tenth of his single internal force It was bounced off.

Not discouraged, he put the fused internal force aside, pulled another tenth of the internal force from elsewhere, and easily fused with the separate internal force.

Gu Mochen thought for a while, and now he had two fused internal forces in the meridians in his body. After thinking about it, he tried to divide the two fused internal forces into two halves.

In other words, after the fusion of two tenths of internal energy, it became two tenths, but now he has pulled the two tenths apart, and each of them has only one tenth of a single dantian. internal force.

He still remembered this point, a single tenth of the internal force would not cause rebound and repulsion.

Sure enough, as he thought, the two groups originally had fusion internal strength, but after reducing the internal strength to only one-tenth, they can fuse together again.

That is to say, the group of internal energy he has fused at this time actually contains four different dantians, with internal energy of four different auras!
After finding the way, Gu Mochen suppressed his excitement, and did not continue to try to pull the inner force of the dantian that did not participate in it, but divided two tenths of the inner force group into two tenths, and carefully divided it into two tenths. It was pushed to Xiaofang Xiaofang's main dantian.

He wanted to try, whether this group of internal forces that fused the power of the four dantians could be integrated into the dantian and function normally!
The result did not disappoint him.

The internal force of this four-attribute fusion, because its amount is only one-tenth, still did not cause the repulsion of the original internal force in the main dantian!

Although the fusion of internal force appears to be unique in the dantian, it is in harmony with the original internal force. Not only that, it can also operate according to the operation method of the main dantian, which is no different from other internal forces.

From this, Gu Mochen finally found a way to make all the dantians indistinguishable from each other.

But this made him smile wryly.

He discovered it too late. At this time, Gu Mochen already had almost nine dantians in his body.

The internal force in these dantians alone is a huge number. It is too much work for him to use the method he has found out to transform all the internal forces in the dantian into fusion internal force and then fill the dantian.

Every time he needs to fuse, split, re-merge, and split again, after seven consecutive times, he can get a fused internal force of one-tenth of the power in a single dantian, and then inject it into one of the dantians.

Not counting the two unfinished dantians, he needs to repeat this work [-] times before he can completely transform his internal energy into the ideal dantian of fusion internal energy.

The work of splitting and fusing is very slow, especially when there are too many fusion attributes in the internal force, he also needs to be careful, if one fails, the fusion internal force will be split and broken due to the repulsion of the attributes, and he will return without success.

Fortunately, he discovered it in time, he only needs to fuse the internal forces in these seven dantians first, and when a new dantian is created, he only needs to pull the internal force from any old dantian and fuse it with the new dantian. .

It can be described as bitter before sweet.

Before officially starting the dantian fusion, Gu Mochen tried it first. Based on the internal force of the fusion of the four attributes, he practiced a set of yellow-level exercises in the hut, Tieshanjiao.

Gu Mochen was fascinated by that kind of mellow and happy feeling, which could be done at will.

After the internal force of the dantian is fused, there is no difference between them. Because of the fused internal force as a guide, Gu Mochen can freely mobilize the internal force from the nearest and most convenient dantian when performing exercises. The moves are fast and powerful. It is much stronger than his internal force exerted from a single dantian!
(End of this chapter)

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