Martial arts giant

Chapter 633 Unacceptable Compensation

Chapter 633 Unacceptable Compensation

Li Mo approached slowly, looked at Gu Mochen with a vigilant face, and smiled slightly.

"Brother Gu, congratulations."

With his eyesight, of course it could be seen that Gu Mochen's cultivation had made great progress, but after he congratulated him, his face changed slowly.

What was in front of him was just an incarnation of Gu Mochen outside his body, and it was still a clone left before he broke through, so Li Mo lost his sight for a while.

When he looked at Gu Mochen carefully again, he was surprised to find that the improvement of Gu Mochen's cultivation level at this time could not be summed up in two words, congratulations?
Is this person a monster?

Even Li Mo's indifferent state of mind, which has been promoted to a star warrior, has this idea in his heart.

Gu Mochen is already a Yuan warrior?

You still remember when he first came to the Li family, he was just a shadow warrior, right?

Li Mo was speechless suddenly, but his eyes kept sizing up Gu Mochen's avatar.

Of course, with his cultivation base, he can see the essence through the surface. From this avatar, he seems to have seen Gu Mochen's real body directly, and even saw Gu Mochen's current cultivation base in one fell swoop.

Not only that, Li Mo even felt a faint starlight.

What starlight is, he is naturally familiar with it, it is a star warrior!

Gu Mochen's ability to suddenly upgrade two levels in a short period of time to reach the cultivation base of Yuan Wu Zhe has already amazed him, and Li Mo's heart is even more shocked by the appearance of stars in the realm of Yuan Wu Zhe.

Of course, he also knew that the reason why Gu Mochen had starlight appeared was probably the reason why he allowed the other party to stay in the artistic conception space and watch him break through.

But in such a short time, Gu Mochen actually cultivated the starlight that belongs to star warriors, which is a bit too exaggerated.

"As expected, he is the most powerful member of the Luo family!"

Suddenly, Li Mo thought of the former Luo family.

In the previous Luo family, when there were still powerful people in each generation, wasn't it also said to be ridiculously strong?

Although Li Mo did not personally witness the glory days of the Luo family, there is a warning in the Li family's ancestral training not to provoke the Luo family unless necessary.

Looking at it now, this warning is so ridiculous, but when looking at Gu Mochen, Li Mo couldn't laugh at all.

If this child is allowed to grow up, I'm afraid the sky in Zhonglin City will change, right?
Li Mo suddenly realized this, and in the next moment, he also realized that he was no longer the head of the Li family.

If he is not in his position, he does not plan to do anything. He subconsciously wants to use the thinking of the head of the Li family to think about the changes that Gu Mochen will bring to Zhonglin City, and what kind of situation the Li family will be in during this change. position, what kind of benefits will be obtained.

But after realizing that he was no longer the head of the Li family, all his thoughts turned into a slight smile in the blink of an eye.

What's the matter with him?

"Brother Gu, you are the only martial arts genius Li has seen in his life."

He sincerely praised Gu Mochen again from the bottom of his heart.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Mochen didn't speak.

His avatar was looking at Li Mo. Facing this star warrior, the ongoing work of integrating internal forces on the main body also temporarily stopped, and he put all his body and mind on Li Mo.

The other party is a star warrior, an existence that Gu Mochen is still unable to contend with. Before the agreed day for Li Xin to leave the Zangshu Pavilion, Li Mo came here suddenly, so Gu Mochen couldn't help but be careless.

From Li Mo's two consecutive praises, Gu Mochen knew that the other party had seen through his current cultivation, and he really didn't have many secrets in front of the star warriors.

It's like when he first came to Zhonglin City, his cultivation level as a super martial artist could be seen through at a glance in front of Mr. Luo, a martial artist like him. It's a reason.

Gu Mochen was not surprised that Li Mo could see through his cultivation, what he was wondering was, what was Li Mo doing outside Zangshu Pavilion at this time?
"Patriarch Li, a month hasn't come yet, has it?"

He asked this question again, which was what he cared most about.

No matter how harmonious the two were in the artistic conception space before, reality is reality, and many external factors will be added.

"Correct it."

Li Moxiao looked at Gu Mochen. After unloading the burden of being the Patriarch of the Li family, he felt extremely relaxed.

"I am no longer the Patriarch of the Li Family, and I no longer hold any position in the Li Family. If I have to say something, then I am still a disciple of the Li Family, that's all."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Mochen frowned slightly.

Li Mo is no longer the head of the Li family?
He didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Brother Gu, Mr. Li believes in my relationship with Li Xin. You should have already speculated about it, right?"

Li Mochen paused, and before Gu Mochen could speak, he asked bluntly.

After breaking through to Star Warrior, his perception ability has also been improved countless times. The surprised look that Gu Mochen looked at him at the last time in the artistic conception space was enough to provide Li Mo with a lot of information, so he has this ask.


Gu Mochen hesitated for a moment, glanced at the closed door of Zangshu Pavilion, and then said: "Yes, I have some guesses, but they haven't been confirmed yet."

"Are you guessing that Li Xin is my daughter?"

Li Mo smiled, but when the word "daughter" was mentioned, his expression darkened imperceptibly.

Gu Mochen didn't speak, it was a default.

He did have this guess, but it was Li Xin's housework after all, and he couldn't express his curiosity too much, but why did Li Mo take the initiative to bring it up to him at this time?
Without making him wait too long, Li Mo sighed and said, "That's right, Li Xin is indeed my daughter, back then..."

At this time, he completely regarded Gu Mochen as his own, and did not hide anything. He told Gu Mochen about Li Xin's mother and daughter back then, including the matter of the great elder's obstruction.

Afterwards, the reason why he resigned as the Patriarch of the Li family was also revealed.

Gu Mochen was silent for another while.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is Li Xin's boyfriend, but even he himself doesn't know what kind of relationship he has with Li Xin.

Li Xin's family affairs, he has no say in the truth.

" are here now to make up for the mistakes you made back then?"

After a long silence, Gu Mochen asked.

"Yes, I think so."

Li Mo nodded without denying it.

"But I think..."

Gu Mochen hesitated for a while, based on his understanding of Li Xin...

"I don't think she will accept your compensation, will she?"

He looked at Li Mo, and sighed inwardly at what the other party had just said about the past.

The big family looks glamorous on the surface, and it is an existence that everyone envies.

But in fact, the disciples of the big family are far from what outsiders envy, they also have their own helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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