Martial arts giant

Chapter 636 The Way To Solve The Demons

Chapter 636 The Way To Solve The Demons

Li Xin is very different today.

Although Li Xin in the past was also an iceberg-like existence, Gu Mochen could clearly feel that Li Xin today is no longer the Li Xin he knew.

Gu Mochen looked at Li Mo, he felt something wrong with Li Xin, and he believed that Li Mo naturally felt it too.

Could it be that what Li Mo said just now was after he felt something wrong with Li Xin...

"Brother Gu, can you hear me?"

Suddenly, Gu Mochen was observing Li Xin's expression when Li Mo's voice rang in his ears.

He was startled and didn't look over to Li Mo's side, because he knew very well that Li Mo's voice was forced into his ears with internal force, and Li Xin, who was right next to him, could never hear it.

What does Li Mo want to say to himself, and it can't be heard by Li Xin?

His brows were slightly frowned, his lips moved, and he also replied to Li Mo in a forced voice: "Master Li, do you have something to tell me?"

"There's something wrong with Xiner's situation, I believe you can see it too?"

While still slowly retreating under Li Xin's pressure, Li Mo said to Gu Mochen.

"Yes, I can see it."

Gu Mochen directly admitted.

It was obviously not the time to speak slowly at this time, and he did feel that something was wrong with Li Xin, and Li Mo was her father after all, and Gu Mochen could also see that Li Mo wanted to help Li Xin.

"Xin'er has demons and is very powerful!"

Li Mo also said directly: "I need you to cooperate with me, first temporarily control Xiner's demons, and then we can think of other ways!"

"Heart demon?"

Gu Mochen frowned. As a martial artist, he certainly knew what inner demons meant, but Li Xin was an alchemist...

But after having this inner demon, Gu Mochen looked at Li Xin again, and sure enough, she saw that her complexion seemed to be on the verge of madness.

"Okay, what do you say you want to do, I will cooperate with you."

It was about Li Xin, so Gu Mochen couldn't help but be careless, and he also believed that even though Li Mo's cultivation level was higher than his, it was still impossible for him to play tricks in front of him.

After the energy of dragon energy penetrated into his dantian of Lingtai before, his spiritual power has been doubled. Now, if it is only in terms of spiritual power, Gu Mochen is confident that he is not inferior to Li Mo.

It was precisely because of the support of his strong spiritual power that he could feel that Li Mo's expression and his anxious voice definitely did not seem to be fake, he really cared about Li Xin.

Li Mo sighed, he had already figured out the reason why Li Xin became obsessed.

It is Zangshu Pavilion.

In the past, Li Xin was groping alone in the way of alchemy. She also knew that her way of alchemy was not pure, and there were many superfluous things in it.

So all along, Li Xin has been studying only one alchemy.

Although as she said, as early as when she left the Li family, she had already made a poisonous oath in her heart to destroy the entire Li family.

But Li Xin has always known that her strength is not enough. If she wants to take revenge, she can only put all her thoughts on the alchemy.

Until she came to Li's house and participated in the alchemy contest.

In the alchemy competition, Li Xin became famous in one fell swoop. At this time, she may have awakened a little from her single-minded alchemy.

At that time, she began to realize that she seemed to have the capital to avenge the Li family.

But at that time, Li Xin might still be hesitating.

Just as Li Mo analyzed for Li Xin in his heart, although Li Xin now has the ability to refine alchemy, if she relies on any family, the greatest possibility is that she will be used as a tool for alchemy by that family.

If the other party is willing to openly confront the Li family for Li Xin, Li Xin's weight is still a bit lighter.

But later, he resisted all opinions and gave Li Xin a chance to enter Zangshu Pavilion for a month.

No one knows better than Li Mo what is in Zangshu Pavilion.

It contains the Li family's profound accumulation in alchemy for hundreds of years, and it is divided into categories, listing the extremely systematic alchemy knowledge.

Li Xin's weakness lies in the knowledge of the system. She has been groping alone for so many years, so that in some aspects, she is lacking.

It is precisely because of this reason that Li Xin's current strength in alchemy is not low, but it seems to have entered a bottleneck, and it is not easy to improve.

But Li Mo let her enter the library, which just made up for Li Xin's current shortcomings.

Li Mo didn't know what Li Xin had learned in Zangshu Pavilion, but he could tell from Li Xin's expression that she was extremely confident in her alchemy strength, which was enough to make the big families look at her differently.

The strength of strength brought Li Xin unprecedented strength and confidence, but at the same time, it also made her inner demons suddenly swell.

The oath made at that time seems to have reached the point where it can be realized!
However, at this moment, Li Mo came here again, and told Gu Mochen what happened that year.

Li Xin is inside!

She listened to Li Mo's words [-]% of the time.

This is tantamount to a fuse, directly igniting the bomb that has been buried in Li Xin's heart for a long time!
So she won't bear it any longer.

She told Li Mo to die. This was just the first step to take revenge on the Li family. What she wanted was the destruction of the entire Li family!
For this goal, Li Xin at this time is already at all costs, even asking her to attach herself to a family, she would not hesitate.

Everything is caused by demons.

Li Mo saw this, so he wanted to solve this demon for Li Xin.

And the only way to get rid of the inner demons is to...

Let the Li family be destroyed!
"Okay, I'll help you!"

After taking another two steps back, Li Mo stopped abruptly. The strength of the star warrior suddenly exploded at this moment. After all, Li Xin only had a first-level warrior cultivation. How could he advance under the aura of a star warrior?
Not only that, she even became a little difficult to breathe. This is because Li Mo didn't directly hit her with the aura of the star warrior. Otherwise, with Li Xin's almost no strength, it would not be impossible to be crushed to death directly.

"I'll help you, let's deal with the Li family together!"

Under this momentum, every word Li Mo uttered hit Li Xin's heart fiercely, and she couldn't help but be in a daze.

"You? Help me deal with the Li family?"

A daze appeared in Li Xin's eyes. Under the Star Warrior, her ability to think was almost sealed.

"Yes, I will help you deal with the Li family. No one knows the strength of the Li family better than me. With my help, your wish to destroy the Li family may come true in a short time!"

Li Mo continued to speak to Li Xin in an extremely seductive voice.

"But you just said that you gave up my mother for the benefit of the Li family!"

With the demon in her heart, Li Xin still hasn't lost all her ability to think. She still remembers what Li Mo said before.

"That was before, and now I am not the head of the Li family, but your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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