Chapter 653
Gu Mochen didn't plan to visit Yan Kai and the others again.

In fact, he also knew that Yan Kai's people also didn't want to see him.

In the battle at the hunter's stronghold, Gu Mochen tricked Yan Kai and the others.

Although it was to save their lives, Gu Mochen knew that Yan Kai and the others would definitely not accept him.

So it's better not to show up.

Speaking of which, Duan Kangde and Wei Ningsi did not know where they went.

From Zhang Anhai's mouth, Gu Mochen knew that the two of them felt guilty about him, so after handing over the Hunter's stronghold to Yan Kai, he went to Zhonglin City.

But that was a month ago.

If these two people don't take the express train, they have to walk, so they should have reached Zhonglin City in a month, right?
But he did not see Duan Kangde and the other two in Zhonglin City.

Although he didn't show his face much in the city, Duan Kande also knew that he would join the Luo family when he went to Zhonglin City.

But the two of them didn't go to Luo's house to look for him. Later, Gu Mochen made a fuss at Li's house. According to such a big commotion, and the shocking news that Li Xin refined the magic pill in the end, if If Duan Kangde and Wei Ningsi were in Zhonglin City, they would definitely come to him.

Gu Mochen also tried to contact Duan Kangde with a communicator before, but he found that whenever he requested to talk to Duan Kangde, he would be prompted that the other party had no signal.

Gu Mochen was of course also concerned about where Duan Kangde and the two went. When he came out of Zhonglin City, he also asked Mr. Luo to try his best to find out the news.

But the most important thing now is Sikong Bufan.

After settling Zhang Anhai and others, Gu Mochen didn't ask Zhang Anhai to follow him in the end. He still kept Zhang Anhai in Dongwon University on the grounds that Wu Jie and Wu Jie needed to take care of them.

And he was already at the gate of the city.

Coming here, Gu Mochen obviously felt that there were a lot more prying eyes on him, either openly or secretly.

This is after he concealed his aura and changed his appearance, if he showed up with his original face, he would have fought countless times at this time.

Although Sikong Bufan didn't attack Changtian City, there were quite a few warriors arranged near the city gate. This battle was equally important to him, and he couldn't afford to be careless.

But what Gu Mochen cares about is not how many people he has arranged at the gate of the city. To be honest, with his current strength, these warriors who can only reach the realm of shadow warriors are really not a threat.

But it would be best if he could hide his aura first, so that Sikong Bufan could not feel his current strength in advance.

So Gu Mochen didn't move lightly, but kept observing silently like an ordinary person.

On the one hand, he was observing the warriors ambushing at the gate of the city, and more importantly, the warrior who followed secretly.

Gu Mochen hadn't felt the breath of the other party for a long time, as if the man had given up following him after he found out.

But Gu Mochen knew that that person must still be following him.

Just like he looked like an ordinary person after hiding his aura, Gu Mochen couldn't find the other party's aura when that martial artist didn't take the initiative to burst out his aura.

This is the weakness in terms of realm, and has nothing to do with actual combat power.

Even though Gu Mochen was confident that he could defeat the martial artist, he wouldn't be able to perceive it if the opponent didn't try hard to hide it.

It is definitely not a pleasant thing to be targeted by a strong martial artist, so Gu Mochen wanted to solve this potential trouble before he really confronted Sikong Bufan.

Until now, he still thinks that the Martial Breaker following him is from the Luo family.

It seems that this person will not show up until the last moment when he confronts Sikong Bufan!

Gu Mochen couldn't help feeling angry. Until this time, Mr. Luo still maintained Sikong Bufan like this?

very good!

After finally giving up on looking for the dark warrior breaker, Gu Mochen's eyes flashed coldly.

This time, no matter what, he will not let Sikong Bufan run away again, no matter who is in front of him!
As soon as he thought of this, he stopped wasting time here, the two dantians at his knees suddenly turned into motion, and the huge internal force rushed straight to his feet.

With a flash of his figure, the person had disappeared at the city gate. With his cultivation base, even if he kept his aura hidden, the lightness kung fu he displayed could not be detected by these warriors in the realm of shadow warriors.

Especially after gaining two more dantians at the knees, he has greatly improved his lightness kung fu. At this moment, he can do whatever he wants, and in the blink of an eye, he has already stepped out of the city gate and stepped into the danger zone .

Even though Sikong Bufan arranged a lot of people near the city gate, no one saw Gu Mochen's figure.

However, what I didn't feel was just this group of shadow fighters.

In the camp not far from the gate of Changtian City, Sikong Bufan suddenly opened his closed eyes.


He clenched his fist violently, with a savage look on his face.

Since his subordinates reported that Gu Mochen had returned to Changtian City, Sikong Bufan has been maintaining the utmost vigilance.

From the dangerous area outside Changtian City to the hunter stronghold, Sikong Bufan evenly distributed his avatars on this distance to strengthen his perception.

Although Gu Mochen's figure is fast and light, Sikong Bufan only needs to detect whether there is a warrior's aura that exceeds the realm of shadow warriors in this area.

With the help of Po Lijue, Gu Mochen did not escape Sikong Bufan's surveillance even with the little bit of breath that escaped from Gu Mochen the moment he performed his qinggong.

In other words, as long as there is any aura beyond the group of warriors in Changtian City, Sikong Bufan can think that it is Gu Mochen.

He really didn't expect to kill Gu Mochen by relying on the warriors in Changtian City, he had to do everything himself.

In fact, Sikong Bufan never thought about giving his hands to others.

Compared to the humiliation Gu Mochen brought to him, if he couldn't avenge himself, how could he vent his hatred of being forced to blew himself up in his dantian that day?
If it wasn't for Gu Mochen, he would still be the genius young master of the Luo family, so how could he be reduced to this point?
Gu Mochen wanted to kill Sikong Bufan, why didn't Sikong Bufan want to cut Gu Mochen into pieces?

It was just the aura that escaped from performing lightness kung fu, which could make Sikong Bufan perceive Gu Mochen's arrival, but it couldn't allow him to accurately infer Gu Mochen's cultivation at this time.

The moment he opened his eyes and clenched his fists, Sikong Bufan's eyes flashed wildly, and suddenly, his figure became unreal.

Those who are familiar with incarnations outside of the body can see that Sikong Bufan is no longer the main body at this time, but through the transformation of the secret technique, his main body has been exchanged with the clone.

The main body that Sikong Bufan switched to at this time was the closest to the abnormal aura fluctuation in his avatar's perception.

(End of this chapter)

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