Chapter 681 Killing two birds with one stone

Of course Sikong Bufan will not forget Gu Mochen.

He even knew that Gu Mochen would never let himself go like this.

Just now he used the Poli Jue to shatter his body, so that he was resurrected at the iron gate of the beasts, but he didn't believe that Gu Mochen didn't feel the breath that escaped when he performed the Poli Jue.

So Gu Mochen is very likely to be aware of where he is at this time.

That's why his avatar shot out from the top of the cave directly. It was because he knew where the secret passage of the ancient ruins was, and Gu Mochen knew it too.

And if you come down from the inside of the hunter's stronghold, that is, the room of Hong Yuan, the former leader of the Golden Dragon Gang, the endless pressure of the underground passage is still there.

Even if Gu Mochen's cultivation base has skyrocketed now, it may not be easy to double the supreme pressure to pass that one step.

After such a long time, Gu Mochen may not still have the elixir that Li Xin refined that ignores pressure.

So if he wants to come to the ancient ruins to find out and see if he is there, it is very likely that he will also come down from the ancient ruins through the secret passage.

Just now he was quickly pulled back here by the suction force of the Iron Gate of Hundred Beasts. Now counting the time, if Gu Mochen thought of the ancient ruins, he should have arrived.

So since he was lucky enough to solve the problem of Sikong Hao seizing the house, what he had to consider now was how to deal with Gu Mochen.

He alone would definitely not be able to deal with Gu Mochen. If Gu Mochen was really on his way, even if he started to run away now, he would definitely catch up to him.

You know, he just released a clone.

As long as one of the avatar and the main body is caught by Gu Mochen, it will be a disaster for Sikong Bufan.

If the main body is caught, he will die, and if the avatar is caught, if he is restrained by Gu Mochen again, Sikong Hao will definitely seize the opportunity to seize his body.

Both can kill Sikong Bufan, so cooperating with Sikong Hao is the only way he can save himself.


"Do you think that at this moment, there is still a possibility of cooperation between us?"

Sikong Hao said coldly.

He was slapped by Sikong Bufan just now, and at this moment when he was burning with anger, Sikong Bufan came to ask for cooperation?
How to cooperate?

"I believe you can also feel that Gu Mochen should be here soon, right?"

Sikong Bufan said.

"Of course I know he's coming soon. No, I shouldn't use the word "fast."

Sikong Hao sneered, "Otherwise, do you think you can stand here safely and play tricks with me?"

Gu Mochen had indeed already arrived. With his speed, it didn't take much time to get from the previous battle place to the hunter's stronghold, and then he even entered the ancient ruins directly from the secret passage.

But since Sikong Hao has plans for Sikong Bufan's body, of course he won't let Gu Mochen spoil his good deed at this time.

So the moment Gu Mochen entered the secret passage, he used his incomparable spiritual power to create an illusion in the secret passage, making Gu Mochen mistakenly think that what he entered was another relic that he had never been before.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Mochen is still trapped in the illusion and cannot escape, but this is not a long-term solution. With Gu Mochen's current cultivation, sooner or later he will find a way to break the illusion.

Sikong Hao didn't even think about how long he would be stuck with Mochen, as long as he took Sikong Bufan's body away.

But who would have thought that Sikong Bufan's desire to survive would be so strong after all the calculations, he heard the flaws in his own words, and found a way to prevent himself from taking his home.

"Since you know that he has arrived, you should also know that Gu Mochen will definitely kill me!"

Sikong Bufan continued.

"Of course I know, but does it have anything to do with me?"

At this time, Sikong Hao had a lot of hatred for Sikong Bufan. In fact, he knew in his heart that Sikong Bufan must not be allowed to die at this time, but he couldn't swallow this breath.

"Is it okay?"

Sikong Bufan smiled and said, "If I die, will your consciousness still exist?"

"Before you placed your consciousness on the Iron Gate of Hundred Beasts just to wait for an opportunity. When the Youluo family came to this ancient ruins, you passed on the breaking formula to him, right?"

"There have always been rumors in Zhonglin City that you died here in Changtian City. You revealed this news before you died, right?"

"The purpose is to let the disciples of the Luo family come to investigate this ancient ruins, so that you will have the opportunity to transfer your consciousness from the Iron Gate of Beasts to someone else."

"Now your consciousness has been transferred from the Iron Gate of Beasts to me, can you transfer it back?"

"Even if you can turn back, how long will you have to wait for another Luo family disciple?"

Sikong Bufan knew that time was running out, so the speed of his speech sped up a lot.

"You have to know, with Gu Mochen in the Luo family, he will never let the Luo family come here again, or, after he kills me, he will directly destroy this ancient relic, and it will never be destroyed forever. Get rid of this trouble."

"So where does your consciousness go?"

Speaking of this point, Sikong Bufan thinks that there is no need to go on, how to choose, Sikong Hao should have a weigh in his heart.

"Tell me, how do you want to talk about cooperation?"

Perhaps because he felt that Gu Mochen was about to escape from his illusion, Si Konghao stopped being impulsive and turned to business.

"Help me, I can temporarily give you the control of the body, but I will retain the mental awareness. When I need to get back the control, I will take it back directly, without discussing with you!"

Sikong Bufan had already thought of everything, when Sikong Hao asked a word, he immediately expressed his thoughts.

"Hehe, that's a good idea."

When Sikong Hao heard it, he immediately sneered and said, "So you treat me as a tool that you can use, use it when you need it, and throw it away if you don't need it?"

"of course not!"

Sikong Bufan replied: "I will definitely not let you take my body, but if I die, the two of us will finish playing together, but if you help me deal with Gu Mochen and let me leave here alive, Even to kill Gu Mochen, when I leave here..."

He paused for a moment, and said with a cold expression: "I will go to Zhonglin City, Luo's house, and find you a body that can satisfy you!"

"You can take away the body, you only need to be satisfied with the blood of the Luo family. I am not the only one who can do it, isn't it?"

"At that time, you can choose a body with high aptitude, and then I will lend you the body. You will abolish his dantian with your own hands, and force him to practice breaking the law. After the cultivation is successful, you will transfer the consciousness to it. .”

"In this way, I can keep my body, and you can get a better body, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

As early as when Sikong Hao's crisis was resolved just now, Sikong Bufan had planned everything.

As for arresting a disciple of the Luo family as his scapegoat, he has no psychological burden at all.

It is true that he used to be a disciple of the Luo family, but that was already a matter of the past. At the moment when he announced his departure from the Luo family, Sikong Bufan might not have thought of going back to the Luo family to take revenge when he is successful in cultivation in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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