Martial arts giant

Chapter 686 The Planted Demon

Chapter 686 The Planted Demon

"you shut up!"

Sikong Hao's head was buzzing because of Sikong Bufan's noise, and he felt that the other party seemed to be taking back control of his body, so he couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Haven't you heard the saying that if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of having no firewood?"

"To tell you the truth, although I have your body now, but my strength has not yet returned to the peak period, and I can only play against Gu Mochen at this time."

"He is seven, I am three, do you understand!"

Sikong Hao yelled in his mind through his mental power: "I have worked hard for a hundred years just to fight for this [-]% chance? Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

"Since there is a [-]% chance, why should I give in to him?"

Sikong Bufan was also furious. He had no way to deal with Gu Mochen, but Sikong Hao had a [-]% chance. If he was given the [-]% chance, he would definitely choose to fight Gu Mochen to the death without hesitation!

"why not?"

Sikong Hao asked back, "If you are not certain of winning, why would you gamble on luck?"

"If you don't kill Gu Mochen today, you will have no chance in the future!"

Sikong Bufan said angrily: "Next time, you might find another body, but what about me?"

"I hand over my body to you just for the sake of a moment's trouble. For the rest of my life, I can only choose to hide in XZ for the rest of my life, and be ready to be killed by Gu Mochen at any time?"

Gu Mochen's leapfrog improvement step by step is all in Sikong Bufan's eyes. God knows how far the opponent's strength will improve when we meet next time.

And what about yourself?

It seems that he has reached his limit by cultivating the Poli Jue and reaching the level of Yuan Wuzhe. He used to expect that the remaining [-] beast heads of the Iron Gate of Hundred Beasts could bring him a flying improvement, but now he knows it is just a dream. .

There are only 31 animal heads in the broken formula, and he has learned it completely now, but this strength is still not enough to deal with Gu Mochen.

If you don't fight Gu Mochen with the [-]% chance he said and the help of a hundred strange beasts while Sikong Hao is still there, Sikong Bufan knows very well that he will have no chance again.

So as far as he is concerned, fighting is a must, and he doesn't want to miss this last chance.

Moreover, he believes that the [-]% chance that Sikong Hao said is just a conservative statement. Once the two of them fight to the point of life and death, he doesn't believe that Sikong Hao doesn't have some cards to save his life, but it should consume him a lot. The other party is unwilling to use it.

Sikong Bufan even thought about forcibly taking his body back. At the last moment of the battle with Gu Mochen, Sikong Hao would definitely not choose to stand by and force him to use his last hole card.

But this will also anger Si Konghao, if the other party has a way to keep his consciousness alive after his death, or even unite with Gu Mochen, the worst thing will be himself.

After all, judging from Gu Mochen's hesitation at this time, he knew that Gu Mochen had no hostility towards Si Konghao, and maybe he didn't mind helping him.

While Sikong Bufan was hesitating, Sikong Hao's voice sounded again: "You think my Poli Jue is just like this?"

"It's so naive. If it's just like this, why did I put all my energy into creating this breaking formula?"

"I might as well tell you honestly that there is still a lot of room for improvement in your strength. If you choose to work hard at this time, you will only suffer. You have to think clearly about how to choose!"

"Let me reiterate, keep the green hills here, not only talking about me, but also talking about you!"

Hearing the hesitation in Sikong Bufan's tone, Sikong Hao restrained his anger and said earnestly.

"You...are you telling the truth?"

Sikong Bufan really hesitated.

"Of course it is true. Now we are two in one. Before we find a new body, it is not good for me to lie to you. Soon you will feel the improvement brought by breaking the formula. When you get there, you will Thank you for my decision today!"

"Okay, I'll trust you again!"

Without the entity, Sikong Bufan's momentum has also weakened a lot. At some point, the initiative that he took back from Sikong Hao returned to the other party.

In the end, he could only choose to grit his teeth and hold back his breath.

Gu Mochen also had a conversation here.

"Boy, if you really think you owe Sikong Hao a favor, you might as well take this opportunity to pay him back!"

Xuanlong God was saying this in Gu Mochen's mind.

"Give it back to him..."

Gu Mochen hesitated, it's not that he didn't want to return the favor to Sikong Hao, but the problem was that if letting Sikong Hao go, it would be tantamount to letting Sikong Bufan go, this is the point he has been struggling with.

"If you ignore Sikong Hao today and are determined to kill Sikong Bufan, let alone whether you will succeed or not, even if you succeed, what happened today will leave an eternal shadow in your heart."

"The shadow is the inner demon. You will feel that you owe Sikong Hao all your life, which will affect your future breakthrough."

Xuanlong Shen said in a deep voice, the voice was extremely solemn, "The further you go in the cultivation of warriors, the more difficult it will be. Any slight weakness will become a mountain in front of you when you break through."

"So if you can't keep your demons, it's best not to keep them!"

Gu Mochen gritted his teeth, of course he understands this truth, to be honest, Sikong Hao is indeed kind to him, if he wants to kill Sikong Bufan here, even Sikong Hao will be killed together, no matter what, it will definitely happen Leaving holes in his mind.

"But... do you want me to watch Sikong Bufan escape?"

Although he understands what Xuanlong God said in his heart, Gu Mochen is still unwilling. This time is the closest he has been to Sikong Bufan since the two turned against each other. If he misses it, what should he wait for next time? when?
He really didn't want to miss this opportunity!
"do not worry!"

But Xuanlong God said at this time: "Just now I planted a trace of my consciousness on this person, I believe that no one in this world can unplug my consciousness lock, so you Don't worry at all, Sikong Bufan will never escape!"


As soon as Gu Mochen's eyes lit up, and the divine consciousness of the Xuanlong God locked him, then this problem has actually been solved. Since Sikong Bufan can no longer escape his pursuit, sooner or later, he will no longer be a master. question.

Xuanlong God also sighed in his heart.

If he wanted to do this, he could have done it long ago, so why wait until now.

This is Gu Mochen's grievance. Of course, he still wants Gu Mochen to complete it by himself. If he intervenes, it might actually be adding demons to Gu Mochen.

After all, this hatred will ultimately be avenged by Xuanlong God. Gu Mochen doesn't feel it now, but in the future, when he really wants to make a breakthrough, this matter will definitely come up.

But if he didn't help him, Gu Mochen couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't kill Sikong Bufan and Sikong Hao here, and he chose the former in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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