Martial arts giant

Chapter 690 An Uncontrollable Thought

Chapter 690 An Uncontrollable Thought


Gu Mochen was taken aback for a moment, Xuanlongshen's words and his dignified tone made Gu Mochen suddenly startled.

"Senior Dragon God, do you feel that Brother Duan and the others..."

He didn't say the following words, but a word of calm seemed to be enough to replace what he wanted to say but didn't say.

"No, you misunderstood the meaning of the dragon god. I told you to calm down. It's not that any accident happened to the two of them. In fact, even I can't feel the specific situation of the two of them."

Xuanlong Shen shook his head and denied Gu Mochen's guess.

"What did Senior Dragon God mean just now..."

Gu Mochen was puzzled.

"This dragon god means that there is an enchantment, and it seems to be the enchantment that this dragon god has perceived before!"


Gu Mochen was shocked, the enchantment he felt before?

Duan Kangde and Wei Ningsi were trapped in the barrier, so the signal couldn't be transmitted?

That is……

"Senior Dragon God, what do you mean, the barrier they are trapped in is the barrier that trapped my parents that you told me before?"

Of course, Gu Mochen will never forget that, a long time ago, Xuanlong God told him that his parents did not die, but were trapped in some kind of barrier-like place.

And then they went to Zhonglin City. The moment they stepped into Zhonglin City, Xuanlongshen felt his parents' intermittent breath again, and confirmed that the enchantment should be in Zhonglin City.

However, Gu Mochen's cultivation base was not high at that time, even if he found the enchantment, he might not be able to break it, not only that, but also very likely to be caught by the people who trapped his parents.

In that case, their Gu family's only hope would also be lost.

So in order to ensure that his parents could be rescued, even though Gu Mochen knew that the three of them were in the same city, he could only endure it temporarily, and asked Xuanlong God to perceive the specific location of the enchantment when he had enough strength.

But now, he just wanted to find the whereabouts of Duan Kant and Wei Ningsi, but he didn't want to hear that enchantment again unintentionally.

The barrier is not completely closed, at least at a certain moment, Xuanlong God can feel the breath of his parents through the barrier, but now, under the special communication frequency of the beast warrior, Yan Kai's communicator seems to be able to Always keep in touch with that enchantment.

Save the parents!
Together with this idea, a huge wave suddenly blew up in his mind like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and he could never take it back.

"Senior Dragon God, based on your perception, do you think my current strength is qualified to save my parents?"

Gu Mochen asked impatiently.

"You already have the answer in your heart, why bother to ask this Dragon God?"

However, Xuanlong God sighed secretly. He was also quick to speak for a while, and he said about the enchantment. As soon as he said the words, he knew that he would suffer. When he mentioned the enchantment at this time, how could Gu Mochen be able to bear it? temper.

Before, he could use Gu Mochen's low strength. He was afraid that he would not be able to save his parents, but he would put himself in to delay it. The third elder of the Chen family with the title of Shield.

It can be said that Gu Mochen's strength at this time is already at the upper-middle level of Zhonglin City, and he wants to fight anyway.

So this question is not so much asking the Xuanlong God, but Gu Mochen is telling his thoughts to the Xuanlong God.

Well, it's actually a decision, not a question.


Gu Mochen was silent for a while, and slowly said in his mind: "Senior Dragon God, I know that if I can break through to the Warrior Breaker, my strength will inevitably increase explosively, and I will save my parents at that time." It's a more appropriate thing."

"However, now that Brother Yan's communicator is here, we can accurately locate my parents and Brother Duan. This is an opportunity, and I don't want to miss it."

Yan Kai's communicator can establish a connection with Wei Ningsi's communicator. As long as the connection continues, Xuanlong God can lock the signal through his spiritual consciousness, and then accurately find out who trapped Gu Mochen's parents, as well as Duan Kangde and others. Where is Wei Ningsi's enchantment?

Now that there is this opportunity, how could Gu Mochen choose to ignore it?

In case the other party finds out that someone is contacting the person inside from the outside, and makes some arrangements, such as cutting off this special frequency connection, when the signal is cut off, Xuanlong God will no longer be able to sense it. Good, chances of finding out where the parents are?

"This Dragon God can help you, but you have to promise one thing to this Dragon God!"

Xuanlongshen knew that he couldn't stop Gu Mochen, and after thinking for a while, he said: "That is, if you go to the enchantment position, if you find that the person who traps your parents is a strong person you can't match at present, this dragon God hopes that you will not be impulsive, it is best to retreat, and wait until your cultivation level has a breakthrough and you can beat the opponent before you do it!"

"It's natural!"

Gu Mochen quickly agreed, Xuanlong God didn't say too much, if he found that he couldn't beat him and insisted on fighting, wouldn't he be a fool?

But he never thought about how many foolish things he has done along the way.

It was okay when his cultivation base was still low before, and the life-and-death crisis he faced was already a great crisis in his eyes at that time, but in the eyes of the Xuanlong God, it could be easily resolved, so he could not help it. He played around, slowly accumulating experience in setbacks.

But now it's different.

Now Gu Mochen's strength is already very extraordinary. If there is still a strong opponent he can't deal with, it will be more difficult to help him in the current state of Xuanlong God who only has consciousness and no entity. Maybe Gu Mochen will still Messed with enemies that even he Xuanlong God couldn't deal with.

At that time, it will really be called the day is not working, and the earth and the earth will not respond, so it is extremely necessary for Xuanlong God to plant a seed for Gu Mochen in advance, in his opinion.

"Brother Yan, can you tell me the communication frequency of your organization?"

With the affirmation of Xuanlong God, Gu Mochen immediately raised his head and asked Yan Kai resolutely.

"Of course not!"

Yan Kai refused, glanced at him, and said: "You are not a member of our organization, how could I leak the frequency to you?"

"However, only by obtaining this frequency can I track all the way to find Brother Duan and the others!"

Gu Mochen didn't mention his parents, only Duan Kangde. Anyway, the four of them were imprisoned in the same barrier.

"It doesn't work to save him, even if you want to save our beast master, I can't give you the frequency!"

Yan Kai was still very determined, unmoved in the slightest.

"Could it be that you just watched Brother Duan and the others die?"

Gu Mochen raised his eyebrows, Yan Kai didn't listen to what he said, so he couldn't help but lose his temper.

"Of course not, Duan Kande is my boss anyway, he should be rescued, but I won't give you the frequency, so I decided..."

Yan Kai looked at him and said word by word: "Go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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