Martial arts giant

Chapter 694 The Location of the Barrier

Chapter 694 The Location of the Barrier

"Senior Dragon God, can you still perceive it?"

As soon as he got off the express train, Gu Mochen couldn't wait to ask Xuanlong God after signaling Yan Kai to call Wei Ningsi again.

Although Sikong Hao said he returned to Zhonglin City one step earlier, Gu Mochen didn't wait too long, and got on the next express train immediately after, and rushed back with both feet.

However, Gu Mochen, who returned to Zhonglin City, has no time to pay attention to Sikong Bufan for the time being. He has a one-month agreement with Sikong Hao. Not to mention, what he cares more about at this time is the one who trapped his parents and Duan Kangde. Enchantment.

In the end, he brought Yan Kai back to Zhonglin City.

No way, without Yan Kai, he would not be able to obtain a trace of contact with Wei Ningsi on the communicator. Without that contact as a guide, Xuanlong God would naturally be unable to continue to perceive the location of the enchantment.


After being silent for a while, Xuanlong God seemed to have sensed it seriously, followed the signal of the communicator on Yan Kai's wrist all the way, and finally gave Gu Mochen an affirmative answer.

"That's good, where is it?"

While heaving a sigh of relief, Gu Mochen couldn't help asking.

Along the way, he was afraid that if the other party noticed their position in the perception barrier, he would make a stronger signal blockade. Fortunately, the divine sense of the Xuanlong God was strong enough, and no one has discovered it until now.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then his face became serious. Since he could sense it, where is the location?

He couldn't wait now, and wanted to rush over immediately to rescue his parents.

It has been almost nine years since his parents disappeared. Counting the days, it is not far from nine years. Over the years, Gu Mochen's wish has always been to make himself stronger, and then to find the whereabouts of his parents.

In the previous years, Gu Mochen asked himself more than once if it was really worth it, and if his parents were really still alive.

Everyone told him that your parents were dead, and even grandpa had always held this pessimistic view when he was alive.

Fortunately, he met the Xuanlong God later, and through the Xuanlong God, Gu Mochen really learned that his parents were still alive.

So today, since the location of the parents has been clarified, Gu Mochen will not give up this opportunity no matter what.

What he is waiting for now is only the answer from Xuanlong God.

Unexpectedly, the answer given by Xuanlong God made Gu Mochen stunned for a moment.

"This Dragon God's suggestion is that you go back to Luo's house first, and then make a long-term plan."

Xuanlong God did not give him the answer he wanted, but said such words instead.


Gu Mochen asked unwillingly.

"Because, at this time, we are getting closer, and the Dragon God can already accurately perceive the position of the enchantment."

Xuanlong God sighed and said, "Do you know where the barrier is located?"

Gu Mochen has no interface, this question is what he wants to know from the mouth of Xuanlong God, how could he know, so Xuanlong God is not asking him, but just asking and answering himself.

"That enchantment belongs to the top ten aristocratic families... the Chen family!"

Xuanlong God said in a deep voice.

"Chen family?"

"It turned out to be the Chen family?"

Gu Mochen's consciousness flickered, and even his complexion changed drastically, causing Yan Kai next to him to look sideways at him.

"Is it the Chen family..."

After his mind was shaken, Gu Mochen quickly adjusted his emotions. In fact, he also had some guesses about the result.

It didn't exist before, but later, when Yan Kai contacted Wei Ningsi, and the Xuanlong God followed the vine to perceive the existence of the enchantment, Gu Mochen had such a guess in his heart.

Later, Yan Kai even said that there is one thing in Zhonglin City that is extremely important to beast warriors, and Gu Mochen had a deeper feeling for the accuracy of this guess.

In Zhonglin City, if one has the greatest relationship with the beast warriors, of course it is the Chen family.

The Chen family has been devoting themselves to the study of beast-like techniques. As far as the current progress is concerned, it is already possible to easily turn a warrior into a powerful beast. However, after becoming a beast, they have not yet found a way to transform back into a beast. method only.

It's not like a real beast warrior like Yan Kai, who can switch between humans and beasts at will.

Regarding this point, Gu Mochen actually knew the reason.

It is because of the essence of beast martial arts.

The ancestors of the beast warriors in those days also discovered the existence of the essence of beast warriors unintentionally, so they could become real and powerful beast warriors.

However, the Chen family has never obtained this secret, so that the research on the imitation of beasts can only stay at the stage of pseudo-beast warriors.

So this seems to explain why Duan Kant and Wei Ningsi were caught as soon as they arrived in Zhonglin City and were trapped in the barrier.

The Chen family is related to the beast warriors, so they will attack Duan Kangde and Wei Ningsi. These two people have been stirring up wind and rain in Changtian City for so long. Since he threw himself into the trap and came to Zhonglin City by himself, it was only reasonable for him to be arrested.

So Xuanlong God said that the location of the enchantment was in the Chen family, and Gu Mochen's guesses were immediately answered.

At the same time, it was also because the Xuanlong God asked him to return to the Luo family first, and then make a long-term plan. It was also because the enchantment was in the Chen family.

The strength of the Chen family is the strongest among the top ten families. Even though Gu Mochen killed the third elder of the Chen family with the title of the strongest shield not long ago, this does not mean that Gu Mochen has the strength alone People broke into Chen's house, and they were able to dispel the barrier and rescue the people inside.

Not to mention the Chen family, but the Li family that Gu Mochen once stayed in. Don’t look at Li Mo’s announcement of leaving the Li family after becoming a star warrior, which caused a great loss to the strength of the Li family, but in fact the strength of the Li family is still Unfathomable, otherwise Li Mo would not have to contact the Luo family, and would plan slowly.

The top ten aristocratic families all have profound backgrounds, and even the declining Luo family has persisted for more than a hundred years by relying on previous accumulation. If it is a small family, this is simply unimaginable.

So to deal with the Chen family, Gu Mochen's strength at this time is still not enough, or in other words, his strength alone will never be enough, unless he can break through to a peerless warrior who is higher than the star warrior in a short period of time, maybe There is still a chance.

Seeing that Gu Mochen had been silent, Xuanlongshen couldn't help saying in his mind: "Boy, do you still remember what you promised this Dragonshen before you came back?"

He was really worried that Gu Mochen would desperately go to the Chen family to ask for someone, and in that case, it would really be over.

"Senior Dragon God, don't worry, I naturally know what I want to do."

Gu Mochen took a deep breath, and slowly said in his mind: "Then we... let's go back to Luo's house first!"

(End of this chapter)

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