Chapter 704

"Let's go, go back first."

Mr. Luo sighed deeply again, shook his head, and walked out first.

Behind him, Gu Mochen and Li Mo looked at each other, shook their heads, and followed Mr. Luo to leave the house.

It's not that Mr. Luo didn't think about keeping Sikong Hao here. With the strength of the three of them at this time, and the fact that Sikong Hao should have lost his strength now, this should be their best chance.

Especially with the help of Li Mo, a star warrior, to deal with Sikong Hao, he missed the words in his eyes. Mr. Luo had a feeling that when the two met again, Sikong Hao was not just talking to him.

However, Gu Mochen had a promise to Sikong Hao.

As a high-level warrior, Mr. Luo understands the importance of a promise to a warrior of his level. The fate of losing a promise is not only effective for the other party, but also has a non-negligible impact on his future cultivation path. disadvantages.

Gu Mochen is a dragon warrior of this generation, and listening to what he said after he came back, Mr. Luo felt that Gu Mochen seemed to have changed.

In the past, Gu Mochen would only act when the Luo family needed help because of the blood contract of the Dragon God, but as for whether he could really help the Luo family...

After so many things happened, Mr. Luo knew that in Gu Mochen's heart, the status of the Luo family had already plummeted.

But this time when Gu Mochen came back, it was different. Mr. Luo could feel that Gu Mochen really wanted to help the Luo family rise again, so after persuading Mr. Luo to give up the idea of ​​recalling Sikong Hao to no avail, She also promised to bring him to meet Sikong Hao in person.

Dragon warriors are extremely important to the Luo family, not to mention that Gu Mochen even separated an unfinished dragon yuan, which is now placed at the most rigorous core of the Luo family.

The only person who can check the situation of this Dragon Yuan is Mr. Luo, and even Elder Luo Yan, whom he trusts very much, is not qualified to take a look.

And from Long Yuan's growing vitality, Mr. Luo knew that Gu Mochen's cultivation base was growing rapidly.

The current Gu Mochen seems to be no weaker than him, a master warrior.

Then after Sikong Hao categorically rejected Mr. Luo's recall request, Gu Mochen was the last hope of his Luo family, and it seemed that he could already look forward to it.

Go back first, Mr. Luo wants to see why Gu Mochen has such a change. In his heart, a dragon warrior is actually more important than Li Mo, a master of alchemy.

In order for the Luo family to rise again, and in order to deal with Si Kong Hao's attack on the Luo family that may soon be launched, Mr. Luo needs to figure out Gu Mochen's situation first.

The three of them met in silence, and the private house where Si Konghao once hid returned to the main house of the Luo family. It was not until he walked into Mr. Luo's study that he finally couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Gu, I want to hear your opinion."

He asked Gu Mochen.

"My point of view?"

Gu Mochen raised his brows, looked at Mr. Luo, and said calmly: "My opinion, I have already said it before I went to see Sikong Hao, Lao Luo, you must have forgotten, right?"

It was Mr. Luo's idea to see Sikong Hao. Before that, Gu Mochen had been trying to make Mr. Luo give up the possibility of recalling Sikong Hao. His opinion had already been expressed to Mr. Luo.

"No, I mean, what do you think of the Luo family."

Mr. Luo looked at Gu Mochen with burning eyes, this was the answer he wanted.

"My opinion on the Luo family..."

Gu Mochen looked at Mr. Luo meaningfully, and said after a long while: "It seems that I have revealed it a little more clearly?"

"There are some, so I want to ask, what are your plans?"

Mr. Luo nodded, without denying that he had seen Gu Mochen's thoughts, and asked further.

"That's right. Now I want to do my best to help the Luo family rise, because this is not only related to the promise between us, but also to myself."

Gu Mochen thought about it, but he didn't mean to hide it.

"It's about yourself? How do you say that?"

Mr. Luo asked again.

"My parents are in the Chen family. They should be trapped in a barrier. I want to rescue them."

Gu Mochen responded.

"your parents?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Mr. Luo, but also Li Mo, all looked at Gu Mochen with surprise.

The Gu Mochen they always knew was born in an ordinary family in Changtian City, no, maybe not so ordinary, at least before Gu Mochen's parents disappeared, these two were warriors.

But that's all.

According to the information, Gu Mochen's parents don't seem to be powerful warriors. In fact, in a small city like Changtian City, where are there any high-level warriors?
So for a long time, whether it is the Luo family or the Li family, or other families who are interested in Gu Mochen and have collected information about Gu Mochen's past, most of them have focused on Gu Mochen, thinking that this kid is here. In the process of cultivation, I encountered a chance encounter, so I made great progress in cultivation.

Especially Mr. Luo, he knew that Gu Mochen's chance came from the dragon warrior and the mysterious dragon god in his body.

Then who would pay attention to Gu Mochen's parents who had been missing for eight years before Gu Mochen's rise?
It is perfectly normal for warriors to enter the danger zone to practice, then disappear, and then be found dead somewhere in the danger zone, or become food for some high-level alien beast.

However, as soon as Gu Mochen said this, Mr. Luo and Li Mo immediately realized that Gu Mochen's parents, who had been ignored by them all this time, might not be such a simple person.

Without him, how could a person trapped by the Chen family's enchantment be an ordinary person?
The Chen family has always been unprofitable, but they caught Gu Mochen's parents instead of killing them. Instead, they chose to trap the two of them with a barrier, which in itself is very self-explanatory.

"How did you know?"

Li Mo couldn't help being puzzled. He said that although Gu Mochen's martial arts had advanced greatly, he was still far from being able to sneak into the Chen family to inquire about the news without the Chen family being aware of it.

So how did he know that his parents were trapped in the Chen family?

"I have a few beast warrior friends in Changtian City, two of them came to Zhonglin City to look for me for some reason, but unfortunately they were arrested by the Chen family halfway, and they were also imprisoned in the barrier. "

Gu Mochen replied to Li Mo: "The beast warriors have a special communication frequency, and it is through this frequency that I found out where the enchantment where they were imprisoned. The communicator told me."

He spoke half-truth, concealing the existence of Xuanlong God.

(End of this chapter)

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