Chapter 71

The woman in black was extremely dissatisfied with Duan Kant's sudden excitement, and couldn't help but strike:
"Cultivation alone is useful. If you don't know how to use it, it's just a target that is more resistant to beating."

"Did you forget that their martial arts were delivered by you a few days ago!"

This sentence directly hit Duan Kant's sore spot, and immediately put out most of his excitement with a bucket of cold water.

"But half a month ago, they were not extremely warriors, but what about now?"

"The pinnacle of extreme warriors!"

He was suddenly a little excited again. The surprise that Gu Mochen brought him was too great. He didn't have hope for Zhang Anhai and the others, so Duan Kangde was not even interested in asking the three of them to cultivate and enter the country. I know that all three of them are extreme warriors.

Being able to directly promote three people who were not even extreme warriors half a month ago to the peak level, he also became more and more curious about Gu Mochen, and at the same time had renewed expectations.

"Let them all reach the peak of extreme warriors in half a month. What is this called? It's called a miracle with great strength!"

Duan Kangde said excitedly: "With one miracle, there is no guarantee that there will be no other miracles. Or, the strength of those three people can really match the realm of the peak warrior?"

"Dream you!"

The woman in black pushed back without mercy, and then pointed at Li Xin who hadn't entered the ring yet, and said coldly: "What about her? A first-level warrior, show me your strength?"

Duan Kangde was full of confidence in Gu Mochen at this time, and even looked at Li Xin with a different look, and said with a signature smile: "That's not necessarily true, look at Li Xin, although she directly filled in a Super martial artist, but don't you even think about it, a first-class martial artist came to participate in the martial arts competition?"

"Anyone with a little bit of brains wouldn't choose to ask for trouble. After all, this martial arts competition was broadcast live on the Internet in real time. It's a bit embarrassing!"

Rather than saying that he is explaining to the woman in black, it is better to say that he is convincing himself at the same time.

I was overwhelmed by the depressed mood before, but now I think about it, this iceberg beauty named Li Xin really has many doubts, and I can't guarantee it...

With the surprise given by Zhang Anhai and the others, even he had expectations for Li Xin, his eyes lit up and said: "Maybe, she has a high level of concealment skills, you don't understand this, this is called pretending Pigs eat tigers!"

The woman in black rolled her eyes, she didn't bother to argue with him, and there was no need to argue, because she would know after a while.

On the third side of the arena, Zhang Lin came down from the arena, and there was a trace of unconcealable excitement on his face, which had always been silent.

"Are you going or me?"

Gu Mochen turned to Li Xin and asked.

"You go first."

Li Xin said calmly.

"it is good."

Gu Mochen nodded, and after Zhang Anhai and the others, he was the fourth to step onto the stage.

"Gu Mochen, right?"

The referee glanced at the registration list in his hand, and said to Gu Mochen: "Just put your hand on it."

Gu Mochen followed his words, suppressing his internal strength as much as possible, and gently placed his right hand on the ball.

The surge of internal energy in his body has already surpassed the peak of extreme warriors by a lot. If calculated by an order of magnitude, it should be more than the combined internal energy of Zhang Anhai and the three extreme warriors!

If you add at least six times the copy of the wild dragon pendant... His power can be said to be explosive in the realm of extreme warriors.

So what will happen when he comes into contact with this cultivation test machine, he is not sure now at all.

But since Duan Kant didn't specifically explain it to him, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As a result, as soon as he put it on, he immediately knew... there was a big problem!
The moment Gu Mochen put his hand on it, centering on ring No. [-], the entire martial arts hall suddenly boiled!

Moreover, he was still boiling with his eyes closed!
White light filled the entire martial arts hall. No matter whether everyone closed their eyes or opened their eyes, their eyes were filled with a vast expanse of whiteness. The white light was so dazzling that everyone caught off guard was instantly blinded!


"I... my eyes!"

Ring No. [-] was the closest, and the wailing was the loudest. Many people covered their eyes and panicked. Even the referee took two steps back abruptly, reflexively adopting a defensive posture.

If this is a martial skill...

"how is this possible?"

Duan Kangde stood up with a huff, his face was full of shock.

Both he and the woman in black were in the realm of shadow fighters, and they were the furthest away from the ring. When they realized something was wrong, they had already turned their heads and closed their eyes, and then gathered their inner power into their eyes. The white light in front of them immediately dimmed a lot.

Besides the two of them, there was Gu Mochen who was not blinded by the white light in the entire martial arts gym.

He was the closest, and in order not to reveal his inner strength, he had already put on all his energy. Therefore, when the white light on the ball shone, he was the first to close his eyes in time, and he was also the first to close his eyes in time. At the same time, the right hand has been pulled away from the ball.

It's just that the ball didn't go out so quickly, it was still violently sparking white light, like a small sun.

The woman in black could no longer remain indifferent, no, in fact... her whole body is now completely white.

"It's such a strong internal force, probably at the peak of a super warrior?"

She also stood up, side by side with Duan Kangde, looking at Xuebai in front of her eyes, her eyes were full of splendor.

"How about it, did I say that great efforts can produce miracles?"

The shock of the woman in black made Duan Kangde instantly elated. He put his hands on his hips and looked arrogant, as if the person standing on the ring was himself.


The woman in black snorted coldly: "It's still the same sentence, it's just a matter of cultivation and fart, do you understand the comprehensive strength?"

What she hated the most was Duan Kant's virtue.

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

Duan Kangde shrugged his shoulders, with a meaningful smile on his face, and simply sat back on his seat, folded his arms, crossed his legs, and even wanted to hum a ditty.

Until now, his heart has finally returned to his stomach, and he has endured the humiliation for himself. He is very proud of his decision to invite Mo Chen to participate in the competition.

With Gu Mochen's cultivation base, combined with those three peak warriors... Oh, that's right!
And that iceberg beauty!

Duan Kangde's eyes lit up, and through the finally fading white, he saw Li Xin, the only one who could keep calm standing under the third ring.

It's all like this, and she still doesn't change her face. She must be just like what she thinks, she is a master who hides deeply!

Duan Kangde thought complacently, and turned his eyes to Gu Mochen. The more he looked at this kid, the more he liked him, and his confidence in Gu Mochen increased a hundred times.

Come on, let me see what surprises you can bring me!
(End of this chapter)

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