Martial arts giant

Within the enchantment

Within the enchantment
"Let go of your perception!"

Standing behind Gu Mochen with the divine consciousness of Xuanlong God, he was also looking left and right.

He has only perceived this place with his spiritual sense, and has never seen the situation here with his own eyes. Hearing Gu Mochen's question at this time, Xuanlong God is actually observing the surrounding environment carefully, trying to find out the strangeness .

Let go of perception, this is the most direct approach.

The enchantment is hidden, and you can't see anything if you just look at it with your eyes. To put it more vulgarly, you have to feel it with your heart.

Gu Mochen took a deep breath, he was not yet familiar with his soaring spiritual consciousness, as soon as he let go of his perception according to the request of Xuanlong God, he immediately felt a storm of spiritual consciousness rising from his mind, sweeping around in an instant .


Xuanlongshen was startled, and couldn't help but focus on Gu Mochen, and quickly shouted: "Don't try so hard!"

Divine Consciousness Storm, Xuanlong God is naturally fine, but the problem is that they just want to check the enchantment and the surrounding situation, and they don't want to startle the snake.

But with Gu Mochen's spiritual storm, I'm afraid that many warriors whose spiritual power is not as good as his can feel the strangeness here.

Xuanlong God is used to his way of controlling his spiritual power as he pleases, and for a while he forgot to remind Gu Mochen that letting go of his perception caused Gu Mochen to directly blow up a storm of spiritual consciousness!
It was too late to remind, and at the same time that Xuanlong God yelled and opened his mouth, he saw a circle of distorted space oscillating from his forehead with Gu Mochen's consciousness as the center. Wherever he passed, Xuanlong God felt Even his own consciousness is almost distorted.

It was like an atomic bomb exploded on the spot, and a terrifying air wave swept away, setting off a stormy sea.

However, it is miraculous that such an explosion did not cause any damage to the place where they were, and even the weeds on the ground did not even sway.

It's like nothing happened.

But Xuanlong God doesn't think so!
After Gu Mochen's spiritual consciousness was shaken by the storm, he knew that it was too late to stop him, so he had to turn his gaze to another place.

There was nothing there originally, and at a glance, it was just a barren wilderness.

But Xuanlongshen discovered that Gu Mochen's burst of divine consciousness convulsions, and the twisted space that swept away, was completely ineffective here.

So in other words, there is...


This is why Xuanlong God let Gu Mochen let go of his perception.

Let go of the perception, there is nothing unusual in front of you, and it will definitely reveal something unusual, but Xuanlongshen didn't expect Gu Mochen to use such force, not just letting go, but detonating.

In this way, the Chen family will definitely find out, but since this is the case, the Xuanlong God will not say anything. On the contrary, since he has found the location of the enchantment, it is the most important thing to find out as soon as possible.

"Senior Dragon God?"

After a round of spiritual explosion, Gu Mochen felt a little dazed, but he also felt that there seemed to be a wall in front of him to the right, which isolated his spiritual consciousness, and the shock pile in the circle could not be detected Yes, there it is.

"Go right in!"

While speaking, Xuanlong God took a step forward.

"Can you go in directly?"

Gu Mochen was stunned for a moment, although he sensed that there was something there, he still didn't notice anything in front of him.

What's more, didn't Xuanlong God say that the Chen family trapped his parents with an enchantment?

Just walk in like this, what is the enchantment called?
"Boy, don't forget that we are now in the state of spiritual consciousness. The enchantment of the Chen family can trap entities, but it cannot trap spiritual consciousness. As long as your spiritual consciousness is high enough, after discovering the exact location of the enchantment, Why can't you go in?"

While walking, Xuanlong God looked back at him, with a half-smile in his eyes and said: "Don't you want to see your parents?"

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Mochen's mind didn't say that there was a bang, and his body even trembled slightly.

"Really...can you see them?"

He didn't know whether he was asking the Xuanlong God or himself, but his feet accelerated, and within a single stride, he had passed the Xuanlong God and was at the front.

Xuanlong God shook his head slightly from behind, but he also understood Gu Mochen's mood at this time, so he didn't say anything more, just buried his head and followed.

Gu Mochen rushed straight up, there was obviously nothing in front of his eyes, but when he reached the place where his spiritual consciousness felt strange, he felt as if he had rushed into the water. The scenery is also changing.

Directly and completely crossing the wall that existed transparently like water, Gu Mochen only felt that the foreground in front of him changed, and it was no longer that barren wilderness.

But... a small courtyard?
Gu Mochen was stunned, and looked up at this quaint small courtyard that seemed to have survived from ancient times. The courtyard door was closed, but the two decayed doors had completely lost the need to close them.

Gu Mochen felt that he only needed to stretch out a finger slightly, and poke it lightly, and he could pierce the gate of the courtyard.

The small courtyard is not big, and the distance between the left and right sides can be seen at a glance when standing at the gate, but there is nothing else worth noticing here except this small courtyard, even the sky is gloomy and dim, there is no The sun, no stars, not even a cloud.

"What a crude enchantment."

Xuanlong God entered from the back and looked left and right, with disdain suddenly showing in his eyes.

Seeing Gu Mochen looking over, he pointed to the sky, "Isn't this a fake at first glance?"


Gu Mochen took a deep breath.

For a long time, his greatest wish was to see his parents again, and for this, he did not know how many hardships he had gone through.

But when he was really only separated from his parents by this rotten wooden door, he suddenly felt a little uneasy again.

Push the door and go in.

This is inevitable, but after entering, what should I do if I don't have my own parents?
What should I do if I find my parents dead inside?
To stand at the door, to go in, or not to go in?
Gu Mochen hesitated.

But Xuanlong God did not hesitate like him.

"If you don't want to go in, let's go. After a while, the Chen family finds out that something is wrong and rushes over. If we use means to lock our spiritual consciousness inside, it will be bad."

Xuanlong God stepped forward, looked at Gu Mochen, pointed to the gate of the courtyard, and then pointed to the way back.

His worry is not superfluous, in fact, even he himself has countless ways to lock people's spiritual consciousness.

"I... ok!"

Gu Mochen settled down, no longer hesitated, his face suddenly resolute, and at the same time as he took a step forward, one hand was directly on the courtyard door.


As if the wooden door that had been closed for tens of thousands of years let out a heavy and decayed sigh, the courtyard door was slowly pushed open under his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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