Chapter 724
"What then?"

Gu Mochen first suppressed the doubts in his heart, and wanted his father to finish speaking.

"Hundreds of years ago, the cultivation of beast warriors did not have a complete method. Most of the creation of beast warriors was accidental, so all major families are entering into research, trying to turn this accident into a necessity."

"According to that senior, our Gu family did the most in-depth research on beast warriors back then, but as for the Chen family, they have always been suppressed by the Gu family."

Gu Weiran's eyes sharpened, although he was talking about the past years, but when he mentioned the Chen family, his eyes still couldn't help revealing the murderous look.

Mo Qiujin stepped forward and gently held her husband's hand. Her eyes were soft, but most of them were on Gu Mochen.

For her, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing her son again.

Hearing his father's words, Gu Mochen's heart moved, thinking of what Yan Kai once said, the suspicion of the Chen family among the beast warriors, he couldn't help looking at Duan Kangde.

"Brother Duan, are you beast warriors also suspicious of the Chen family?"

he asked.

"Not bad!"

Duan Kangde said in a deep voice: "The Beast Warriors have actually been investigating what happened back then, and all the spearheads have actually been pointed at the Chen family, just because the Chen family is powerful now, and Zhonglin City is a high-level Our organization has never penetrated into the place where warriors gather to investigate."

"This time I came to Zhonglin City, apart from wanting to repay your favor, in fact, I also wanted to see if I could find anything, but it's a pity..."

He spread his hands helplessly, glanced at Wei Ningsi, and said with a wry smile: "You also saw that we were caught by the Chen family as soon as we showed up."


Wei Ningsi snorted coldly, glanced at him disdainfully, and said in a cold voice, "It's not because your lightness kungfu is too bad!"

"Yes, yes, it's my fault!"

Duan Kangde immediately raised his hands to surrender, and said with a wry smile, "If you hadn't come back to save me, you would have had a chance to run away."

Duan Kangde also confirmed Yan Kai's words here, Gu Mochen thought for a while, and said: "Then the Chen family was afraid that our Gu family would first research the secrets of the beast warriors, so they secretly played tricks and provoked the beast warriors The conflict with the human fighters finally led to the big battle?"

"Not bad!"

Gu Weiran looked at his son with relief, "That senior also guessed the same way back then, but unfortunately, the incident happened too suddenly and the scene was too vast, and the human warriors involved in it finally included almost all top-notch warriors. Aristocratic family, when someone reacts, it will be in vain."

"Because of his withdrawn personality, that senior didn't have a high status in the Li family back then, but his research on beast warriors was not weak. After the beast warriors escaped from the danger zone, he wanted to find out the truth and to continue The research of beast warriors is also closely following the past."

"Unfortunately, he was hunted down by members of the Chen family on the way, and after barely getting rid of him, he reached the point where his fuel was exhausted. In desperation, he had to temporarily hide in an abandoned ancient ruins. In the end, he was forced to do so. In case no one knows about his research, he can only choose to seal himself with his cultivated talent of alien beasts."

Gu Weiran sighed with emotion: "This senior really has great supernatural powers and great perseverance. He actually sealed himself for hundreds of years, just to leave his research on beast warriors to future generations."

As soon as these words came out, even Duan Kangde and Wei Ningsi, who were beast warriors themselves, were in awe.

Sealing yourself is already knowing that you can't survive. In this case, it is better to die to get relief, but this senior is willing to seal in the dark underground for hundreds of years in order to preserve his secret about the beast warrior. as long as.

"Later you went to that ancient ruins and awakened that senior?"

Gu Mochen asked with a wry smile: "The ancient ruins you mentioned in the video you left me back then are the ones not far outside Changtian City?"

Hearing this, how can he not understand that the senior sealed in the giant crystal pillar mentioned by his parents should be the ancient ruins that he has also been to, and he also got the Dandao Essay from the giant crystal pillar .

It's no wonder that after the giant crystal pillar dissipated, the wild dragon pendant that was originally worn on his neck would evolve into an energy form after absorbing the energy in it, and merged into Gu Mochen's body.

I still remember that Xuanlong God made a move at the martial arts competition in the hunter's stronghold. What he did was the beast pill in Gongsun Liang's body, which was also a fake dragon element.

Just the pseudo-dragon element in Gongsun Liang's body can interest Xuanlong God, not to mention the beast pill that has existed for hundreds of years in the Li family's predecessors, which is a great supplement to the wild dragon pendant.

What made Gu Mochen smile wryly and unexpectedly was that he wanted to save his parents wholeheartedly, but in fact, he had been to the ancient ruins where his parents were, but he didn't know it.

"Yes, that's right there."

Gu Weiran glanced at Gu Mochen in surprise, apparently he did not expect that Gu Mochen also knew about the ancient ruins.

"However, we didn't know until later that the visit to the ancient ruins to meet the seniors of the Li family was actually planned by the Chen family!"

"Chen family?"

This time it was Gu Mochen's turn to show surprise.

"Chen family."

Gu Weiran nodded, and said: "In fact, the Chen family has already found the abandoned ancient ruins where the senior of the Li family was hiding, but they didn't rush in to wake up that senior."


Gu Mochen couldn't help asking.

Since the Chen family had already found the location of that senior, why didn't they go in, instead giving the opportunity to their parents?

"That's because they know that this senior can tell their true identities from their blood. The members of the Chen family were suspected of being the mastermind behind the two parties' struggle back then. It is impossible for the senior to entrust his research to Their."

Gu Weiran explained: "The Chen family can't go by themselves, but they can't ask people from other families to go, otherwise the secrets of the beast fighters will be obtained by people from other families, and it will not be good for the Chen family, unless..."

"Unless it's the Gu family?"

Gu Mochen frowned and said: "Back then, the Gu family had the deepest research on beast warriors, and they were also victims in the war of beast warriors. The senior of the Li family might have a good impression of the Gu family."

"And it's a coincidence that the Gu family has already fallen. Even if the descendants of the Gu family get this secret, we can't make a fuss about it. The threat to the Chen family is the least, is that so?"

Gu Mochen is no longer a rookie who fled at the beginning of the year, and this analysis is clear and logical, and Gu Weiran nods.

"That's right. The Chen family probably had this idea in mind, so they searched everywhere for the descendants of the Gu family, and finally found me."

(End of this chapter)

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