Martial arts giant

Chapter 733 Ways to Help

Chapter 733 Ways to Help

"Warrior Breaker is invincible..."

Although Gu Weiran is pleased with his son's current achievements, he is more worried.

It's good to be invincible, but Gu Weiran has been imprisoned in this barrier for so many years, and he has a better understanding of the strength of the Chen family.

The strength of the Chen family is not just that of warriors.

Star warriors, the Chen family must also have some, maybe...

As for the higher level, Gu Weiran didn't dare to think about it.

Furthermore, even if Gu Mochen thinks that the Warrior Breaker is invincible, it is still a one-on-one situation, right?

Anyway, after all, Gu Mochen's realm is still only Yuan Wuzhe, and he is able to leapfrog the ranks to defeat a Wuzhe. Gu Weiran believes that although his son said it easily, but if he really wants to defeat a Wuzhe, it shouldn't be as he said. easy.

So how many warriors does the Chen family have?
How much can Gu Mochen defeat alone?

If Gu Mochen keeps holding on to the idea that he is invincible, Gu Weiran is afraid that one day, Gu Mochen will suffer a big loss.

"Dad, you can rest assured about this. I haven't grown to the point where I think I can deal with the Chen family by myself."

Gu Mochen smiled, and saw what the other party was thinking from his father's expression.

"right now we……"

He looked at Duan Kangde, and said: "The Beast Warrior sent a large force to come, and I reached an agreement with the Luo family and the former head of the Li family. As long as our strength is sufficient, we will launch an attack on the Chen family."

"So before that, please be patient."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Weiran and Mo Qiujin didn't react, but Duan Kangde and Wei Ningsi's expressions changed drastically.

"Will the organization send someone?"

Duan Kant couldn't help asking.


Gu Mochen replied: "This time I returned to Zhonglin City with Brother Yan Kai and Yan. It was he who notified the Beast Warrior."

"Your organization also seems to feel the urgency of the situation, so if you are not ready, you are still preparing to send elite forces to Zhonglin City, together with the Luo family, the Li family and me, we will deal with the Chen family together! "

"Hey hey hey!"

Upon hearing this, Duan Kangde rubbed his hands habitually, and said with a smile, "Those old guys, have they finally figured it out?"

"Be respectful!"

Wei Ningsi frowned, and glanced at Duan Kant with dissatisfaction.

The old guys he talked about were all important figures in the Beast Warrior Organization. Wei Ningsi, who grew up in the organization, did not allow Duan Kande to disrespect these important figures.

"Yes, yes, how did I forget that you are here..."

Duan Kangde chuckled and was teased by Wei Ningsi, his expression was still full of excitement.

"Anyway, it's a good thing that they are willing to make a move. You know, I have asked for it many times, but they always disagree. I didn't expect that Yan Kai would do it!"

"It's not that Brother Yan made it, it's because the time has come and we have to do it!"

Wei Ningsi still frowned and said.

"Well, what you say is what."

Duan Kangde spread his hands and did not argue with her, but looked at Gu Mochen, "Brother Gu, is there anything we can cooperate with?"

The wish of many years is finally about to come true, Duan Kangde couldn't hide his excitement, he even forgot his current situation, and asked Gu Mochen expectantly.

"This one……"

Gu Mochen smiled wryly, and said: "The people in your organization have just set off, and I haven't met them yet. What plans are there, etc., and there is no specific discussion yet."

"However, as long as there is a specific plan, I think there must be a brother Duan who can help."

When he said this, he probably had the idea of ​​comforting Duan Kant in his heart.

The other party is trapped in this enchantment. To be honest, if there is any action, what can Duan Kant do?
It can be seen from the excitement and anticipation on his face that Gu Mochen really couldn't bear to say anything more.

"if it is like this……"

Gu Weiran was still calm, not as excited as Duan Kangde, but mused, "Then maybe, I can help right now."


Gu Mochen was taken aback, wasn't his father also trapped in this barrier?
So what can he do to help?
But Gu Weiran turned to look at Duan Kangde, nodded to him, and apologized: "Brother Duan, I have to say sorry to you first, but in fact, this matter has nothing to do with you beast warriors. .”

"This one……"

Duan Kangde froze for a moment, as if he had thought of something.

"In this world, besides you beast warriors, there is another person who also knows the secret arts of beast warriors, and that me."

Gu Weiran smiled wryly, because of this beast warrior's secret technique, he really suffered a lot, and even hurt his wife, and even his son, because of this technique, he has not enjoyed the love of his parents since he was a child.

But in the final analysis, the secret art of the beast warrior is still in his hands, and his secret art of the beast warrior is obtained from the elders of the Li family, and has nothing to do with the current organization of the beast warrior.

and so……

"What I can help you is to give you the secret art of the beast warrior. Whether you practice it yourself, or find a reliable high-level warrior to practice, no matter what, it will definitely increase your strength. .”

This is what Gu Weiran said could help Gu Mochen.

He has preserved the secret technique of the Beast Warrior until now. No matter how intimidating and tempting the Chen family is, he has been clenching his teeth and not letting the other party get the most important part of it.

The reason why he apologized to Duan Kangde first was that he knew how important this secret technique of beast warriors was to the organization of beast warriors, and the other party would definitely not want this secret technique to be passed on to the world.

Gu Weiran told the secret art today. Although Gu Mochen is trustworthy, it is not unreasonable not to spread the law to others. As long as Gu Mochen tells the secret art to others, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be leaked.

For the Beast Warrior Organization, this is a scene that they do not want to see.

But this obviously does not include Duan Kant.

This guy had a history of passing the secret art of beast warriors to Zhang Anhai and others before, and his acceptance of this incident was beyond Gu Weiran's estimate.

So when Gu Weiran expressed his concerns, Duan Kangde laughed and said, "Uncle Gu, you are overthinking this, in fact, the Chen family has already studied the secret art of beast warriors. , all that is missing is the last layer of window paper."

"How long this secret can be kept is really hard to say, it will be a matter of time."

"And Brother Gu..."

He patted Gu Mochen on the shoulder, and said: "I definitely trust Brother Gu, even if Uncle Gu doesn't pass it on to Brother Gu, if Brother Gu asks for it, I can still give it to him. "

(End of this chapter)

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