Martial arts giant

Chapter 736 Separation

Chapter 736 Separation
The Seventh Elder sat cross-legged in front of the First Elder.

The latter stretched out a palm lightly and pressed it against the back of the Seventh Elder.

"Seventh brother, let go of your divine sense!"

Hearing the First Elder's low shout, the inner force containing his spiritual power surged into the Seventh Elder's body.


The Seventh Elder let out a muffled snort, and suddenly, he felt his spiritual power soar several times!

With a sudden shout, the Seventh Elder's vision changed rapidly. With the blessing of his elder brother's inner strength, he also managed to separate from the body like Gu Mochen!
In the room of the Great Elder, apart from the two sitting cross-legged on the ground, another Seventh Elder appeared out of thin air and was suspended in the air.

"This is……"

The Seventh Elder looked at his hands, and a huge sense of spiritual pleasure spread throughout his body.

"I don't know when I will have such a powerful mental power!"

He sighed, knowing that time was running out, he didn't dare to neglect immediately, his spiritual consciousness was shaken, and he controlled his spiritual consciousness to rush out.

The two disciples who were guarding outside nervously guarded the left and right, but they didn't react at all to the body of the Seventh Elder rushing out.

The speed of spiritual consciousness is faster than light body exercises, but in the blink of an eye, the Seventh Elder has already rushed out of the range of the Chen family, rushing towards the deserted land near the outskirts of the city.

The reason why he didn't choose to set the barrier in the Chen family was because the head of the Chen family had his own considerations.

Although the Chen family is the most powerful among the top ten families, there are many people in the family who have miscellaneous eyes, and it is also inevitable that many spies from other families have mixed in.

Gu Weiran and Mo Qiujin are related to the secret art of beast warriors. This is the secret art that the Chen family wants to obtain no matter what, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

If the two are imprisoned in the Chen family, there is no guarantee that they will not be noticed by people from other aristocratic families, so it would be inappropriate.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. The seemingly safe Chen family is actually the most dangerous place.

So when Elder Chen Leng brought the two back, they did not return to the Chen family at all. Instead, the Patriarch personally led the team, leaving the Seventh Elder, Gu Weiran and Mo Qiujin, trapped in this desolate place that had long been deserted. place.

After so many years, although Gu Weiran's mouth is very tight, the Chen family has not obtained all the secret arts of beast warriors, but similarly, no other family knows that the Chen family has captured Gu Weiran and the other.

This is the place where the Seventh Elder is most proud.

To be able to maintain a barrier for eight years, and keep it stable all the time without being noticed by others, with this skill in creating barriers, the Seventh Elder thinks that he is the head of the top ten families!
However, this pride was shattered today.

His enchantment was discovered in a violent way, which is an insult to the Seventh Elder!

That's why he has to rush there as soon as possible. In addition to checking the situation of the enchantment, he also wants to take advantage of the blessing of his elder brother to kill this equally powerful enemy in one fell swoop!
Ever since the Seventh Elder realized that he couldn't penetrate the spiritual power blockade set by that person, he had already become murderous.

The speed of spiritual consciousness is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, it still takes a little time to rush from the Chen family to the place where the barrier exists. The seventh elder thought that after he had the blessing of his elder brother, his mental power was strong enough to break through the blockade people's perception.

But he didn't want to, when he just came out of Chen's house and was rushing towards the barrier, he was already discovered by Xuanlong God.

After all, the barrier still belonged to the Seventh Elder. Although his spiritual sense could not penetrate into the barrier, once he got close, as long as he had the slightest connection with the prohibition in the barrier, he could immediately regain control of the barrier.

This is something that the Dragon God cannot stop.

So after realizing that the Seventh Elder was coming quickly, all he could do was to enter the barrier and notify the people inside.

"This is the secret skill of the beast warrior I got from that senior!"

After being notified by Xuanlong God, Gu Weiran's speech speed was obviously accelerated, and it took less than a minute to tell Gu Mochen the secret technique of beast warriors that the elder Li's parents had passed on to him.

In fact, the secret technique of beast warriors is only different from ordinary warrior cultivation methods in some details. It is easy to understand if you want to understand it, especially Gu Mochen still has strong mental power. It is not difficult to understand if you want to remember it The exercises are actually very easy.

The key to the secret art of beast warriors is the method of using the essence of beast martial arts, which is what the elders of the Li family called Dan Quen.

The difference between the elementary beast martial arts and the top beast martial arts is actually the use of the essence of beast martial arts.

After telling Gu Mochen how to use the essence of beast martial arts.

"Do you remember?"

Gu Weiran watched Gu Mochen open his eyes, and asked solemnly.

"Well, I remember it all."

Gu Mochen nodded, it's not complicated, and he roughly knows that if he wants to cultivate a beast warrior, he will need to use the essence of beast martial arts, which makes it easier to understand.

"Okay, remember to go!"

Xuanlong God has been patiently waiting on the side, while also monitoring the progress of the Chen family outside.

In this little time, he already felt that the other party had arrived here, but was trapped by the maze of consciousness he had set up in advance.

But the spiritual consciousness of the man outside was also very strong, and Xuanlong God felt that he was almost the same as Gu Mochen today.

So how long it can be trapped is really hard to say.

God Xuanlong's spiritual power is powerful, he can directly trap the Seventh Elder to death in that barrier, but it will cost him a lot of mental power, which is obviously not worthwhile.

In particular, Xuanlong God knows that a fierce battle will inevitably break out between Gu Mochen and the Chen family in the near future, so he can't use his mental power here.

The Seventh Elder was approaching, and Xuanlong God also felt that although this person's spiritual power was strong, it didn't seem to come from his own cultivation, but seemed to be fused with something.

Then there is no threat.

After he unfused, even Gu Mochen's mental power was enough to deal with him.

Now Gu Mochen's mental power is very strong, but he hasn't learned how to apply it yet, as long as he gets a little familiar with it, it will be easier.

That's what Xuanlong God planned, so he decided to retreat first, after all, it's not yet time for a real battle to break out.

"Mom and wait for me, I will definitely come to pick you up soon!"

Finally reunited with his parents, but it is a pity that they will part again soon, and Gu Mochen has unspeakable emotions in his heart.

"Xiaochen, be careful, don't be too aggressive!"

Mo Qiujin's eyes turned red immediately, and she wanted to touch her son reluctantly, but unfortunately, Gu Mochen was just a form of spiritual consciousness, and with her hand gestures, she could finally touch the air.

"Mom, I understand, you also have to be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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