Chapter 746
To be honest, when Li Mo asked Yan Kai to ask the high-level beast warriors whether he could pass on the secret skills of the beast warriors to him, Mr. Luo was disdainful in his heart.

For so many years, there has been an irreconcilable situation between beast warriors and human warriors.

Even if the beast warriors have already escaped into the danger zone, there are many human warriors who go deep into the danger zone every year to practice, and it is inevitable that after encountering each other, the two sides will fight each other.

As far as the Luo family is concerned, many disciples have died at the hands of beast warriors over the years.

So beast warriors are opposed to human warriors, this sentence is not just talking.

Especially as a high-level warrior, in the process of experience, it is inevitable that there will be times when he encounters a beast warrior and fights. The relationship between the two has never been peaceful coexistence.

Therefore, when Mr. Luo heard that Li Mo was willing to practice the secret art of beast warriors, he felt conflicted in his heart, but now he still asks Li Mo, and this is also Li Mo's own private matter, he has not published his own Just an opinion.

But if he, or other disciples of the Luo family also practice the secret art of beast warriors, Mr. Luo feels that he will not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.

His expression fell into Gu Mochen's eyes, how could he not know what the other party was thinking.

In fact, even though Gu Mochen himself had a good relationship with Duan Kangde and the others before, from the bottom of his heart, he also recognized the hostile relationship between beast warriors and human warriors.

But ever since he heard the truth about the Beast Warrior War from his father, his thoughts have changed, and...

"Old Luo, did you ever know that hundreds of years ago, before the war of beast warriors, among the top ten aristocratic families in Zhonglin, there was a family that had already declined?"

Gu Mochen asked Mr. Luo.

"Before the beast warrior battle?"

Mr. Luo's face was serious, and after thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "That's right, the Luo family hadn't produced dragon fighters at that time, and their strength hadn't reached the height of the top ten families. As for the declining family..."

"and many more!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Luo was suddenly startled, looked Gu Mochen up and down, and said in surprise: "Don't tell me, you are the descendant of the Gu family back then?"

Naturally, Gu Mochen's surname is Gu. Before he came to Zhonglin City, Mr. Luo knew he was there.

But no matter how he thought about it, Mr. Luo never thought that Gu Mochen had a relationship with the Gu family hundreds of years ago.

But he can't be blamed for this. After all, the Gu family has been in decline for hundreds of years. Whether there are any disciples under the sect is a matter of debate. It can be said that this wealthy family that once belonged to the top ten aristocratic families has long since disappeared in the world.

Walking on the street now, grabbing a random martial artist and asking them, there are very few people who can still know the Gu family back then. Mr. Luo can know because he is also a member of the top ten families and the head of the Luo family. , The past history of Zhonglin City has also been seen from the Luo family's ancient records.

If Gu Mochen hadn't mentioned the Gu family hundreds of years ago, even he would have almost forgotten about it.

"Yes, that's right."

Gu Mochen smiled wryly, the words had reached this point, if he wanted to let Mr. Luo let go of his prejudices, he had to repeat his father's words again.

At this time, Gu Mochen felt a little regretful. If he had known that he would bring the relevant people together and talk about it, it would be easier.

In desperation, he had no choice but to repeat the cause of the Beast Warrior War and the matter of the elders of the Li family to Mr. Luo again.

In the end, Gu Mochen looked at Mr. Luo's increasingly shocked expression, and silently waited for him to digest the earth-shaking information.

Mr. Luo is different from Li Mo. He is actually a very persistent person, otherwise he would not have supported the Luo family for so many years alone.

And Li Mo, maybe he didn't believe Gu Mochen's words at first, but when Gu Mochen wrote the secret technique of the beast warrior, he believed it all at once.

Gu Mochen obtained the secret art of beast warrior from his father, and his father, Gu Weiran, obtained it from the mouth of the elder Li in the ancient ruins.

This is the secret technique of the beast warrior developed by the elders of the Li family. Although the result is the same as the secret technique of the beast warrior, the process of cultivation is completely different.

Li Mo came from the Li family, and he is very familiar with the way of practicing this exercise. This is obviously the unique mental method passed down from generation to generation in their Li family and then improved.

In this world, apart from the members of the Li family, no one would know all about the Li family's unique mind method, let alone use this method to improve it into a secret technique that can be cultivated into a beast warrior.

It is precisely because of this that Li Mo has no doubts about what Gu Mochen said, but Mr. Luo is subverting his previous cognition.

"So, it was because of the Chen family that the great battle was triggered, and the Gu family was also involved in this war of beast warriors, and finally ended up in a poor family?"

It took a long time for Mr. Luo to come to his senses. Although he also hated the Chen family in his heart, he still couldn't believe it when he heard that it was because of the Chen family hundreds of years ago that the war of beast warriors broke out.

"From what I've heard, that's how it happened. Whether you believe it or not, Lao Luo, it's up to you."

Gu Mochen shook his head, he had already said all he could say, as for what Mr. Luo would think, it was beyond his control.

The study fell silent.

Gu Mochen was looking at Mr. Luo, but Mr. Luo was frowning deeply, and the light in his eyes flickered from time to time, but he was looking at the ground under his feet.

After a long while, Mr. Luo suddenly raised his head, stared at Gu Mochen with burning eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "How many pills do you need to cultivate a beast warrior?"

"Old Luo, you..."

Gu Mochen was slightly taken aback, the situation that Mr. Luo should have more entanglements that he expected did not appear.

After thinking about it, he seemed to have figured it out directly, and began to ask questions about the cultivation techniques of the beast warrior's secret technique.

In other words, he agreed to let Luo family disciples practice the secret art of beast warriors?

"Do I still have a choice?"

Facing Gu Mochen's suspicious eyes, Mr. Luo smiled wryly, and said, "You have already told that beast warrior and Patriarch Li Moli about what you said just now, right?"


Gu Mochen nodded.

"Needless to say about the beast warriors, in order to destroy the secret arts of the Chen family's beast warriors, they will definitely take action, and the Li family master..."

Old Master Luo shook his head and sighed, "Since you said that this exercise was obtained from the ancestors of the Li family, even if the head of the Li family hesitated before, he will definitely stand by your side now."

"Then if there is my Luo family, you will all unite to take revenge on the Chen family, so this is your purpose, to force all the people or forces involved in it to the point where they have to go to war with the Chen family .”

"At this time, what choice does the Luo family have?"

Old Master Luo sighed, "I still understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold."

(End of this chapter)

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