Martial arts giant

Chapter 748 Opportunity

Chapter 748 Opportunity
"Don't know how to heal?"

"Still in a coma?"

These two answers made Patriarch Chen Qi's momentum suddenly fierce.

He came here not only to see if the Seventh Elder was awake, but more importantly, to find a solution.

But what the Great Elder said was not what he wanted.

I don't seem to know that this kind of word should not appear in the Chen family.

Even if the person who said this was the great elder with the same status and authority, Chen Qi still didn't give face.

"Patriarch, you need to know about spiritual power, which is not what our Chen family is good at, and Lao Qi is also the only martial artist with outstanding spiritual power in our Chen family, so..."

The implication is, what's the use of blaming me, why don't you try to cure him?

"The Chen family is not good at it. There are always families who are good at it. It is impossible to keep the seventh elder in such a coma. This will seriously slow down our research on beast warriors!"

Chen Qi said coldly.

He doesn't accept procrastination for any reason, all he wants is a solution to the problem.

"Only in the world today, the Li family is the only one that has studied spiritual power."

The elder said with a frown.

The one who was unconscious was the Seventh Elder of the Chen family. He held a very important position in the Chen family, and he was also the younger brother of his First Elder. In public and private, the First Elder was actually the one who most wanted to cure the Seventh Elder.

"The Li family?"

Chen Qi raised his brows. Since what happened to Li Mo last time, the two families seemed to be living in peace, but in fact, both the Chen family and the Li family knew among the top management that the rift between the two families had already formed. And at least so far, it can't be patched.

"I heard that Li Mo resigned from the position of Patriarch?"

This incident also happened when Chen Qi was in seclusion, but since he is the head of the Chen family, even when he was in seclusion, there was a special person to sort out the latest information for him, so he also had this incident early in the morning. already know.

Li Mo resigned as the head of the Li family. Although the Li family has been keeping this matter a secret, none of the major families has placed spies in the Li family. Therefore, not long after, this matter has already spread to the major families How could Chen Qi not know.

"Yes, and there is also news that Li Mo, who resigned as the head of the Li family, is now staying in the Luo family!"

"The Luo family?"

Chen Qi's expression became serious, "Does this salted fish still want to turn around!"

Ever since the Luo family lost the most powerful guardian of the family, the Chen family has always had ambitions for it, especially in the generation when Chen Qi succeeded to the throne as the head of the Chen family, they have already regarded the Luo family as their own.

At this time, Li Mo ran to Luo's house when he heard it, of course it is not difficult for people to associate it.

"Let's ignore him, he's just an alchemist, he can't make much trouble, and it's better for him to resign as the head of the family, and we can communicate better with the Li family."

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Qi felt that the most important thing right now was to wake up the Seventh Elder, so he told the First Elder: "Since Li Mo is no longer in the Li family, the biggest point of conflict between our two families is No, you should find a way to send someone to contact the senior members of the Li family, and it would be better if you can contact the successor of their patriarch."

"Talk to him, in addition to treating the Seventh Elder, discuss the possibility of cooperation between the two of us in the future!"

Back then, the Chen family used Li Mo's wife and daughter to threaten him, which resulted in the tragic end of Li Mo's wife's death and separation of his daughter. Later, the Chen family also knew that when Li Mo was the head of the Li family, there would be no relationship between them and the Li family. No possibility of cooperation.

But now that Li Mo is no longer in the Li family, the Li family must be in internal chaos at this time, and all kinds of monsters and monsters will appear. Taking this opportunity, the Chen family certainly wants to get some benefits from it.

The Li family is a family of alchemy. As the saying goes, those who get the medicine of the Li family win the world. If they can take this opportunity to support a successor who is close to the Chen family, it is equivalent to the Chen family controlling the Li family.

With the alchemy family of the Li family as the logistical support of the Chen family, how can the strength of the Chen family be described as a great increase in strength?

It is simply an instant skyrocketing!
After receiving the news, Chen Qi's mind became active instantly.


The Chen family had strict discipline, even the Great Elder stood up straight and answered yes under Chen Qi's order.

"There's another thing."

Seeing that Chen Qi had no more instructions, the Great Elder said again: "There are signs that a large number of beast warriors are gathering, and their target seems to be Zhonglin City!"

"Beast Warrior?"

Chen Qi glanced at the Great Elder, "What kind of beast warrior?"

He would ask this question. Naturally, the Chen family had captured two beast warriors not long ago, but even though they were beast warriors, they were just two low-end beast warriors whose cultivation was only at the level of shadow warriors.

If the large number of beast warriors that the Great Elder said were assembled with such cultivation bases, the Chen family could do something. Chen Qi didn't believe that every beast warrior was a hard bone, and they couldn't pry their mouths open and make them Reveal the secret technique of the real beast warrior!
"The details are still being investigated, and what is sent back is only a sign. I have sent scouts to investigate in detail. If there is any news, I will report it to the Patriarch as soon as possible."

The Great Elder responded, and then said very seriously: "However, in my opinion, the mass gathering of beast warriors this time may not be that simple."

"Hmph, they still want to counterattack and return to Zhonglin City?"

Chen Qi sneered and said: "Hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of my Chen family were able to drive these inhuman monsters out of the human world, and I, Chen Qi, can do the same today!"

After all, he no longer looked at the current situation of the Seventh Elder, but turned around, and while walking to the courtyard gate, he ordered: "If you have any news, report it to me immediately!"

After leaving this unemotional order, Chen Qi's figure also disappeared into the other courtyard of the Seventh Elder.

The First Elder silently looked at the place where Chen Qi had been standing, dazed for a long time, then sighed slightly in his heart, and also glanced at the Seventh Elder's room, but did not go in, but there was a trace of unspeakable bitterness in his eyes.

"Seventh brother, we worked our lives for such a cold-blooded and ruthless person, do you have any regrets in your heart?"

He didn't even dare to say this to himself, but he thought about it silently in his heart. It seemed that he was asking the seventh elder, but in fact, the first elder was not asking his own heart?

Naturally, the Seventh Elder couldn't answer him this question, and the First Elder himself seemed to only ask it out of feeling. Immediately, he also flickered and disappeared into the courtyard.

"You guys, if you let people come in again, you are ready to come and see!"

The voice of the Great Elder full of cold murderous intent echoed from the sky, and all the anxious disciples of the Chen family outside were trembling all over, and cold sweat suddenly poured down.

(End of this chapter)

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