Chapter 75


Many people wanted to shout that, but when they glanced at Gu Mochen who was standing under the stage, they held back these two words for a long time, and finally swallowed them back.

But that kid just now made an earth-shattering movement, and compared to the beast-like man on the stage, he is not weak at all.

But why didn't everyone think of saying the word cheating at that time?

In any case, the repair tester is the tool designated by the organizer to test the repair, and before using it, it has passed the test of Huangfu Tianyi, the lord of the Fenglei Sect.

Sect Master Huangfu is No. 1 among all the warriors in Changtian City. His cultivation base has reached the seventh level of martial artist strength, and when he reaches the martial artist level, he can already use his own understanding to create the most suitable exercises for him.

But even Sect Master Huangfu changed no less than ten methods to suppress the realm of cultivation, but what was reflected on the cultivation test machine was still his real realm of martial artist.

Even martial arts practitioners can't cheat in front of the cultivation test machine, no matter how powerful the big man on that platform is, it is impossible to reach the level of martial arts practitioners.

Therefore, there are martial arts practitioners in front of the test, and no one can say the word cheating at this time.

Maybe... it's just that this person is very talented?
After thinking about it, this may be the only explanation. Most people looked solemn and serious. There are quite a few strong opponents this time!
However, even if everyone thought so, Gu Mochen wouldn't think so.

He had actually sensed Chen Meng's strength. Although he hadn't fought against him, he was at least [-]% sure that Chen Meng was a genuine super warrior.

So his brows frowned even deeper, looking at the stage, his expression suddenly froze.

At the same time as he was looking, Chen Meng also happened to turn around on the ring. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, that beast-like eyes full of brutality finally met Gu Mochen's eyes for the first time after he appeared.

Then, for the first time, he saw the emotions that humans should have in Chen Meng's beastly eyes.

It was a look of ridicule and disdain, and a sneer appeared on Chen Meng's face, which was as straight as a poker card. Then, he stretched out a hand, slowly and flatly pointed at Gu Mochen, The thumb popped out of the clenched fist and compared to Gu Mochen, and then slapped himself on the neck!
A killing intent was as fierce as a knife, sweeping across the sky and covering the ground.

Gu Mochen's eyes were fixed, from Chen Meng's momentum directed at him alone, inexplicably, he thought of that steel bear!

A fifth-level alien beast... equivalent to a sixth-level human warrior, Chen Meng's aura is so powerful?
After finishing that action, Chen Meng never looked at Gu Mochen again, his huge body suddenly jumped up high, like a meteorite, it forcibly hit his teammates.

The big man in the suit glanced at him but didn't speak, the third one walked towards the ring.

Without Chen Meng's imposing manner, nor did he overwhelm the ring, he just walked onto the ring calmly and slowly, stood beside the testing machine, and after reporting his name to the referee, he lightly pressed his palm.

White light, the white light belonging to the pinnacle of extreme warriors, lightly spilled from the fingers of the big man in the suit.

Withholding his palms and turning around, the big man in the suit retreated even more calmly as he came indifferently. He also had a grudge against Gu Mochen, but there was no trace of hatred or resentment on his face. So naturally, everything is normal except for the aura of brutality that does not belong to human beings but belongs to the past that leaks out from the occasional gestures.

"Let's go."

Gu Mochen nodded. It was enough for him to see what he wanted to see. He ignored Chen Meng's provocation, nor did he look at the indifference of the big man in a suit, and said softly to Duan Kangde and his companions.

If for Chen Meng, he was only [-]% sure that the opponent was a super warrior, then he was [-]% sure about the big man in a suit.

The two fought against each other, and Gu Mochen was sure that he was a super warrior, which was absolutely true.

The repairable test machine has white light instead of the yellow light that belongs to super warriors!

Zhonglin Chen's house!

With the strength of the Chen family, since there is a way to bypass the detection of the cultivation test machine, they will never send only two super warriors. I am afraid that the other three poker faces will also be super warriors, or even higher. realm.

This is a difficult battle.

Five super warriors, even if they can't let go of their full strength because of the limitation of their cultivation base, they don't need to use the internal force level between the two. The same internal force is completely different in the hands of a super warrior and in the hands of a super warrior. .

If the extreme warrior is 5, the super warrior is 50!

The two are not on the same pole at all!

And Chen Meng, what happened to him?
The question marks in Gu Mochen's mind were one after another. It's been a long time since we saw each other, but Chen Meng's aura and even his appearance have changed a lot.

Steel Bear?

Thinking of the words that suddenly appeared in his heart when Chen Meng tested his cultivation just now, Gu Mochen frowned even deeper.

It seems that the Zhonglin Chen family is determined to win this martial arts competition, and they even send super fighters to participate in the competition by cheating!

"what happened?"

Feeling Gu Mochen's silence, Zhang Anhai couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing."

Gu Mochen shook his head, as long as he bears the pressure, there is no need for Zhang Anhai and the others to worry.

It was the first time for Zhang Anhai and the others to participate in this kind of competition, and it was also the first time for the three of them to fight with others in a real sense. He didn't want to say too much, but it made the three of them feel more worried.

Five super warriors...

He clenched his fists tightly, and it's not impossible to deal with it!

And Duan Kangde, who was leading the way in front of him, also changed his appearance in the market, and his expression became extremely solemn.

No one cared more about the outcome of this competition than he did, so he actually cared more about Chen Meng and the other five than Gu Mochen.

With his perception, even if Gu Mochen didn't say anything, he only knew that Chen Meng's strength was not comparable to that of extreme warriors. Just now, he glanced at the dark corner, and the woman in black had already started to investigate secretly.

This is also impossible.

The repair test machine was provided by their organization, and they also asked the suzerain of the Fenglei Sect to test it. They thought it should be foolproof, but the current situation cannot be explained.

If he clearly mentioned a few cheats, he would not have slapped himself in the face, but also slapped the martial artist of Fengleizong in the face.

In any case, this matter can only be investigated in secret, and even when necessary, if other players stand up to question Chen Meng's cultivation, Duan Kangde has to speak for them, so as to ensure that the cultivation test machine is absolutely perfect. no problem.

What is this called...

Walking in front, Duan Kande had a black line on his head.

(End of this chapter)

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