Chapter 752

"He is what you want?"

Chen Qi confirmed.

"Yes, it's him!"

Sikong Hao nodded, and said: "Luo Bing is of no use to the Chen family. Even if it is the Seventh Elder, what he wants is not Luo Bing, but the incarnation of the Luo family's untold secret."

"So if Luo Bing is exchanged for the recovery of the Seventh Elder, I think Patriarch Chen can still accept this deal."

"As for the incarnation outside the body..."

Sikong Hao shook his head, and said: "For so many years, it's not that Luo Bing doesn't want to say it, but that he can't say it."

"The disciples of the Luo family, as long as they are qualified to cultivate the incarnation outside the body, at the beginning of the cultivation, the current Patriarch will personally plant the restriction."

"This prohibition has no effect on people, but as long as they want to reveal the secret art of incarnation outside the body to outsiders, the prohibition will be activated. At least, their martial arts will be abolished, and at worst, they will be killed on the spot."

"Therefore, it is impossible for the Seventh Elder to learn the secret of the incarnation outside the body from Luo Bing. Then Luo Bing's only value to the Chen family will be gone."

He paused for a moment, then persuaded: "Instead, now, give Luo Bing to me, and you will get back a helper who can suppress the enemy in terms of mental power!"

The other disciples of the Luo family really don't see it in Sikong Hao's eyes. Now that he wants to seize the house, the only choice is to be on Luo Bing, so he spared no effort to persuade Chen Qi.

"If it's just this person, you can consider it."

Chen Qi looked at him, and when Sikong Hao said that, he was also distinguishing the authenticity of the other's words, and finally nodded.

For so many years, the Seventh Elder has not obtained the secret art of incarnation outside the body from Luo Bing's mouth, which also proves Sikong Hao's words from the side.

Then keeping such a useless person, as Si Konghao said, it would be much more cost-effective to exchange for a helper of the Chen family who is weak.

"Then let's go and see how the Seventh Elder is doing first."

Sikong Hao smiled and heaved a sigh of relief.

Whether he can convince Chen Qi is very important to him, but to Chen Qi, it is not that important.

The only thing that troubled the Chen family was an enemy with outstanding mental strength. With the strength of the Chen family, it would not cause a complete collapse because of a master of mental power.

No matter how hard it is to find a suitable body to seize, when the time comes for a month, Si Konghao believes that Gu Mochen will find him for revenge immediately.

Although Sikong Hao couldn't feel that trace of spiritual consciousness anymore, he was sure that it must still be attached to him. With his current strength, when Gu Mochen found him again, he might not be his opponent.

Not only that, but there is a star warrior beside Gu Mochen at this time, and he is the strongest among the strong. If Gu Mochen comes to him with that star warrior, there is no hope of escaping.

"Let's go."

Chen Qi had no objection, even if the other party talked about breaking the sky, he was just a Yuan warrior. If he dared to play tricks, Chen Qi believed that he could crush him to death with one finger!
The two of them didn't say anything else, each holding their own goals, Si Kong Hao followed Chen Qi's figure and went to Chen's house.


Gu Mochen, who was practicing with his eyes closed when he returned to his residence, suddenly opened his eyes.

"He... actually ran to the Chen family?"

The divine consciousness of Xuanlong God was always there, but Sikong Hao could no longer detect it, and Gu Mochen was still able to keep track of the other party's location.

After returning from Mr. Luo, Gu Mochen waited for the arrival of the Beast Warrior while cultivating by himself. While familiarizing himself with the sudden increase in spiritual power, he also hoped to go one step further towards the realm of the Warrior Breaker.

Of course, the monitoring of Sikong Hao has not been relaxed.

Fortunately, his mental power is strong at this time, so multitasking will not cause much impact.

"What did Sikong Hao go to the Chen family for?"

Gu Mochen frowned, Sikong Hao didn't pay attention, but the body that Sikong Hao borrowed temporarily at this time was Sikong Bufan whom he wanted to kill with all his heart.

Now that this person has gone to the Chen family, he has established a relationship with the Chen family, so if he wants to kill him, it will be even more troublesome.

"Have you forgotten what Sikong Hao is best at now?"

As he was thinking, the voice of Xuanlong God came from his mind.

"Sikong Hao is best at mental power?"

Gu Mochen raised his brows, the current Sikong Hao still only had the strength of Sikong Bufan back then, that is, Yuan Wu Zhe, not that outstanding.

But after a hundred years of cultivation, this person's spiritual power is extremely strong.

"Spiritual power..."

Gu Mochen thought about it, and was reminded by Xuanlong God, and immediately thought of something.

"Could it be related to what we did with the enchantment before?"

He secretly guessed, and the Xuanlong God also said at the same time: "The spiritual master of the Chen family who built the enchantment was swayed by the dragon god, and now his consciousness should be injured, so Sikong Hao ran to the Chen family. It seems to make sense."

"So that means..." Gu Mochen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "We gave him the chance to get close to the Chen family?"

"But what did he go to the Chen family for? After he returned to Zhonglin City, he stayed near the Luo family all the time. I think the body he was looking for should be related to someone from the Luo family."

Gu Mochen rubbed his eyebrows, still a little puzzled.

"That's not clear, but what does it matter?"

Xuanlong God sneered and said: "It is a firm fact that you want to attack the Chen family, and Sikong Bufan is also in the Chen family, isn't this just a good way to kill two birds with one stone?"

"Isn't it good to just get rid of all the people who have enemies with you at once?"

"Senior Dragon God..."

Gu Mochen smiled wryly, and he could naturally hear the meaning behind Xuanlongshen's words.

"I hope you, Senior Dragon God, can understand that I saw my parents trapped in the barrier for eight years with my own eyes, which made me unbearable at all. When I think of them..."

"You don't need to say more."

Xuanlong God didn't listen to him, so he interrupted: "Compared to your previous recklessness, this time you have improved a lot, at least you still know the principle of making decisions before acting."

"However... are you really confident that you can deal with the Chen family after gathering the beast warriors, the Luo family, and Li Mo?"

Xuanlong God sighed, "I'm afraid it's not that easy?"

"It's not easy, but it's better than doing nothing."

Gu Mochen looked resolute, "It's been eight years, and the Chen family only has one last key point that they didn't get from my parents. No one can tell when they will use what kind of conspiracy to get what they want. thing."

"What will happen to my parents then?"

"They dragged the Chen family down for eight years. Of course, the Chen family has been accumulating this resentment. When my parents are useless to the Chen family, what will happen to them, it seems that there is no need to guess!"

(End of this chapter)

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