Martial arts giant

Chapter 762 Overwhelmed

Chapter 762 Overwhelmed
Not only Man Huang was waiting for Gu Mochen to die, but even Gu Mochen himself thought that he was about to be tortured to death.

Before taking Longyuan, although his body would have some strange reactions, and he had been in pain, but it was definitely not as serious as this time!
Not to mention mobilizing his inner strength to resist the damage to his body from the energy in the Longyuan, he couldn't even look inside with his spiritual consciousness.

Inner vision requires at least a little concentration of attention, but under this severe pain, Gu Mochen couldn't even concentrate for half a second.

At this moment, his mind was buzzing, all gathered into one painful word.

Other than that, he couldn't think of anything, couldn't do anything!
"Am I... dying soon?"

This kind of situation that is completely out of his control, even with Gu Mochen's determination, almost made him feel boundless despair.

At this moment, Gu Mochen, who was in unbearable pain, only wished that he would die immediately, so that he could be relieved of the severe pain in an instant.

Only then did he understand the meaning of Manhuang's meaningful cold smile when he drove him out of the artistic conception space.

The other party is not afraid of what he will say to Xuanlong God after he exits the artistic conception space, because he can't say anything at all!
Thinking of the wildness, Gu Mochen suddenly thought of the battle of dragons he saw, and also of the huge dragon that rushed left and right, but gradually became lonely and lonely.

Xuanlong God, he tried his best to fight back then, but he couldn't stop the comrades around him from dying one by one.

But today, Xuanlong God is looking at him, is it possible to let him repeat the experience of the year again?

Let Xuanlong God helplessly... look at the self he has cultivated, and just die of pain like this?
"Senior Dragon God, don't worry, when I have enough strength, I will definitely help you fulfill your wish!"

The promise he swore to Xuanlong God suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. How high-spirited was he at that time?

But the current self only wants to beg for death. Is he... worthy of Xuanlong God?

Thinking of his scolding of Manhuang, but now, isn't he also letting Xuanlong God step into despair?

That's right, before he swallowed the dragon yuan, the Xuanlong God had already cut off the connection with his consciousness, and his death would not cause the result of the annihilation of the Xuanlong God's consciousness.

But how many years does Xuanlong God have to wait in this tomb of the giant dragon before he can open the tomb of the giant dragon again by a coincidence and become the next young dragon warrior?

Man Huang said that he just wanted to watch the Xuanlong God despair in this dragon's tomb, and his own death just fulfilled his wish.

Is this what you want?


Gu Mochen jumped up from the ground suddenly, his body leaned back as hard as possible, like a slingshot stretched to the extreme, a roar came out of his mouth.

At the same time, blood spurted out from the [-] pores on his body, and in an instant, he turned into a blood man.

Courage and determination could not help Gu Mochen suppress the boundless pain at this moment, but because of his angry roar, the shock caused countless capillaries in his body to rupture.

Even the most important main meridian, Gu Mochen heard several cracking sounds, which made him spurt another mouthful of blood from his mouth, and the severity of the injury was beyond the limit.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

From the mouth of the giant dragon who had been observing Gu Mochen's situation, came the anxious voice of Xuanlongshen.

"Are you looking for death?"

From Xuanlongshen's point of view, although Gu Mochen had been rolling and howling in pain on the ground before, he was not injured after all. If he could maintain the delicate balance between the severe pain and the injury, he might really be able to heal a little bit. Resist the past.

Pain also has a limit. When it reaches that extreme, it will either die or break through that limit. On the contrary, Gu Mochen can have a super endurance to absorb the energy in Longyuan.

But Gu Mochen suddenly broke out at this moment.

His outburst was nothing, but it suddenly added a burden to his body.

Originally, Gu Mochen was on the verge of collapse at any moment, but this sudden outbreak became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Not only did Gu Mochen's meridians not be broken, it also made him lose the possibility of continuing to fight against the pressure brought by the energy of the dragon.

That is to say, in the view of Xuanlong God, Gu Mochen has lost the last chance to absorb the energy of the dragon!
What is he doing?
Xuan Longshen didn't understand, Gu Mochen obviously had a chance, but he wasted it abruptly.

However, even though Xuanlongshen asked sharply, Gu Mochen didn't respond at all.

Standing in front of Xuanlong God, Gu Mochen's whole body was soaked in blood. After that roar, he seemed to have lost all his strength and remained silent.

"Gu Mochen!"

Xuanlong God roared sharply again, but unfortunately Gu Mochen still didn't respond at all.

This kid, could he be...

Xuan Longshen's heart trembled, and he didn't want to mention that word in his heart.

He carefully stretched out his dragon claws, wanting to touch Gu Mochen's body lightly, so as to get a sense of Gu Mochen's current situation, and whether he could help Gu Mochen.

Having been together for so long, it is not an exaggeration to say that Gu Mochen is his apprentice or his son. How could Xuanlong God really watch Gu Mochen die, and stand aside and do nothing?

"Master Dragon God can't do it!"

But at this moment, the Wild Little Dragon attached to the Xuanlong Divine Consciousness suddenly shouted loudly.


Xuanlong God frowned, not understanding the meaning of the wild little dragon.

"Master Dragon God, Brother Gu is at the most critical moment now, any external stimulation may lead to his failure!"


Xuanlong God hesitated, and what the wild little dragon said was not unreasonable, what's more, this Long Yuan belonged to the wild little dragon, and he was the one who said the most clearly about the situation.

"Then what should I do? The Dragon God just watched?"

Xuanlong Shen didn't know where to vent his anger, and was so depressed that he wanted to howl to the sky.

"I'm afraid... there is no better way than this."

The wild little dragon's voice was deep, "Brother Gu was also grown up by me. Whether he can pass the test this time, I am also very..."

"Aman, don't be sad. Everyone has their own fate. Even if Gu Mochen can't pass the test this time, it's his own luck and has nothing to do with you."

Xuanlong God shook his head, but instead comforted the wild little dragon.

"But after all, what he absorbed was my dragon essence. If only I had secretly lowered the energy just now, so that he wouldn't notice it would be fine."

The wild little dragon let out a long sigh, with indescribable regret in his tone.

If Gu Mochen heard what he said, he would have to yell at him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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