Martial arts giant

Chapter 771 Powerful

Chapter 771 Powerful
Martial Breaker!
Gu Mochen didn't know if there was a martial artist like him before, but he believed that, at least in his current cognition, no martial artist could reach his current level.

48 Dantians!

Even if Li Mo breaks through to Star Warrior, there are only twelve dantians in his body!

The moment his consciousness returned to his body, he only had a little perception, and he already felt the surging and vast internal force in his body, which was not comparable to what he had been able to say before.

So strong!

But there are also some small regrets.

That is about the fusion of internal forces.

In Li Mo's star warrior's breakthrough artistic conception before, Gu Mochen had different perceptions, and he also perceived in advance how the star warrior's realm would change his body.

So since then, he has been deliberately developing his internal strength to the realm of a star warrior.

That is the fusion of internal forces.

When there were only nine dantians, Gu Mochen spent all his energy integrating the internal forces in the dantians to achieve a balance between the nine dantians.

Now it seems that this approach is naturally correct.

If not, he would definitely not be able to successfully absorb the Dragon Yuan of the wild little dragon today.

Gu Mochen's original plan was that whenever a new dantian was opened up, he would fuse it in the same way until the number of his dantians reached the limit of his realm.

Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the change.

A savage dragon was swallowed, and the violent energy not only almost killed Gu Mochen, but also made him break what Xuanlong God said before, that only twelve dantians can be opened up in the realm of Yuan Wuzhe. .

Instead, the number of his dantians abruptly doubled to as many as 24.

A subsequent breakthrough doubled the number of dantians, reaching a terrifying number of 48 at this time.

From nine to forty-eight, if Gu Mochen still wants to fuse the internal force again, the difficulty and complexity will not only increase a little, it will be a geometric multiple!
It can be foreseen that there will be a long period of time in the future, and Gu Mochen will have to spend it in retreat.

But that's for the future, as for now, his strength is enough to do the next thing to do!
The 48 dantians brought Gu Mochen an unprecedented increase in strength, and also made his confidence unparalleled!
Opening his eyes suddenly, two beams of light shot out from Gu Mochen's eyes, directly piercing through the darkness in the tomb of the giant dragon, and the light projected to the top of the cave. scared face.

"Senior Dragon God, do you have to do this?"

After only one glance, Gu Mochen's eyes turned to Xuanlongshen.

This is the Tomb of the Giant Dragon, which was built by the Xuanlong God with the last residual strength. The Tomb of the Giant Dragon is the last retreat of the Xuanlong God.

If there is no tomb of the dragon, the Xuanlong God can only follow Gu Mochen, and there will be no other choice.

When Gu Mochen was swallowing Longyuan before, Xuanlong God made the choice to cut off the spiritual connection with Gu Mochen in order to ensure that his consciousness would not die. It was because of the relationship with the tomb of the dragon that he There is still a place for the spiritual consciousness.

Now once the tomb of the giant dragon is destroyed, it is equivalent to destroying the last retreat of the Xuanlong God.

"Of course!"

Xuan Longshen's face was calm, and his eyes were even more resolute, and he didn't see any trace of reluctance in him.

"Before, the Dragon God chose to leave you first because there were still unfinished things to do. Now you know about this, and it is revenge."

He raised his finger and pointed at the top of the cave, "The enemy is right there, what retreat do I need now?"

"it is good……"

Gu Mochen nodded. The calmness of Xuanlong God is not because he is not angry, but because he is calm after being angry to the extreme.

He no longer needs to say unnecessary words, all he has to do is to help Xuanlong God fulfill his wish.

Dragon's Tomb?
Then... tremble under the power of me, Gu Mochen!
With this in mind, Gu Mochen no longer hesitated, his body froze, and suddenly, a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye swelled out from his body, and suddenly there was another shock!
With Gu Mochen as the center, vibrations erupted one after another in the air. Each vibration was so strong that the air collapsed directly, blasting out black holes that kept opening and closing one after another.

"Qingxuan, are you sure you want to do this!"

Seeing that Gu Mochen really made a move, the wild little dragon called out the name of Xuanlong God for the first time in anger, but there was panic that could not be concealed in his angry voice.

Just as Xuanlong God expected, although the wild little dragon can control the tomb of the dragon, he is unable to repair the damage to the tomb of the dragon.

And Gu Mochen's strength was beyond his expectation.

I thought that even if Gu Mochen wanted to blast through the tomb of the dragon, he would do his best reluctantly, and the wild little dragon had also made plans. As long as Gu Mochen moved, he would be controlled by the tomb of the dragon to bypass it The most violent part of the opponent's attack allowed Gu Mochen's strength to be evenly dispersed to keep the tomb of the dragon from collapsing.

This is also a helpless move.

If the wild little dragon is in the best condition at this time, then he can use the dual power of the dragon's tomb and the wild dragon pendant to directly crush and kill Gu Mochen and Xuanlong God together.

It's a pity that he can't protect himself now, and he doesn't have the energy to do so. At present, it is his limit to be able to move the tomb of the dragon and make Gu Mochen's attack ineffective.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Mochen made a move, the situation was not at all what he thought.

Use the transfer of the dragon's tomb to stabilize Gu Mochen's attack focus?

The other party didn't give him such a chance at all. What Gu Mochen was doing was an all-round attack and all-round shock. Everywhere he attacked, the attack power was so fierce, and there was no one who was stronger or weaker. explain.

In this way, no matter how the wild little dragon changes the tomb of the dragon, he also feels that the tomb of the dragon is showing signs of collapse.

This made the wild little dragon panic. He and the tomb of the dragon are now integrated into one. If the tomb of the dragon collapses, it will also be his collapse.

And with his current state of just a wisp of remnant soul, it is absolutely impossible to escape the fate of his spiritual consciousness dissipating!

How can this make him not panic?

He never thought that after Gu Mochen broke through to the Warrior Breaker, it would far exceed his expectations. It was only because he hadn't awakened his consciousness when he was in Gu Mochen's body before, so he didn't know that Gu Mochen Dust's cultivation level.

If he knew, he would never choose to tell Xuanlong God what he did in the past without thinking when he thought he was in control of the overall situation.

"Hmph, why can't this Dragon God do this?"

Xuanlong God responded coldly, the moment Gu Mochen activated it, he had submerged his consciousness into Gu Mochen's mind again, and restored the connection.

As for the body of the giant dragon, it was the body of the wilderness before, how could the Xuanlong God use it again?

(End of this chapter)

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