Martial arts giant

Chapter 788 Timely

Chapter 788 Timely
Mr. Luo was sandwiched between the two of them, knowing that the battle broke out, not to mention his main house, the entire Luo family would be destroyed by the force of the battle.

But what can he do?
Advise who?

He is the master here, but what is embarrassing is that he is the one with the lowest cultivation level among the three. Even if he does his best, under the aura of the beast warriors of the two, his cultivation level as a warrior is still not enough. Big enough to see.


Just when Mr. Luo was helpless, a beast roar came out of the big man's mouth like thunder. It can be seen that after the outbreak of the beast roar, his majestic figure is undergoing considerable changes.

But different from Mr. Luo's cognition, this big man did not directly transform into a terrifying strange beast, but changed in some parts of his body.

Thick scales began to grow on the exposed skin of the big man's body, hard sharp horns grew on his forehead, his big hands became thicker, and even long nails were forming.

But other than that, the size of the big man has not changed much, and he still maintains his human form.

Mr. Luo turned his head to look at Li Mo again, and found that he was almost the same as this big man. He also had the shape of a strange beast in some parts of his body, but the body still looked human.

Is this the high-end beast warrior secret technique?

Mr. Luo once heard from Gu Mochen that the secret technique of beast warriors can only turn the warrior into a strange beast at a low stage to improve the combat power.

But at a high stage, it will only strengthen the parts of the body, some weak parts in human form, or the parts commonly used for attack, in order to achieve more ferocious attack power.

"You guys, can you..."

Mr. Luo's complexion changed drastically. Just by looking at the current state of the two of them, he knew that once they fought, it would be shocking, so even if he was useless, he had no choice but to raise his aura to the peak. No matter what, he had to try his best to stop it .

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "All disciples of the Luo family obey the order. Disciples below the level of warriors should quickly withdraw from the range of the Luo family. Disciples above the level of warriors should form a defensive formation!"

The commotion here was so loud that it alarmed all the disciples of the Luo family. These people ran out of their residences in horror and gathered in the main house of the Luo family from all directions.

After hearing Mr. Luo's loud shout, everyone was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed the Patriarch's order. In the Luo family, Mr. Luo's order is an imperial decree, and it will be carried out immediately, regardless of the reason.

The family disciples started to act, but Mr. Luo's heart was full of bitterness.

The disciples of the martial artist left the Luo family, naturally for the sake of protecting these clansmen, and the sentence that the disciples above the martial artist and above formed an formation...

What kind of defensive formation can be formed?
All of his Luo family's disciples and elders above Yuan Wu Zhe, including himself, a Wu Zhe, are only 13 people.

This is all the high-end strength of the Luo family today.

It's a pity that if it is placed in a big family like the Chen family, the disciples of Yuan Wuzhe can only be regarded as the backbone, not the high-end.

Mr. Luo asked these 12 people to form a formation, but he just wanted to try his best to delay the battle here in the Luo family from being known to the outside world. He didn't know how long it might take.

"Old Luo, you also leave first, let me teach this self-righteous idiot a lesson!"

Li Mo's imitation of beasts has been completed, his eyebrows are raised high, it looks like his eyes are shrunk inward, but the light in his eyes is like a sharp sword, hitting Mr. Luo's face, unexpectedly It made him feel a little raw.

"You say... who is a self-righteous idiot?"

The big man was furious, and he took a step forward suddenly, and there was a bang. His step, he stepped out, directly dented the floor.

Seeing that Mr. Luo's eyelids twitched wildly.

The main house of the Luo family was built by the ancestors with extremely strong materials when the Luo family was promoted to the top ten aristocratic families. After so many years, despite the wind and rain, there were even two large-scale wars broke out in the middle, but the main house is here. No problem.

It was Mr. Luo himself, who bombarded the floor with the cultivation base of a martial artist, and it should only be a small crack.

But this big man just took a step forward lightly and deftly, and his strong main house was about to collapse.

Li Mo is right, the only thing he can do at this time is to leave for the time being.

There was another loud noise, which made Mr. Luo complain endlessly. The loud noise behind him was naturally caused by Li Mo at the same time. Just looking at the supernatural power shown by the two before the official battle broke out, he felt that he was caught in the middle, like a leaf Like a boat that is swaying in the stormy sea, it may collapse at any time.

Sure enough...or can I just leave first?
Mr. Luo had no choice but to follow Li Mo's suggestion, maintain his aura of a warrior, and retreat slowly towards the door.

After today, I'm afraid there will be no more Luo family in the world!
Before leaving, Mr. Luo took another look at his study with reluctance. This is his study and also the practice room of the previous Patriarchs. Today, it will be lost forever before his eyes, but Mr. Luo can't do anything.

This feeling made him feel infinitely depressed.

However, at this moment, when Li Mo and the big man's aura were about to touch each other, a quick drink instantly broke the stalemate in the room.

"Wait a minute, you all wait a moment!"

Hearing this voice, Mr. Luo's expression brightened, and he felt relieved a lot. This voice was exactly what he had been looking forward to, who might be able to solve the immediate crisis.

Gu Mochen!
Before the battle between the two powerful beast warriors was about to break out, Gu Mochen finally rushed back to Luo's house at the last moment!

A burst of vigor and fury rushed towards him, directly smashing the huge tempered glass in Mr. Luo's study.

At the moment when broken glass filled the room, two figures rushed towards them, standing right between Li Mo and the big man.

"Stop it first!"

Gu Mochen raised his arms horizontally to prevent Li Mo from colliding with the big man.

"Brother Gu!"

Mr. Luo was the first to yell, the excitement on his face was beyond measure.

"Who the hell are you?"

The big man's brows were wide open, and he took another step forward, but he never thought that he would bump into a soft wall, and he was caught off guard by the collision, so he took half a step back.

Gu Heng, who came back with Gu Mochen, was dazzled.

He suffered from this loss before, and now seeing other people suffer from it also made him feel better.

"How about it, can't you break it?"

Gu Heng grinned and said, "I can't break it either!"


The big man didn't look at Gu Mochen, but looked up and down at Gu Heng who suddenly spoke, his face was full of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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