Martial arts giant

Chapter 791 The situation is serious

Chapter 791 The situation is serious

It's good to feel the direction of internal force, and I don't know whether I said this to Gu Heng or Wu Yang.

In short, when Gu Mochen assisted Gu Heng in running the beast warrior's secret technique, the two of them focused their attention on the direction of internal force.

Gu Mochen knows the secret technique of the beast warrior, but he cannot practice it, let alone use his body to simulate the direction of internal force mentioned in the secret technique of the beast warrior.

If that is the case, it will conflict with his own barbaric tactics, and it is impossible for Gu Mochen to do it without training, just a circle of internal force can make himself produce an obvious beast-like state.

Even Li Mo, a star warrior, had to practice for a period of time, and with the help of the essence of beast martial arts, he could complete the secret art of beast martial artists.

But Gu Mochen couldn't do it by himself, but he could inject his internal energy into Gu Heng's body.

Although Gu Heng has never practiced the secret technique of a beast warrior, he has the animal-like pill component in his blood. As long as he cooperates with the corresponding exercises, he can easily achieve the beast-like form. status.

Therefore, Gu Mochen simulated this trend in Gu Heng's body according to the operation method of the internal force of the beast warrior's secret technique passed down by the elders of Li's family, so as to make Gu Heng achieve a more advanced state of simulating the beast.

It was the half-human, half-beast state that Li Mo and Wu Yang had displayed before.

From Wu Yang's perspective, he should be able to see that the previous Gu Heng would not have been in such a state of half-human, half-beast, otherwise he would not have blurted out the word "exotic beast".

In his eyes, Gu Heng can't even be considered a beast warrior, at best he can only be regarded as a strange beast.

If such a person can reach a high-level beast-like state in an instant, it can undoubtedly prove that although Gu Mochen has not practiced the secret art of beast warriors, he also has a deep understanding of the various changes in it.

And that's not the most important thing.

Because Wu Yang can also say that this is a skill that Gu Mochen stole, which is consistent with what he said when he discovered that Li Mo would turn into a beast.

That's why Gu Mochen asked him to feel the direction of his inner strength carefully.

Gu Mochen didn't hide it, but moved the internal force in Gu Heng's body openly, not to mention Wu Yang, even Mr. Luo and Li Mo could clearly see the trend of the internal force in Gu Heng's body .

As Gu Mochen controlled the internal force to move through Gu Heng's body, after running for nine consecutive big circles, Gu Heng finally let out a roar!


Unlike his previous self-imitation, which turned into a huge black bull, this time, only sharp horns grew on his head, and his hands gradually began to turn into steel-like hooves.

He also started a high-level beast-like state like Li Mo and Wu Yang!
Wu Yang's complexion became more and more solemn.

He could naturally see that the direction of the internal force that Gu Mochen exerted in Gu Heng's body was completely different from the secret technique of the beast warrior that he himself practiced.

What's more, even after he felt the simulacra on Li Mo's body, what he blurted out had nothing to do with it.

The original is the secret art of beast warriors practiced by the first generation of beast warriors when they fled to the danger zone. It can be regarded as a perfected secret technique of the first generation, but after so many years of updating, it has gradually evolved into the secret technique of today. surgery.

Therefore, even if it is a remnant, it is more or less related to the secret art of the beast warrior he has practiced, and the clue can be seen from the operation of internal force.

But the direction of Gu Mochen's internal force is completely different.

Wu Yang can also see that although the direction is different, they lead to the same goal by different routes, and finally achieved the effect of mimicking beasts, and he can also see that the operation method of this kind of internal force should be the same as their so-called leftovers. With the ancient operation method of some years, combined with his own secret technique, Wu Yang believes that there are still many ways to improve it.

But in general, Gu Mochen's internal force operation method is indeed quite different from the secret art of beast warriors he knows.

To be different is to be different. It can be said that it is another secret technique for cultivating beast warriors, that is to say, it is someone else's.

Other people's things can't be said to be stolen from their beast warriors, can they?

Gu Heng's imitation of beasts became more and more obvious, and he was almost at the point of completion, but Gu Mochen saw that Gu Heng's eyes became more and more blood red, and the sound of his breathing became more and more rough. Almost into a state of insanity.

Gu Heng's situation is different from Wu Yang or Li Mo's. He didn't become a beast warrior by practicing secret arts, but relied on his blood inheritance.

In the case that he has never practiced the secret art of beast warriors, Gu Mochen forcibly used his own internal strength to open up a cultivation route for him, which would trigger the rage of the blood in Gu Heng's body, causing him to enter the real beast state ahead of time. state.

Of course, Gu Mochen didn't want to make Gu Heng lose his mind, so no matter whether Wu Yang saw it clearly, he could no longer let his internal force continue to circulate in Gu Heng's body.

Withdraw immediately.

Even my own internal force didn't take back, it stayed in Gu Heng's body, it was right to treat him as a reward for letting him do the experiment this time, and that internal force already had a fixed cultivation route, let it circulate slowly in Gu Heng's body, instead it still You can let Gu Heng familiarize himself with the beast warrior's secret technique in advance, so that he can practice later.

After withdrawing his hand, Gu Mochen looked at Wu Yang, but he didn't speak, and there was a questioning intent in his eyes.

Wu Yang also didn't speak, frowning in thought.

"So you said where did you get this secret technique?"

After a long time, he raised his head, and his tone became much calmer.

"Brother Duan also knew about this from an elder of the Li family back then. As long as we rescue him from the barrier of the Chen family, everything will naturally come to light."

Gu Mochen nodded in response.

"Hmph, what's the point of finding out the truth after taking down the Chen family?"

Wu Yang gave him a blank look. If the Chen family is defeated, is it necessary to search for the origin of this so-called secret art of beast warriors?
But having said that, Wu Yang's complexion also eased, at least so far, the evidence provided by Gu Mochen can also prove that the beast warrior secret technique he possesses has nothing to do with the beast warrior organization.

But even if it is irrelevant, it is also a disaster for the beast warrior organization if the secret technique of the beast warrior is researched by others.

But Wu Yang is not an unreasonable person, since it has been proved that Gu Mochen did not obtain this secret technique from their Beast Warrior Organization through extraordinary means, he can't force people to forget it, can he?
What is there to forget?
As the first inspector of the beast warrior organization, Wu Yang bears the brunt of the responsibility for the supervision of the beast warrior's secret arts, so when he realized the seriousness of the situation, he was already thinking of other solutions.

(End of this chapter)

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