Martial arts giant

Chapter 793 The Secret of Yan Kai's Residence

Chapter 793 The Secret of Yan Kai's Residence

A group of people walked to Yan Kai's residence.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the Luo family was extremely heavy. Although Wu Yang had already left, Mr. Luo's strict order just now put everyone in the Luo family's disciples at risk.

Many disciples knew that it was only one person who came to the Luo family to make trouble, but it was just this one person, which made the Luo family terrified, and the Luo family's weakness at this time was evident.

After leaving the main house, Mr. Luo had to explain to several core disciples including Elder Luo Yan, but he found that everyone's eyes were more on Gu Mochen.

The Long Yuan that Gu Mochen condensed to the Luo family before is still in the Luo family, and these core disciples take turns guarding it, so they can naturally see the growth of the Long Yuan day by day.

It is not an exaggeration to say that every time they check Longyuan, they can feel that it is getting stronger day by day, which means that the owner of Longyuan, that is, Gu Mochen, is also becoming stronger day by day.

The Luo family's hope lies in Gu Mochen!
This is what Mr. Luo once said to the core disciples of the Luo family. Now that I think about it, how correct this sentence is.

Although the Dragon Warrior is no longer in the Luo family, Gu Mochen is in the Luo family, and the dragon yuan is also in the Luo family. The dragon yuan is here, and hope is there. Now the disciples of the Luo family can still see a little bit of dawn in their eyes. It was on Gu Mochen's body.

Mr. Luo felt this, but he didn't say anything, and Gu Mochen also felt this, but he sighed in his heart.

He is the hope of the Luo family, but for him, he doesn't want to be the hope of others, because what he is doing at this time is very likely to bring despair to people.

After passing this hurdle, the strength of the Luo family is just around the corner, but if they fail, how many expectant eyes will be left in front of him?
After a delay, everyone came to the residence previously arranged for Yan Kai.

Including Li Mo, including Gu Heng, the four people who came out of Mr. Luo's study were standing outside the house at this moment.

Gu Mochen wanted to find out the reason for Yan Kai's disappearance, so Mr. Luo naturally thought about it, and even Li Mo was curious about how this person disappeared without anyone noticing under the perception of his powerful spiritual sense.

It doesn't matter if Gu Heng is the only one, anyway, he can go wherever Gu Mochen goes.

As the owner of this place, Mr. Luo pushed open the door of Yan Kai's other courtyard first, and a cold breeze rushed in, but everything in the courtyard was normal, except that there was one person missing.

Everyone entered the small courtyard and glanced around in the courtyard. Everyone is a person with strong spiritual sense. A glance is enough to see all the details in this small courtyard.

But... nothing.

No, it should be said that there is no abnormality.

Mr. Luo naturally knows this other courtyard, and Gu Mochen has been here twice, but in the eyes of the two, everything is the same.

Li Mo's consciousness was also released, but he also didn't feel anything strange.


"what happened to you?"

When Gu Mochen's spiritual consciousness reached Gu Heng, he found something strange about him.

Gu Heng's face was excited at this time, his body was trembling slightly, he was turning around in circles, his nose would move from time to time, as if he was looking for something.

Gu Mochen was very curious. If we talk about spiritual consciousness here, Gu Heng is the lowest. Even Gu Mochen believes that Gu Heng doesn't understand how to use divine consciousness at all, let alone release it to the outside world. Check out what.

But he was the only one among the four people present who had a strange reaction to Yan Kai's other courtyard.

This can only be attributed to...

Gu Mochen thought about it, the instinct of a strange beast?
Rather than saying that Gu Heng is a human being, it is more appropriate to say that he is a strange beast. When Wu Yang saw him for the first time before, he blurted out the word strange beast.

"I really want it, what is it?"

Gu Heng's voice trembled with excitement, he kept looking left and right, his teeth were even grinding, as if he really wanted to swallow what he felt in one gulp.

But what's here?
Gu Heng himself couldn't explain clearly, and he didn't know where it was, otherwise he wouldn't have been running around in a hurry.

"What do you feel?"

Gu Mochen patted him on the shoulder, trying to make his tone gentler.

"I don't know, it's just a feeling. As soon as I entered this place, my body gave birth to a very urgent feeling, as if there is something here that is extremely absorbing to me!"

Gu Heng spoke eagerly while scratching his head frantically, "But where is this thing? Where is it?"

He was on the verge of going crazy, waves of wild beasts were spreading from his body, and it seemed that he was about to lose control of himself and become a beast-like state.

"Calm down!"

Gu Mochen's expression froze, and at the same time he opened his mouth to shout, he slapped his palm on the top of his head, and a pure inner force wrapped his trace of spiritual consciousness into Gu Heng's brain.

Gu Heng has to rely on Gu Heng to find out the thing that drives him crazy, maybe he can only wait until the other party has completely turned into a strange beast, but Gu Mochen can't guarantee whether Gu Heng can turn back into a human again after this transformation After all, his situation is different from that of ordinary beast warriors, even closer to the fake beast warriors of the Chen family.

Once it changes, it is very likely that it will never change back!
A gust of coolness rushed straight down Gu Heng's mind, causing him to tremble all over. He had woken up a little bit from that crazy state, and his face suddenly looked dazed.

Gu Mochen closed his eyes.

His spiritual consciousness was introduced into Gu Heng's mind, and merged with the opponent's spiritual power. After experiencing a burst of collision with the strange beast's breath, he successfully temporarily merged with Gu Heng's consciousness.

At this moment, he is Gu Heng, Gu Heng is him, every change in the other party's body, every tremor of mental power, Gu Mochen feels the same way!

This is the technique of using spiritual power taught to him by Xuanlong God. Its effect is similar to Sikong Hao's seizing the house, which can temporarily occupy the body of others.

But Gu Mochen naturally didn't want to occupy Gu Heng's body, even if he wanted to, he could use his huge spiritual power to destroy Gu Heng's spirit.

What he wants is to temporarily use Gu Heng's animal instinct to perceive what this thing is.


Old Master Luo and Li Mo saw that after Gu Heng, Gu Mochen's body also trembled violently due to excitement.

The spiritual power of the two is connected, and everything that Gu Heng feels here is also transmitted to Gu Mochen, making him feel the same way!

Urgency, longing, anxiety, all kinds of intense emotions hit Gu Mochen's brain, and he could tell in an instant that the feeling that made Gu Heng so excited turned out to be something he was very familiar with.

This thing turned out to be... the essence of beast martial arts!
What he felt from Gu Heng turned out to be the essence of beast martial arts!

(End of this chapter)

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