Martial arts giant

Chapter 82 Grouping Rules

Chapter 82 Grouping Rules
"Hi everyone, my younger brother is Duan and his name is Kant. He is the master of ceremonies for this tournament!"

Duan Kangde was full of smiles, and said to the contestants in the auditorium on three sides in high spirits.

master of ceremonies?

Gu Mochen and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. This person has really spared no effort in developing his own organizational power, and he will not let go of any place where he can show his face.

"It is also the actual controller of the Golden Dragon Gang!"

Sure enough, Duan Kant's next sentence revealed his original intention.

He wanted to gain a firm foothold here in Changtian City. It was obviously unrealistic to rely solely on the organization to send people to fill in. The best way was to use local materials, and it was a wise choice to recruit more local warriors.

What Duan Kande did was much more grandiose than those small sects who hoped to shine in the competition to get more fighters to join.

The Golden Dragon Gang will continue to manage the entire hunter stronghold until the next controller is produced. In addition to greeting Gu Mochen and the others, Duan Kande has also spared no effort to show his strength these days And privately contacted some casual martial artists without sects.

Plus now, before such an important game, his appearance like this is of great benefit to the improvement of his prestige.

No one spoke, looking at Duan Kangde who was smiling and standing in the middle of the ring No. [-], each of them had different lights in their eyes.

After all, there is only one champion, and how to maximize the benefits of this event is a problem that many sects and power leaders need to consider.

Duan Kangde's mysterious forces have always been very strong. If it hadn't been for the Zhonglin Chen family to intervene, many people believe that there would be nothing wrong with this martial arts tournament.


Therefore, Chen Yan, the representative of Zhonglin Chen's family who stepped in, snorted coldly at the right time, expressing his disdain for Duan Kangde.

All martial arts masters present, he didn't hide anything with his cold snort, and even added a little bit of internal strength, which made everyone win over him.

Duan Kangde smiled on the surface, but XXX in his heart.

Is it easy for him to pretend to be forceful? Chen Yan's cold snort immediately made the expressions on everyone's faces more complicated.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Zhonglin Chen's family is like a thunderbolt. Compared with the power behind the mysterious Duan Kangde, even though Duan Kangde has always acted like a wealthy and courteous corporal, he can't hold back the fact that the other party is too powerful!

In the past few days, more than half of the warriors that Duan Kant has come into contact with in private show hesitation, and none of them is because they know that there is a behemoth like the Zhonglin Chen family who is involved this time.

This time it became clear that the biggest competitor on Duan Kangde's side was the Zhonglin Chen family, and there were still local superpowers like Fengleizong who did not make a sound.

When the wind is turbulent, the issue of standing in line becomes even more important.

Especially Chen Yan's cold snort at this time, the meaning represented in it, of course those who are interested can understand it, before the situation is clear, it may be impossible for Duan Kangde to pull people to stand in line.

Apart from that cold snort, Chen Yan didn't move any more, he raised Erlang's legs and looked like an old god.

On the other hand, Duan Kangde didn't say anything, he still smiled, coughed lightly, and drew everyone's attention back, before saying:

"Thank you for coming to this tournament. I believe you all know the rules better than me. I won't repeat them here. Let's focus on how to fight."

He turned half of his body in a self-confident manner, pointed at the large electronic screen with one finger, and with his movements, the large characters on the screen suddenly shattered and turned into countless small balls with number marks, which ran wildly without rules within the scope of the screen. rolling.

"Here are 98 numbered balls, corresponding to the 98 wooden number plates in everyone's hands."

Duan Kangde explained with a smile: "I'll wait until ten o'clock, and the 98 numbered balls will be automatically paired and divided into two groups. The two teams that are assigned will be the opponents in the first round of today's competition."

"Then it will be Team 49 after the winner is determined!"

Duan Kangde continued to explain: "This is more fun, because it is an odd number of teams, so before the second round of competition, in addition to continuing to match, we will randomly draw a lucky team to become the second round bye team , directly advance to the third round."

"The third round is the same, because there is a bye team in the previous round, another lucky team will be drawn again in this round to become the third round bye team, and the remaining 24 teams will continue to determine twelve teams to advance. Together with the bye team, we will become the thirteen victorious teams in today's match!"

Having said that, Duan Kangde paused, and looked at the frowning expressions of the participating teams in the auditorium with satisfaction.

This rule he said is almost equivalent to no rule.

Except that the bye teams in the last two rounds can still look forward to some luck, the others are very simple and cruel.

Each team has only one chance. If they win, they will advance, and if they lose, they will retreat. There is no room for maneuver.

Simple and crude, it is to win one game at a time until the end, and any failure in any of them is a crushing defeat.

Even that lucky team is bullshit.

Because after all, the general goal of this martial arts tournament is to belong to the hunter's stronghold, so it is only meaningful to become the champion.

And no matter which team is lucky enough to get a bye, it can only advance to the semi-finals at most. Do you want to reach the top?

Have you asked the other three teams that have been bloody and obliterating the other three teams that rushed forward?

Nothing matters unless you become a champion.

"So, everyone knows the rules? Today each team will play three games to directly decide the final thirteen teams, and then take a rest. Tomorrow, we will play three more games to directly decide the final two teams. The day after tomorrow, we will be able to Carry out the entire martial arts tournament and decide the strongest king in the end!"

Duan Kangde said a lot in one breath, but he didn't feel tired. Instead, he became more energetic. He looked around and took a panoramic view of everyone's reactions. After taking a breath, he said again:
"These are the rules, they're pretty clear, right?"

"Then, let's not waste time and start drawing lots now."

Duan Kande looked at the time display on the top of the screen, and it happened to jump to ten o'clock. Satisfied with his concept of time, he waved his hand and nodded to the side.

The number balls that had been rolling irregularly on the screen suddenly went berserk, from no rank to order, and after a while, each number ball began to move to its fixed position, divided into a row on the left and right, with a golden line in the middle A thin thread connects the number balls on both sides.

48 number.

Gu Mochen looked at the wood carving in his hand, looking for his number plate on the large scrolling screen like Zhang Anhai and the others.


With sharp eyes, Wu Jie was the first to spot the location of the No. 48 ball. By the way, along the golden line, the opponent's number plate was also seen in his eyes.

Number 2!
(End of this chapter)

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