Chapter 86

Whip legs!

When the referee gave an order, Wu Jie moved in response, and a fierce kick directly shook Li Yuncai!
Unlike Zhang Hua, although Wu Jie can be considered an agile warrior, his agility is all on one pair of legs.

Boundless legs, good at hitting fast with fast speed, practiced to the extreme where you can't see people, don't see legs, and you can do whatever you want. It is the top grade of Xuan-level attack martial arts.

The six exercises that Duan Kangde handed over to Gu Mochen were all of the highest quality. In order to compete for the hunter's stronghold, he spent a lot of money.

The air was full of bursting breath, Wu Jie threw his leg, and almost even the air was split in two by him. With a fierce momentum, the shadow of his leg was like a whip, and he slammed towards the top of Li Yuncai's head.

He thought very clearly that he must be inferior to Li Yuncai in lightness kungfu, so he can only be faster than the other one!

The ultimate attack will also bring the ultimate speed, using your strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, isn't Li Yuncai running fast?

Then I will preemptively attack and use the fastest attack to disrupt Li Yuncai's position, so that he can't use his body skills like he did when he beat Zhang Anhai.

This leg made Li Yuncai's face change.

So strong!

His heart sank, and he hurriedly suppressed the dream of [-]v[-] in his heart. He thought that the speed and strength of this leg were not as good as he thought, so he also chose to make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses, and let his speed advantage be used first.

The afterimage flashed, Wu Jie's immeasurable legs were as fast as lightning, but Li Yuncai's figure was faster than lightning, a swipe of the whip leg could only split Li Yuncai's afterimage in half, and the opponent had already moved elsewhere.


Wu Jie turned his eyebrows and eyes, Li Yuncai's reaction did not exceed his expectations, he originally planned to fight fast, if you move, I will move too!

Compared with Wu Jie's legs, Li Yuncai's natural movement to dodge is greater, and he only needs to whip out one more leg, and he can cover Li Yuncai's figure under the shadow of his legs.

This is his plan, to use his fast legs to restrain Li Yuncai's body skills, and compared to Zhang Anhai's pure defense, the consumption of Wuliang legs is much smaller, enough for him to seriously compete with Li Yuncai.

Brush, brush——!
The shadows of figures and legs swayed around in the arena, making everyone dazzled. Wu Jie and Zhang Anhai were also motionless, but from Li Yuncai's side, it could be seen that the latter's body skills were obviously affected by the shadows of legs. , no longer the smooth transition from the previous match against Zhang Anhai.

"Huh? This kid can do it!"

"666, this is the strength of an extreme warrior!"

"I'll wipe it, this leg is so strong, can't the opponent resist it?"

The barrage went crazy again. The audience wanted to switch to the No. 2 live broadcast with the idea of ​​watching a funny movie, but they didn't expect it to be unexpectedly exciting.

"Come on, kill that idiot!"

The audience doesn't care what the Flying Wolf Palace is or not, Li Yuncai's lightness kung fu is so good that the cameras can't catch his speed in a fight, and even people can't see him, so why support a bird?

Look at Wu Jie again, how slippery is that calf kick, it seems that the air has been kicked out, right?

There must be a wave of support for such an explosive scene!


Wu Jie's heart dropped a little.

The pressure of losing the two first and the tension of his first appearance became more and more relieved with the full use of the infinite legs. At this moment, he has entered the state, entered the state of... the infinite legs!
Gu Mochen's eyes lit up, and he felt the change in Wu Jie's momentum, and this change was very similar to his sudden epiphany when the beast horde came.

Could it be...Wu Jie will also...

With this in mind, Gu Mochen leaned forward slightly, watching Wu Jie's momentum changes on the field with full expectation, hoping that Wu Jie would suddenly have an epiphany in the battle like him!

Swipe, swipe, swipe—!
Wu Jie was also just as Gu Mochen thought, one leg was as fast as the other, and the whole person seemed to have entered a mysterious state, where is the opponent?Who is the opponent?

He doesn't need to care about any of these anymore, all he needs to do is to keep pushing out his legs. Based on his feeling, Wuliang's legs are as fast as lightning, and they stay close to Li Yuncai.

The more Li Yuncai fought, the more frightened she became.

Until now, he has never been hit in the leg, and this is all thanks to his incomparable swiftness, but at the same time, he also found that his evasion space has become narrower and narrower.

Under Wu Jie's fierce offensive, he was gradually forced back to the corner of the ring without knowing it, and the space for him to display his body skills was getting smaller and smaller.

Not only that, Li Yuncai also found out in humiliation that until now, he hadn't even made an attack, and he was hiding.

At any rate, he held two victories in his hand and beat the opponent 2-0, how could he be so useless?
To change, to attack, to kill!

Li Yuncai was completely outraged, and Wu Jie attacked fiercely, but he could also feel that this person was actually no different from the previous two, he was both a rookie, otherwise with Wu Jie's offensive, Li Yuncai told himself that if he fought against him If the roles were reversed, it would be impossible to wait until now to kick someone off the ring.

So, it's my turn to attack!
He is an agile warrior, but this does not mean that he can only use body skills to keep running for his life. He also has attack martial skills, and his power is not weak!
"Master, Brother Li seems to be dying soon!"

In the audience, among the Flying Wolves, Huang Wei had nothing to say to Mao Meng.

What happened just now always made his heart fluctuate. He couldn't figure out what Master was thinking, and he was always thinking about finding something to say, so as to test Mao Meng's attitude.


Mao Meng squinted at him, and said with a sneer, "Yuncai is not as simple as just being able to hide!"

"That's true..." Huang Wei scratched his head and said with a smirk, "Senior brother Li is showing off his power, I'm no match for you!"

Just as he was talking, the situation on the field changed again!

In the blink of an eye, Li Yuncai dodged Wu Jie's leg again, and then her body stopped, and she raised her head to the sky and let out a roar!

All of a sudden, his body turned blood red, and the veins on his angry and ferocious face were even more swollen, and those originally stern eyes shot out a bloodthirsty light.

"Huh? Huh?"

However, before he could take the next move, he saw Wu Jie's side suddenly trembling violently, and he stopped whipping his legs, making him even more dazed.

Gu Mochen sighed secretly and lowered his head.

Just a little!
Wu Jie was only a little short of entering the state of epiphany!
He has even made preparations, as soon as Wu Jie enters the state, he will immediately make a move, regardless of the outcome of the match, and knock Li Yuncai off the stage with one punch, so as to give Wu Jie enough time to realize his epiphany .

It's a pity that it's just a little bit worse.

Before Wu Jie enters the mysterious and mysterious realm, it is very necessary for him to maintain the movement of his legs. After all, he can have the opportunity to realize it all because of his infinite legs!
such a pity!
Gu Mochen couldn't help but glared at Li Yuncai.

Mom - it's okay, what's your name!

(End of this chapter)

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