Martial arts giant

Chapter 88 Sudden Flash!

Chapter 88 Sudden Flash!

"What's going on? Why is there another one?"

Duan Kande's voice seemed exasperated, almost expressing his shock in a roar.

"Is it strange?"

Beside him, the woman in black was very calm. She glanced at him and said, "If there is one, there are two. The Flying Wolf Hall is arguably one of the top ten sects. It is not impossible to be wooed by the Zhonglin Chen family."

"You mean..."

Duan Kangde frowned, and said, "What is Zhonglin Chen's family trying to do? Beast fighters are absolutely not allowed in their human society, right?"

"If they do this, they are not afraid that the matter will be publicized and cause the entire human alliance to attack?"

The woman in black rubbed her eyebrows with her hands, thought for a while before saying, "There are two possibilities."

"First, the Zhonglin Chen family is strong enough to not need to look at other people's faces. Second, they have already prepared a retreat for themselves!"

"Strong enough?"

Duan Kangde shook his head like a rattle, and said: "Impossible, although the Zhonglin Chen family is very strong, they still can't reach the level of being superior to others!"

"That's the second type."

The woman in black agreed and said: "The Chen family of Zhonglin has another plan, so they can not be restricted by the Human Alliance!"

"This possibility..."

Duan Kangde opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

The woman in black looked around, and seeing that they were all her own, she said in a deep voice, "Do you think they plan to stay with humans for a long time, even if they dare to spread such things as beast warriors?"

Duan Kangde rubbed the space between his brows, and said with a wry smile: "Look at how bold and unrestrained they are, it doesn't look like we are still secretly hiding them."

"Then you also go unrestrained?"

The woman in black gave him a cold look, then turned and left, leaving Duan Kant dumbfounded.

Look back to the ring side.

"Lieutenant General, please get ready to play!"

The referee yelled at Gu Mochen without the slightest emotion.

Wu Jie was injured, he had already given Gu Mochen a little extra time to deal with it, but he couldn't delay it for too long, and it was in the live broadcast now.

Furthermore, he is a member of the Golden Dragon Gang, and with Duan Kant's instructions, he will still give Gu Mochen and the others a certain amount of care within his duties.

Now we are playing in the KOF competition system. The farther away Gu Mochen is on the field, the more internal strength Li Yuncai can recover from staying on the stage. Therefore, Li Yuncai is not in a hurry at all. Wait a little longer, and his strength will recover a little longer. point.

The referee only thought that Gu Mochen and the others were inexperienced in the competition for the first time, so he issued a reminder, but he didn't know, even if Li Yuncai was restored to a good state before starting the fight, so what?
But the live broadcast platform couldn't hold back anymore.

"Hey, are you still playing?"

"That's right, what kind of garbage team is the Invincible God of War? Don't be singled out for three, now the fourth person doesn't dare to play at all, right?"

"What the upstairs said is very true, and the subordinates also think so, alas, let's go, it's over!"

The audience, who were originally in the mood of watching the excitement, didn't see any excitement at first sight, and such a big-scoring game was really boring, so they all echoed, ready to yell and tell the anchor to change the arena.


Everyone felt something flicker on the screen, and there was a dull crit sound from the stereo.

What happened?

"Gu Mochen, the pinnacle of extreme warriors."

After a few seconds, the indifferent self-introduction came again from the speaker, and it was only now that a young man was standing in the center of the ring, introducing himself with his hands clasped.

But who is he introducing?
The referee was also dumbfounded. He turned his head with great difficulty, swallowed his saliva, and looked at Li Yuncai who was lying sprawled on the floor outside the ring, and couldn't react for a while.

Is this... the end?

The referee remembered that he just opened his mouth to remind Gu Mochen to pay attention to the game time, and then, he felt a gust of wind blowing by his ears, and then there was no more.

Until Gu Mochen finished introducing himself, a mouthful of blood had already spewed out from Li Yuncai's side, leaving a footprint on his chest, which was exactly the same as where Wu Jie was injured.

His brother was punched into a coma, and Gu Mochen hadn't had the spirit to fight with the opponent for dozens of rounds, and then he said politely about making concessions.

He will repay what the other party did to Wu Jie!

If Li Yuncai hadn't kept some hands all the time, and didn't cause more serious or even fatal injuries to Wu Jie, his kick would never have been so easy.


"Fuck, how did you win?"

"Damn, this kick is awesome!"

The barrage suddenly boiled again, and the keyboard warriors were clapping their heads to ask the anchor to change the ring, but in a blink of an eye, the situation on the field turned around 360 degrees.

Through the slow-motion video playback provided by the live broadcast platform, the audience finally saw clearly what happened just now, and it is precisely because of this that the barrage exploded.

It says 16 times slow speed under the video playback, but even so, the audience can only see a faint shadow on the screen, and they can barely see how Gu Mochen kicked his legs, and how his kick flew away Li Yuncai.

This posture, this speed... is amazing!



All of a sudden, a white whirlwind blew up madly on the other side of the barrage, and the audience friends could only look stupid at the white screen.

"Brother Li!"

On the Flying Wolves side, Huang Wei and others hurried to the place where Li Yuncai was blown away.

Although they were mentally prepared for Gu Mochen's toughness, isn't this too tough?

When did the man go up, and when did Li Yuncai be blown away, Huang Wei and the others were similar to the audience, at most they could only see a little blurry shadow.

Only Mao Meng, who is considered to be a high-ranking figure in the Flying Wolf Hall, whose strength has reached the elementary level of Shadow Warrior, can see Gu Mochen's movements clearly.

So the shock in his heart was far stronger than that of Huang Wei and the others.

The so-called ignorant people are fearless. When they didn't have a clear understanding of Gu Mochen's strength, Huang Wei and the others were not as shocked as Mao Meng.

"This kid..."

Mao Meng looked at the indifferent Gu Mochen on the stage, and frowned deeply.

While he was meditating, Huang Wei and the others had already carried Li Yuncai back.

The injury was serious, but not fatal, but if he didn't receive timely treatment, if he accidentally won this round, Li Yuncai would not be able to participate in the next competition.

The Flying Wolves did not have a full-time doctor like Li Xin, and although they were equipped with healing pills, they were not as effective as Li Xin's refining pills.

"Flying Wolves, please send your sub-forward!"

Today is different from the past, the referee's urging this time is not for the sake of the Flying Wolves.

Gu Mochen was obviously in good condition and didn't need to wait for time to recover his internal strength. On the Flying Wolves side, there were not a few people who were shocked by Gu Mochen's kick. The referee didn't want to give them more time to calm down and discuss tactics.

This kind of double standard means of different treatment, this referee also played 666.
(End of this chapter)

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