Martial arts giant

Chapter 893 Advance!

Chapter 893 Advance!

"And I!"

Wu Yang pointed his thumb back to himself, and said proudly: "You have seen my strength, and now I am a star warrior!"

Gu Mochen nodded.

The first inspector of the beast warrior in front of him is a star warrior, which didn't surprise him.

When he was in Luo's house last time, Wu Yang almost confronted Li Mo directly, but fortunately he came back in time to resolve an unnecessary trouble.

It was also at that time that Gu Mochen felt that Wu Yang's strength was not weak, almost equal to that of Li Mo who had practiced the secret art of beast warrior.

You must know that although Li Mo's training in the secret art of beast warriors is extremely short, he has advantages that Wu Yang does not have.

That is the essence of beast martial arts!
It is conceivable that when Wu Yang was practicing the secret art of the beast warrior, there should only be a beast martial essence to help him successfully transform into a beast, and the subsequent cultivation was entirely up to him.

But Li Mo started directly with ten beast martial essences, and his cultivation progress in the secret arts of beast warriors can be described as rapid progress.

Comparing the two, Wu Yang's strength should have overwhelmed Li Mo's. Li Mo's side was actually following the Li family's old path, relying on the advantages of pills to be evenly matched.

If Wu Yang had had the inexhaustible essence of beast martial arts like Li Mo from the very beginning, maybe the current Wu Yang's strength would be even higher, even Gu Mochen was not his opponent, and he could directly face Chen Qi up!
Of course, the essence of beast warriors is indeed a bottleneck that restricts the development of beast warriors. If Wu Yang wants to cultivate regardless of consumption, it is estimated that the entire beast warrior organization will consume all the beast warrior essence, and the beast warrior organization will have to do so And destruction, can no longer produce new beast warriors.

So this can only be a hypothesis.

Gu Mochen secretly calculated.

Based on the strength reported by Wu Yang, if it is only used to lead the battle, it is indeed enough.

Especially those 37 martial arts masters, if they took advantage of the Chen family's unpreparedness to attack together, even the Chen family would definitely be overwhelmed, and they would be stunned from the very beginning.

I don't know how many times Gu Mochen had regrettable thoughts in his mind today.

If it was really as they planned, the general attack on the Chen family would be launched after the joint forces on Gu Mochen's side were ready. Gu Mochen believed that the winning rate of the battle between the two sides would probably have to be increased by [-]%.

It's a pity that the start time of this great war is not decided by Gu Mochen and the others, but by the Chen family.

In the past two days, the coalition forces definitely don't want to start a big war, but the Chen family's side has the possibility of launching an attack anytime, anywhere!

It is estimated that even Chen Qi never imagined that a murderous plan carefully arranged against the Chen family would be eliminated because of his sudden rage.

This alone allowed Chen Qi to give the Chen family's originally implied disadvantage to him.

He would never have imagined that he was just going to deal with a Luo family who could be manipulated by others, and what he would encounter was a powerful counterattack far beyond his imagination!

Gu Mochen felt much better.

Because of the secret technique of the beast warrior, the Xuanlong God's plan failed, which would make the Chen family's combat power suddenly increase, but because of the sudden surprise on Wu Yang's side, this improvement does not seem to be as strong as imagined. big.

In fact, it wasn't that big. In the end, the large amount of beast martial essence sent by Wei Ningsi played a role, and the beast warriors brought by Wu Yang gained a lot of benefits.

Especially those high-level beast warriors who were already stuck at the critical point of breaking through, but had been unable to break through without the essence of beast martial arts, this time they really improved a lot collectively.

Of the 37 martial artists, more than half broke through suddenly in the past few days!
Fortunately, Wei Ningsi sent the essence of beast martial arts, which somewhat made up for the gap in strength between the two sides.

After feeling sorry, but also fortunate, Gu Mochen felt that he was about to be driven crazy by this war, and his heart was full of concerns about gains and losses, so that even a little comparison in strength would make his mood fluctuate and make him feel uncomfortable.

This made him smile wryly.

In fact, the victory or defeat of this battle is of great importance, so he can't help but be cautious and cautious.

"Inspector Wu, look at now..."

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind, Gu Mochen looked at Wu Yang and said: "The Chen family, according to our estimation, will arrive in about two days, so it's not too late!"

"Then go!"

Gu Mochen's words were carefully spoken, Wu Yang couldn't hear it, so he waved his hand immediately, and said boldly: "I mean what I say, since I said that the beast warriors will take the lead, then I won't break my promise and get fat, let alone you sent me With so many beast martial essences, I have to return them to you!"

Since he said it at the beginning, he will never regret it. Even if the situation has changed and the winning rate of the combined forces has been greatly reduced, he will not regret it.

"Mingsi, you go and gather them, and I'll give you 10 minutes, let's go!"

Wu Yang immediately turned his head and said to Wei Ningsi who had been silent all this time.

Wei Ningsi had an indifferent personality, except when she was around Duan Kangde, she would occasionally go berserk because of Duan Kangde's indecency, other than that, generally speaking, she would not open her mouth deliberately.

Hearing Wu Yang's order, Wei Ningsi just nodded, and the moment her figure faded away, she also glanced at Gu Mochen, nodded slightly to him, and then went to carry out Wu Yang's order.

10 minutes.

Gu Mochen was a little surprised. There were two to three hundred beast warriors. Although they were all scattered in this dense forest, it took a lot of time to gather, right?
But seeing Wu Yang's confident appearance, Gu Mochen could only admire that this army of beast warriors who had been living in the depths of the dangerous zone really had its merits.

A heart finally let go a little.

Although the incident happened suddenly, when Gu Mochen contacted all parties, everyone's performance was still very good. They didn't fear the coming battle because they were not prepared enough, but they aroused their fighting spirit even more.

Whether it was the Luo family or the Li family, as well as the beast warriors here, none of them showed any panicked expressions, but seemed to be waiting for such a big battle to come!
Gu Mochen cupped his hands at Wu Yang. He believed that Wu Yang would do what he said. After 10 minutes, the beast warriors here would set off for Zhonglin City. With the ability of the two families, it is no problem to bring this team safely into the city and hide it first.

After leaving, Gu Mochen's avatar will dissipate.

Although it is just a mere avatar, it will not have any impact on his main body's strength, but now the person he has to deal with is the Chen family, and it is even more likely that Gu Mochen will directly face the head of the family, Chen Qi, so any slightest He wants to try his best to make up for the gap in strength.

Instead, Wu Yang held him back, and before Gu Mochen's figure dissipated, he sent Gu Mochen the new communicator contact frequency.

At this time, the soldiers are fierce and the battle is in danger. Once the war starts, it will be better to have a communicator as a communication link.

The communication signal on the Beast Warrior's side is a special signal that has been specially processed. Even if the Chen family wants to block all communication signals, they still cannot block the Beast Warrior's frequency band, which is suitable for command and communication.

After saving the frequency band, Gu Mochen dissipated his body shape, and all the internal force and spiritual consciousness of the whole person returned to the body.

(End of this chapter)

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