Martial arts giant

Chapter 896 The last battle

Chapter 896 The Last Battle

Gu Mochen has always seen Mr. Luo's persistence in the Luo family.

This is an old man who has no selfishness and only wishes for his family to be stable and long-lasting. This is the last and only wish in this life.

Help him if you can!
Gu Mochen is not a person who does not think of kindness. Mr. Luo's help to him at the beginning allowed him to have what he is today. On the other hand, now it is the most critical moment for the Luo family. He will never really let the Luo family All the disciples became cannon fodder.

Back then, he had signed a Dragon God contract with Mr. Luo, as long as the Luo family was in trouble, he would never stand by and watch!
And this is also an opportunity to greatly weaken the strength of the Chen family in the early stage!

No matter how much Chen Qi hated the Luo family, he would never have taken the lead at the beginning of the war, would he?
It was this time difference that Gu Mochen wanted to fight.

To be honest, with his current strength, except for one Chen Qi, he can deal with other high-level warriors of the Chen family.

So he wanted to massacre the disciples of the Chen family before Chen Qi went on the stage himself, and try to weaken the Chen family as much as possible with his own strength!
The avatar outside the body flashed wildly around, and Gu Mochen appeared in several positions marked by Mr. Luo.

"who is it?"


He appeared upright, did not hide in the dark, and his figure was immediately spotted.

Gu Mochen swept around, his brows furrowed.

many people!
There are many people wearing the uniforms of Chen family disciples!

In several marked places, Gu Mochen found that there were a large number of Chen family disciples, and the direction of action of these people was indeed towards the Luo family.

That being the case, what else could he hesitate about?

"The one who will kill you!"

Gu Mochen's face was full of murderous aura, and several avatars outside of him attacked at the same time. For a while, Bauhinia heroes from all over Zhonglin City screamed again and again.

Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist!
This is a martial art that he hasn't used for a long time. In the past, it was because it consumes too much internal energy, so it is not suitable for excessive use, but now it is too weak, so there is no need to use it.

But at this time, the gathering of these Chen family disciples just gave him the opportunity to use the Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist.

With his current profound internal strength, the aura and power erupted in his hands by the Thunder Tiger Roaring Fist, which is only a mysterious-level kung fu, has long been inferior to ordinary earth-level kung fu. Meteorites falling from the sky are as powerful as ever!
Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom boom!
The strength of the punch was surging, and the bang caused by it was even more shocking.

In this battle between the Chen family and the Luo family, it was Gu Mochen who took the first shot and fired the first shot in the battle!

"Quick, go call the elder!"

"Damn, is this person a monster?"

Gu Mochen's sudden attack caused the disciples of the Chen family to suffer heavy casualties suddenly, and even screamed and screamed continuously. No one thought that they were going to attack the Luo family. The sneak attack hadn't started yet, but they were attacked by a powerful force. Amazing Warriors Anti-Sneak Attack!

"Quick, imitate beast!"

Suddenly, a shout from a disciple of the Chen family caught Gu Mochen's attention.

This is what Gu Mochen wants to hear the most, and it is also the situation he most wants to see.

If the Chen family disciples are forced to transform into beasts here, by the time the main forces of both sides are on the battlefield, the Chen family's disciples may have all been transformed into beasts, which will be beneficial to Gu Mochen!
However, as soon as the disciple said this, someone roared from the side: "You are crazy, the Patriarch has explained that you can't become a beast unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Sure enough!

Gu Mochen's expression froze.

As expected, Chen Qi had doubts about the secret technique of the Beast Warrior, and just in case, he gave this order to the disciples of the Chen family.

But this also made Gu Mochen feel a little relieved.

The disciple of the Chen family said that it is not a last resort, so that is to say, when it is really a last resort, they will still enter the state of imitating beasts!
In the end, Chen Qi only had doubts about the secret art of beast warriors, and he hadn't really discovered the secrets yet!
still have a chance!

Thoughts in Gu Mochen's mind raced, and he found a possible chance of victory.

Since you have to enter the animalization as a last resort, well, I will create this last resort for you!
Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom boom!
A series of explosions sounded again, and Gu Mochen's attack became even more frenzied. For a while, the disciples of the Chen family cried and shouted for their parents, and ran away with their heads in their arms.

"Where is the wild boy, dare to be presumptuous here!"

Suddenly, there was another roar of thunder, and just as Gu Mochen used his avatar outside his body to chase and bombard Chen's disciples indiscriminately, an old man suddenly fell from the sky.

Gu Mochen didn't know this time, but from the aura of the other party, he could feel that this was a master.

"Big elder!"

"Great, it's the Great Elder!"

The disciples of the Chen family shouted suddenly, with surprise on their faces.

The Great Elder is the most powerful person in the Chen family other than the Patriarch. With him, no matter how strong this ruthless person is, he will definitely be destroyed by him!


Gu Mochen snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly dissipated.

What he faced with the Great Elder was just an external avatar, which was not enough to defeat the Great Elder with the internal power of the avatar. In order to preserve his strength, he chose to dissipate this avatar directly.

In several other locations, Gu Mochen's avatar was also blocked by other Chen family elders. Without exception, wherever the Chen family elders rushed, Gu Mochen's avatar would dissipate there. They have the opportunity to attack their own avatars.

"Damn, this kid is so naughty!"

The Great Elder glared ferociously, but he had no choice but to order each of the Chen family's disciple troops to be led by an elder. Now that their whereabouts had been exposed, they no longer sneaked around, but directly chose to advance towards the Luo family with great fanfare. .

However, Gu Mochen's wanton killing just now caused a lot of casualties to the disciples of the Chen family, which probably weakened the opponent's strength by at least [-]%.

This also made the disciples of the Chen family burn with anger, and they were holding back a fire in their hearts. At this time, under the leadership of the elders, they rushed directly to the Luo family, wanting to vent this loss on Luo You's disciples.

"Old Luo, they are coming!"

Gu Mochen opened his eyes and shouted at Mr. Luo.

"it is good!"

Mr. Luo's face was grim, and he was also waiting for this moment, and immediately shouted: "The Luo family belongs to the pseudo-beast!"

The disciples of the Luo family are slightly weaker than the disciples of the Chen family, and there are fewer people. The only advantage at this time is that the disciples of the Luo family can unscrupulously imitate beasts and transform them into powerful alien beasts. His orders were there, but he didn't dare to turn into a strange beast at will.

All over the Luo family, beast roars shook the sky, and suddenly, hundreds of violent and ferocious strange beasts suddenly appeared near the main house of the Luo family.

Elder Luo Yan stood in front of all the strange beasts with a stern expression on his face. Seeing that the vanguard of the disciples of the Chen family had arrived, he immediately roared with murderous intent, and went to them in the form of a pseudo-beast. The disciples of the Chen family charged away from the crowd.

After he obtained the essence of beast martial arts, his strength has already been upgraded to the realm of warrior breaker. With the power of strange beasts, he charged directly into the opponent's formation, and immediately saw blood burst into the realm of no one. .

"What? How could they be simulacra?"

"God! When did the Luo family become so strong?"

"Elder, save me!"

The disciples of the Chen family were astonished. No one expected that the members of the Luo family who thought they could be manipulated at will were all powerful beast warriors. At this moment, not only Elder Luo Yan, but also a few other broken men The elders of the Luo family, who were in the realm of warriors, launched a surprise attack on the disciples of the Chen family, and they caught everyone in the Chen family by surprise.

"court death!"

The Great Elder glared fiercely, and directly faced Elder Luo Yan who was in the midst of crazily killing. His strength was indeed strong. Even without the imitation of beasts, just relying on the strength of a human warrior, he directly blasted Elder Luo Yan back violently. Lian Lian no longer possessed the endless power of attacking from left to right.

"Old Luo, I leave this place to you!"

Gu Mochen, who was closely observing the battle situation, suddenly had a flicker of eyes, turned to Mr. Luo and said, "Chen Qi has been stopped, as long as he can be killed..."

"Okay, you go!"

Mr. Luo knew who the most important member of the Chen family was. Seeing that the disciples of the Luo family who had transformed into beasts were able to compete with the disciples of the Chen family who did not dare to transform into beasts, he felt a little more relaxed. While nodding, he was also carrying out his own simulation.

Although the disciples of the Luo family were formidable, their number was much smaller than that of the disciples of the Chen family. At this time, seeing the disciples of the Chen family rushing from all directions, it seemed that they were killing more and more people, so Mr. Luo also decided to join the battle group immediately.

The most powerful Great Elder of the Chen family, Elder Luo Yan alone could not hold back, so he had to come to maintain the balance of power on the battlefield.

Gu Mochen nodded, not daring to be negligent, the whole person disappeared in an instant, but he also left an incarnation outside the body in the main house, and when the disciples of the Chen family couldn't bear the large-scale imitation of beasts, they used the Xuanlong God Teach the secret method to control these people, and then the Luo family will naturally be safe.

As for him, he just received news from Wu Yang.

The Beast Warrior Organization is here!
They originally decided to play forward, but they failed to catch up with the first wave of attack, but later, they directly bumped into the second wave of Chen family disciples led by Chen Qi himself.

How could Wu Yang say otherwise, knowing that Chen Qi was powerful, he didn't care about it, and directly commanded the army of beast warriors to attack Chen Qi crazily after they were transformed into beasts.

And he himself directly approached the strongest Chen Qi!

It was not worse than Gu Mochen's prediction. Although Wu Yang's strength was strong, he was still far behind Chen Qi. This confrontation was immediately suppressed by Chen Qi. No matter how angry he was, he could barely support it. .

It was at this time that Wei Ningsi sent a message to Gu Mochen, which allowed Gu Mochen to arrive in an instant.

"Chen Qi!"

It arrived in a blink of an eye, just as Chen Qi was about to kill Wu Yang, Gu Mochen immediately let out a violent roar, his whole body was full of aura, and the 48 dantians were running crazily at this time, exerting his own strength to the strongest .


With glaring eyes wide open, Gu Mochen swung his fist in the air. It was no longer a mysterious-level kung fu method, Thunder Tiger Roaring Heaven Fist, but a heaven-level kung fu technique belonging to the Dragon Clan, Dragon Transformation!

The dragon chant shook the sky, and from Gu Mochen's fist, a lifelike and ferocious dragon rushed out. As soon as Fang came out, the dragon's eyes lit up immediately, and it went straight to bite down on the top of Chen Qi's head.


Chen Qi, who was on the verge of killing, frowned, forcibly stopped his killing move to bombard Wu Yang, looked up at the sky, and was facing the fierce dragon that was rushing towards him.

"Boy, your strength is not weak!"

Seeing the sudden attack, Chen Qi wasn't surprised or angry, but instead smiled ferociously. The killer move that didn't hit Wu Yang immediately changed direction, and punched Gu Mochen head-on!
The vigor exploded, and the first meeting between the two strong men immediately shook like a nuclear weapon explosion, and the fierce vigor spread and swept across, knocking everyone present to the side, and the offensive stopped for a while.


Gu Mochen gushed out a mouthful of blood, and suffered some internal injuries with just one punch.

But fortunately, there are a lot of dantians in his body, and some injuries can be repaired by the lunatic operation of dantians in an instant, and the mouthful of blood is just congestion.

On the other hand, Chen Qi saw that his complexion turned red suddenly, his teeth were clenched tightly, and a mouthful of blood rushed to his throat, and he swallowed it back forcefully.

The collision between the two was evenly matched.

Gu Mochen was determined, he was not thrown too far away by Chen Qi, this was already the best situation, so he didn't hesitate anymore, and waved his hands again and again.

Under his display, giant dragons flew out suddenly, all roaring wildly, rushing towards Chen Qi.

"Good come!"

Encountering a strong enemy suddenly, Chen Qi yelled loudly, but he was not afraid at all. Immediately, he threw out both fists, and a series of terrifying qi gathered in his hands. Each qi slammed towards the giant dragon. Tyrannical might.

Wu Yang's expression froze, seeing that Gu Mochen and Chen Qi were fighting evenly, but he himself was unable to cut directly into the battle group in this tyrannical explosion, so he was decisive at the moment, waved his big hand, and said: "All come with me!" !"

Ignoring the battle between Chen Qi and Gu Mochen, he instead led the beast warriors to attack the disciples of the Chen family who were standing unsteadily beside him.

Beast fighters have long been imitating beasts, with a strong physical base, they can still stand firm in this series of explosions. Unfortunately, because of Chen Qi's strict orders, those disciples of the Chen family did not dare to enter the imitating beasts for a while. Arriving, he immediately became the prey in the eyes of the beast warriors, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

"You are courting death!"

Chen Qi was so angry that he burst into anger, taking advantage of Gu Mochen's one move, and when he had no time to recover, he immediately wanted to pounce on the beast warrior who was killing wildly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a disciple rushed towards them in a hurry, Chen Qi looked carefully, it was the disciple who stayed in the Chen family's own base camp, his heart sank suddenly, he felt bad.

"Family... Patriarch, the Li family sent people to sneak attack on the people we left behind in the Chen family!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Qi's mind went blank.

He never thought that when he went to fight the Luo family, he would give Li's oriole a chance to follow, and Li Mo would take advantage of the moment when the Chen family's strength was at its weakest, and carry out a surprise attack on the Chen family's base camp.

"Okay, okay, it seems that you are already prepared!"

Chen Qi was furious, Chen's family was attacked, the losses in this battle were already heavy, it could not be said that all kinds of materials left in Chen's house would also be destroyed by Li's family.


Gu Mochen fell back to the ground early, and sternly shouted: "When you were imprisoning my parents, you should have thought of today!"

"When you forced Patriarch Li to abandon his wife and son, you should have thought of today!"

"When you nibbled away at the Luo family and forced the Luo family to decline step by step, you should also think of today!"

"When the ancestors of your Chen family conspired to cause chaos and forced the beast warriors to leave the danger zone and live a life of ruthlessness and blood, didn't you think that there would be retribution today!"

Gu Mochen pointed at Chen Qi angrily, all the anger in his chest was aroused angrily at this moment, he paused every word, gritted his teeth and said: "Today is the time when your Chen family perishes!"



As the words fell, behind Gu Mochen, an extremely huge dragon suddenly appeared, and a pair of dragon eyes shone with crazy light, directly piercing into Chen Qi's eyes.

This is the Xuanlong God!
The dragon god with the most powerful mental power took advantage of Chen Qi's confusion due to the attack on the Chen family's base camp, and he suddenly shot, blocking Chen Qi's mind with tyrannical fluctuations in mental power.

At the same time, Gu Mochen's strongest ultimate move was also killed at the same time!
Chen Qi lowered his head in disbelief, looked at the transparent blood hole in his chest, and slowly fell to the ground with extreme unwillingness.

Patriarch of the Chen family, Chen Qi, die!

The strongest existence died, and all the members of the joint forces at the scene were all excited. Under Wu Yang's roar, they started killing the Chen family disciples who had already been terrified!
In this battle, rivers of blood flowed in the dark, whether it was Gu Mochen's place, the Luo family, or the Chen family, all the disciples of the Chen family were almost slaughtered!
As a result, this shocking battle, with the death of Chen Qi, finally came to an end.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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