Martial arts giant

Chapter 97 A battle without gunpowder smoke

Chapter 97 A Battle Without Smoke
"Why, what are you doing?"

"I'll go, why don't you call?"

"That's right, hit you guys, have you stood there for 5 minutes?"

"More than that! I think they'll have at least 10 minutes!"


The barrage has long been impatient. Although a girl standing on the stage is pleasing to the eye, it is still very boring to watch the frozen picture for a long time.

If it weren't for the referee occasionally moving his hands and feet, the audience would really want to complain about the network card of the live broadcast platform...

"Hey, I say you!"

Sweat began to appear on Li Rou's smooth forehead, she stared at Zhang Anhai, if she was not afraid of leaking her breath, she would almost want to jump in anger.

"Eh? Oh, come attack me, ladies first!"

Zhang Anhai also felt that his body was stiff, his Demon Subduing Arhat Body was a defensive martial skill with a lot of wear and tear, and it was too much for him to stand down all this time.

But let him attack Li Rou first?

He didn't have the guts.

With a puff, Wu Jie didn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Unlike the audience, they have been watching the stamina competition between Zhang Anhai and Li Rou with great interest, until Zhang Anhai didn't know which muscle was wrong, and he said a silly sentence about women first, he finally couldn't bear it anymore stop smiling.

"you you you!"

Three words you in a row means that Li Rou has fainted from anger, and she is no longer as calm and breezy as she was when she first came on stage.

Her martial arts are all on the same word, no one is attacking, she really has nothing to do, her master didn't teach her any offensive martial arts, she just focused on defense.

If she wanted to attack first, she could only charge forward and slap Zhang Anhai's big face. With the blessing of internal strength, she slapped Zhang Anhai harder than ordinary people, but that was all.

But she didn't know that with Zhang Anhai's long-awaited disposition, she could win even if she just slapped the opponent's big mouth like this, slap after slap.

But there is no such way!

My master taught Li Rou from a young age that I can’t stand the enemy and I’m not the enemy. In this troubled world, this rule is the foundation of life. Like Zhang Anhai’s statement that women are first, Wu Jie laughed because it was a piece of bullshit.

You and the beast are going to talk about women first?
So Li Rou had no choice but to continue to maintain a defensive and counterattack posture, even though she couldn't hold back anymore.

"That... I have a proposal!"

Time passed by, and finally, on the side of the Windfury team, the team leader who led the team raised his hand helplessly.

Seeing the referee's gaze, he smiled wryly and said to Gu Mochen and the others, "I think it's a tie for them?"


Before Gu Mochen opened his mouth, Li Rou immediately shouted: "Uncle Master, this disciple can still persist, there is no need!"

"Sister, let's draw..."

Zhang Anhai was about to be happy that this torture could finally end, but Li Rou's words immediately made him look bitter again, and he couldn't help persuading him.

"What, you can't do it?"

Li Rou raised her head proudly at Zhang Anhai, and said disdainfully, "In terms of horse stance, I can persist for a day and a night!"


Zhang Anhai scratched his head. If Wu Jie said this to him or something, he would have said earlier how could a man say that he couldn't do it, and push him back. However, the person who spoke was a delicate and beautiful woman, which made Zhang Anhai suddenly silent. .

But it's not okay to let him admit defeat. You can't let the Invincible God of War team lose a point first for your own reasons. It's too unkind to do so.

So Zhang Anhai gritted his teeth, and prepared to continue this endless marathon endurance competition.

Fortunately, the leader of the Windfury team didn't care what Li Rou said, he looked at Gu Mochen, knowing that the Invincible God of War team was decided by the opponent.

"Okay, I agree."

Gu Mochen suppressed a smile and nodded, this competition is really...

"Referee, this game is a draw."

The leader of the Windfury team cast a kind look at Gu Mochen, and then said to the referee.

Little did he know that the referee also breathed a sigh of relief, his legs were numb...

"Invincible God of War team vs. Windfury team, the first vanguard battle, draw!"

He didn't raise anyone's hand, fearing that Li Rou's stubborn girl would do something wrong again, he hurriedly announced the result of the match loudly, and at the same time gave the match recorder a fierce look.

After a while, the recorder gave a jolt and recorded the result of the game in an instant.

This time, the result could not be changed, even if Li Rou didn't want to, she could only give up.

Zhang Anhai heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly withdrew his momentum. A war without gunpowder was over.

But it was just the end that Zhang Anhai thought it was.

"Hey, where are you from?"

Li Rou puffed her cheeks with a look of displeasure, stared at Zhang Anhai angrily, and said angrily, "Leave your address if you have the guts, and I will come to fight again someday!"


Zhang Anhai was so frightened that he scrambled and ran down the ring, his old face was as red as a monkey's butt, how could he dare to tell Li Rou his address.

"Aren't you stupid!"

As soon as he got off the stage, Wu Jie gave him a shudder, and said jokingly, "Tell her your address, maybe you can have more wives..."


Zhang Anhai was afraid of Li Rou but not Wu Jie, so he immediately rolled up his sleeves and beat him to vent his depression in this match.

"Hmph, no seed!"

Li Rou wrinkled Qiong's nose and was furious, but there was nothing she could do, so she gave Zhang Anhai another bitter look, and reluctantly walked off the stage.

"Finally... it's over!"

"Go, I'm going to fall asleep!"


The barrage was full of tears, watching such a frozen battle was really not something ordinary people could accept.

Reluctantly, the strength of Gu Mochen's team was revealed, and the Windfury team is also a strong team. Although the game was boring, no one clamored to change the arena, lest they miss the next exciting game.

Especially Gu Mochen, the audience is looking forward to it, expecting him to beat his opponent with one punch and one leg like in the first round, how cool it is!

"Second forwards of the two teams, please come on stage!"

The referee watched Miss Li Rou get off the ring, smiled helplessly, and quickly announced that the two opponents of the second match would be on the stage.

This match has dragged on for too long, and many of the rings around are playing fast to the end of the third battle of the backbone, and I am just preparing to play the second front...

"Is it my turn this time?"

Wu Jie pushed Zhang Anhai away and looked at Zhang Hua.


Zhang Hua nodded and only said one word.

"Team Windfury, Wang Ming, may I ask who is on stage to give advice?"

When Wu Jie was asking for opinions, the Windfury team already had a second player on the field. Compared with their opponents in the first round, the Windfury team was far superior in terms of words, deeds, and demeanor. The third-ranked sect is really extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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