Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1008 Strong

Chapter 1008 Strong (first update)
He is a malleable talent!
It's a pity... because love becomes hate!
In less than ten rounds, none of the Tiantian soldiers survived.

In the end, there is Dugu Yidao shaped by the mirror!
Both of them used knives. After a burst of destructive light, Liao Haifei stood upright, while Dugu's body was smashed into pieces.

The sky is gone!

Liao Haifei looked outside suddenly with his last eyes, Martial Ancestor God Emperor and the others swallowed their saliva, what a terrifying look.

Ling Yun half-closed his eyes and said nothing, the little guy and Beibei kept shouting "Look good, look good!"
Su Min's eyes are red, what can she do?She's completely in love with Xin Zhao, that's what love is all about.

The picture soon reached the second heaven, and Liao Haifei was as brave as ever.

This time the battle was too short, only a few rounds, the Second Heaven was broken again, and the God Lord Xia Houba was instantly killed when he came out.

The Emperor Martial Ancestor stared wide-eyed with an incredulous expression.

Ling Yun muttered: "The bloodline of the ancient war god, who is his father? It hasn't been fully activated yet."

The blood of God of War, just like the blood of hell, gets stronger as he fights, and there is still a spirit of not admitting defeat in his bones.

In the memory of the ancient times, a certain picture flashed through Ling Yun's mind, he smiled and no longer recalled it.

The little guy climbed up to Ling Yun, who asked, "Are you full?"


"Then why are you here?"

"Papa, feed me."

Ling Yun: "..."

The little guy watched the show quietly, feeling happy in her heart, Ling Yun was feeding her carefully, An Qing covered her mouth and snickered, she hadn't seen Ling Yun treat the little guy like this for a long time, she couldn't help but took a photo.

The following three heavens and four heavens couldn't stop Liao Haifei's bloody means, and the four words were vulnerable.

Both the Martial Ancestor God Emperor and the second prince wondered if the artifact, the stone mirror, was damaged. The Celestial Soldiers and Gods are so weak?Or is it that Liao Haifei is already so powerful.

The god of the fifth heaven, when Qixian appeared on the stage, Beibei muttered: "Uncle Qi, he will take out his heart!"

"Huh, he's here too?" The little guy asked with a blink of his eyes, then he squinted and smiled, she could still remember the move of Heihu's heart.

"It's not an opponent." Little Irene said in a childish voice.

As Little Aileen said, Liao Haifei was invincible, and Qixian suffered another disastrous defeat. Ling Yun applauded without knowing it. It was really a wonderful battle.

Xin Zhao also began to admire Liao Haifei, fighting against the Nine Heavens alone without fear.

Although the latter collapsed once due to exhaustion, after swallowing the elixir, he was so alive that he had to take it.

"He is a ruthless person, and he will definitely do great things in the future."

These words are Ji Wushuang's evaluation of Liao Haifei at this moment.

"Although our positions are different, you are really a man. You fought bloody battles, and the more you fought, the more courageous you became." Emperor Guapi nodded to him, expressing his approval.

"Cousin is so strong? It's unbelievable." The second prince stared into his big round eyes. It's been a hundred years since he last seen him. The gap between them is obvious.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was silent and did not say a word. On the surface, he seemed as stable as an old clock, and he didn't know what to think or remember.

At this time, an old man who looked more like him came to the main hall. There are many soldiers here, and he actually has the power to come in.

The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor nodded towards him, and the Second Prince called him the Uncle Emperor.

According to Ling Yun's memory of the Martial Ancestor Shenhuang's family system, the one who just arrived is Yang Huanqing, the younger brother of the Martial Ancestor Shenhuang.

The old man didn't care what he was called, but Ling Yun saw that he was extraordinary.

Ling Yun frowned and stared at him. The other party gave him the feeling that he was an ambitious man.


It was such a person who gave silently in Jiuchongtian, was not well-known, and was very abnormal. People in Jiuchongtian used to call him Yang Erhuang.

Ling Yun thought for a while!
Liao Haifei has already reached the eighth heaven, and he is called the God of War.


He was also injured, the blood in his arm was beeping, his head was sweating, his teeth were clenched, and he was not afraid of anything.

When the Eightfold Heavenly Soldier was dead and won the second half, the artifact Stone Mirror seemed to be displeased with Liao Haifei, and the Heavenly Soldier formed an array.

It's been half an hour of fighting!
Liao Haifei spat out a mouthful of blood, and after enduring the pain in his body, the terrifying saber energy combined with a trace of saber intent broke Yachongtian in an instant.

God was also killed with one blow!

Everyone's eyes widened, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Ling Yun smiled, mysteriously, Liao Haifei's knife was much stronger than Dugu's knife just now.

In an instant!
The fluctuations emitted by Dao Gang came out of the mirror, and the Martial Ancestor God Emperor dispersed it with his big hand, followed by Liao Haifei's wild laugh.

"Haha, as I said, I must do it."

As soon as he came out, he half-kneeled on the ground, pierced the knife into the ground to stabilize his trembling body, and took the elixir again.

"Cousin, don't do this!" Su Min persuaded, she was really afraid that Liao Haifei would take her away, she was flustered, she didn't want to lose Xin Zhao again.

"Fei'er, stop, you can't beat the old man, you know exactly where the gap lies."

"Hmph, don't call me that, it makes me feel sick, old man, from the moment I stepped into the stone mirror, you and I broke all relations."

Liao Haifei's eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't know why he suddenly hated the Martial Ancestor God So much.

Ling Yun has been observing Yang Erhuang, the latter's face is calm and unusual.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor's complexion began to turn pale again and again, the good relationship has developed like this, it's heartbreaking.

"Come on, come on, the last nine days, I will not give up."

Liao Haifei's eyes were full of ferocity, and his pupils actually emitted killing intent. The second prince on the side looked at him, and his brows gradually frowned. Is it necessary to be a relative?
After Beibei finished his meal, he stood on the chair and clapped his hands: "The wonderful fight is about to begin, everyone is welcome to enter the fun field."

Happy field?
Ling Yun and An Qing looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched.


The little guy covered his hands, feeling a little sniggering.

Qianye secretly ran over, just wanting to get closer to Ling Yun.

She tapped Beibei's forehead, then smiled and said, "Since it's joy? You should sing, little Beibei, can you?"

"Yes! It will be a lot, it sounds good." Beibei drew a circle in the air, expressing a lot.

Is there even singing in this scene?What do you think!

The little guy danced in Ling Yun's arms, excitedly said: "What are you singing? White Dragon Horse? No... la la la selling newspaper songs?"

Beibei shook her head, and said in a childish voice, "It's not suitable."

Ling Yun joked: "What is suitable to sing?"

Beibei smiled, covered her mouth and smiled, and said very seriously: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, I wish you..."

An Qing almost burst out laughing!

Beibei scratched her head, pouted and said, "Isn't it good? Then... when you are old, so old that you lose your teeth..."


Ling Yun couldn't help it, if she continued to sing, she wouldn't be able to watch the fight properly, but he wanted to know if Liao Haifei would surprise him in the end.

The key is that Beibei is too cute, she sings as soon as she sings, and she even changes the lyrics, like laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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