Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1011 Provoking Death

Chapter 1011 Provoking Death (Part [-])
Since he cares, why bother, he and An Qing have been together in a daze, and they are not in love yet.

"Because the gaffe is not that serious, you have to think about it." Ling Yun said.

Zhao Dao: "I'll tell the Martial Ancestor later, give each other a few years, I'm tired."

"Do you really want to do this? What about Wuzu Shenhuang's face, brother Xinchu, are you serious? Don't tell me you are drunk."

Ji Wushuang widened her eyes and stared at Xin Zhao. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor has notified his good friends in the Twelve Domains, and the ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow. Now that he says he won't marry, where is the Martial Ancestor God Emperor's face?

O majesty of God!

Xin Zhao doesn't understand, but he does. No matter what, he is a bit taller than the Martial Ancestor God Emperor. He is a majestic domain master, and face is really important.

"I made a decision."

Xin Zhao was visibly drunk.

Ling Yun shrugged, and didn't intend to help him sober up, let him get drunk.

With the sound of explosions, Ling Yun was startled, and left immediately. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Ji Wushuang to keep an eye on Xin Zhao, lest he get drunk and mess around.

Not long after Ling Yun left, Ji Wushuang sent Zhao Xin back to the palace of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, and then he gossiped and flew towards the crowded place.

When Ji Wushuang reached the highest mountain, her eyes widened. That was the sub-helm of Tianmen, Song Shanfeng!


Ling Yun was surrounded by Beibei, and there were many people watching the show, and the people from Tianmen had already surrounded Ling Yun.

After inquiring, Ji Wushuang found out that Beibei got into trouble just now. The child came to the mountain through the Thunder Gate and was going to practice Thunder Half Moon Slash. The place here is big enough for her to use it.


As soon as it was cut down, half of the side peak was gone, and there was a loud bang, the sound of thunder and half-moon slash, and there were some important places inside the side peak, such as places for cultivation.

Beibei was caught on the spot, she didn't know she was causing trouble, and she didn't know what to do here, when she was about to run through the Thunder Gate...

Ling Yun came in time, and the two sides had held each other for more than ten minutes, and they were all waiting for Song Shanfeng to come back.

The people from Tianmen want Lingyun and the others to compensate, and Song Shanfeng will decide how much.

Can Beibei split half a mountain?Many people think that using artifacts, after all, there are many artifacts in Taishenjun.

Ling Yun also thought that he would not cause trouble for the face of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, so he was quite good-natured.

When this incident happened in Tianmen, Jiuchongtian came to the fourth prince, and he suggested to deal with it peacefully, meaning that Ling Yun should pay for it, there is nothing to say.

It didn't take long for Song Shanfeng to come on a cloud, with a fairy-tale and chivalrous manner, and the way he appeared on the stage seemed to be superior.

After some understanding!

"The Supreme Lord is incapable of discipline." Song Shanfeng did not give Ling Yun any face, criticizing bluntly.

"so what?"

Ling Yun frowned, saying indifferently, he didn't want to cause trouble, but that didn't mean he couldn't cause trouble, if he did, the Martial Ancestor God Emperor would lose face.

"Haha, really crazy, I have heard about the Tianmen Continent, and now God Realm is having trouble with Tianmen, I don't know if the Supreme God Lord intends to target it?"

Song Shanfeng stared at Ling Yun with cold eyes, Bei Bei covered his eyes with such murderous eyes.

"Whatever you say, just speak up, you can handle this matter." Ling Yun didn't want to say more, there was no need to explain, what did he do in turn to explain to others?
"Then let's not talk about the Tianmen Continent, what now? Pianfeng is considered ruined, [-] top-grade spirit stones and a divine weapon like a sword, and this matter is over."

Song Shanfeng said it loudly, and the people watching the theater could hear it clearly.


Everyone gasped, the compensation was a little too much.

The fourth prince said: "Senior Song, it a little...that!"

He also felt that it was too much, it was just a broken mountain, and it was worth nothing.


Song Shanfeng said a lot of reasons, and everyone was amazed.

Beibei was furious, although she was small, she knew how to read her face, Song Shanfeng in front of her was obviously a lion with big mouth.

"Handsome, they are all bad guys."


Ling Yun patted Beibei's little head, signaling her to stop talking.

Seeing that Ling Yun didn't answer him, Song Shanfeng smiled and asked again: "What's the matter? The dignified Lord Taishen can't afford the compensation I'm talking about? Hehe, it's ridiculous."

"Whether the emperor has or not, you don't need to make a conclusion, you can take it if you want it? But remember, having a life to get doesn't mean you have a life to spend."

Ling Yun half-closed his eyes, if it wasn't for Jiuchongtian, Song Shanfeng would have died long ago, in order not to cause trouble, bear it!

"Dear fellows present, you have all heard this. The Lord Taishang personally said this. What is this? A threat?" Song Shanfeng shook his head with a smile, Ling Yun really hated that expression.


Song Shanfeng's strength has reached Immortal Emperor Seventeen in the past two years after his spiritual energy recovered, and he is gone, no one is in his eyes, no wonder the Martial Ancestor God Emperor has to give face.

By saying this, it is obvious that he wants to provoke Ling Yun, and he is justified.

Ling Yun laughed out loud. It has only been more than ten years in the Twelve Domains, have you forgotten his tricks? In this case, it is necessary for him to let some people know why he is called the God Lord.

What is the meaning of Zhu Jiutian's token to control the God Realm?

The ignorant Song Shanfeng also smiled and said: "Stupid, lord, you have nothing to say today. Compensation is inevitable. This is not the God Realm, and it is not a place where you can do whatever you want. No compensation? Try it, Jiuchongtian is your grave."

Ling Yunqi!
Can't bear it, no need to bear it anymore!


Ling Yun performed Thunder Half-Moon Slash again, killing Song Shanfeng head-on, who could only respond to Yuanying's escape.

A golden Nascent Soul flies to Tianmen Fenduo Mountain.

When the heaven and the earth were struck by Ling Yuncheng's sword technique, it was as if the heaven and the earth were opened up, and the light flashed between the heaven and the earth, dazzling the nine heavens.

Everything happened so fast that everyone was dazzled, their eyes and mouths opened wide.

Beibei clapped her hands and applauded, this is the swordsmanship she wanted to learn, it was awesome.

Song Shanfeng's Nascent Soul running?
Immortality does not exist!

Ling Yun absorbed him back with one hand, and the latter trembled all over.

"Impossible, impossible, I am Immortal Emperor Seventeen, how could I be instantly killed?"

Song Shanfeng's tone in the Nascent Soul state seemed to be trembling, not calm at the same time, he was very afraid of Ling Yun, because his life and death were completely in Ling Yun's hands.

He put all his eggs in one basket and still chose to die. He shouted: "The Taishang Lord is such a villain. He sneaked up on me and wanted to make an enemy of the entire Tianmen. Remember, he is a real villain."


A tragic voice.

Ling Yun had Song Shanfeng in his hand, he was directly crushed by Ling Yun, this was a very painful thing, he chose to provoke Ling Yun to kill him in this way.

Everyone in Tianmen, who had hoped for a glimmer of hope, came back to their senses and glared at Ling Yun one by one.

Everyone also started to point fingers at Ling Yun. The Fourth Prince knew that the situation was serious, so he immediately notified the Martial Ancestor Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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