Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1016 Ensemble

Chapter 1016 Ensemble (third change)

Elder Liu vomited blood angrily, why did a group of people hack him?Thunderbolt has eyes?

Just as he relieved himself, the sky fell again, and this time he was chopped wherever he was hiding.

Hit twice!

Qingshan Dao's popular crooked beard said: "This is God's punishment!"

As soon as he reminded, many people remembered that the divine punishment of the Supreme God can take many forms.

Elder Liu was on the verge of death. He was chased and hacked five or six times by the gods, and he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Ling Yun smiled, closed his eyes and rested his mind, while the little guy and Beibei were muttering something and took out their drawing boards.

The sky returned to the clear sky before, but Elder Liu was hopeless, Taoist Qingshan was furious.

At this moment!
Ling Yun's voice came, and he said solemnly: "Those who participate in the wedding stay, those who don't want to participate can leave, and prepare the banquet."

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor smiled and said: "Prepare the banquet, come and clean up here!"

Taoist Qingshan still wanted to take the corpse.


Taoist Qingshan and the others couldn't keep the three corpses on the ground, let Ling Yun's divine flame burn them all.


"I'm so mad." Taoist Qingshan spewed blood on his back, he suffered a brain hemorrhage when he got old, Ling Yun was speechless.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched as they watched, except for Tianmen and Guiying faction who wanted to withdraw, everyone else chose to stay.

Elder Xiang supported Taoist Qingshan, looked back at Emperor Wuzu and the others and said, "Wait, this matter is not over."

Word down!

A blurred shadow appeared in the sky, like a phantom, and then everyone looked up immediately, it was a door.

There are two jade dragon stone pillars, and there is a thin gap in the middle of the door, from which a little light shines.


"This is? It seems to have been seen there?"

"Like the legendary Gate of Heaven."


"The Gate of Heaven?"

"Do you look like it?"

"A bit."

While everyone was stunned, discussions arose, and some shook their heads, a little suspicious.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, what is the gate of heaven, what they saw was the painting of Beibei and the little guy.

The two children drew it without knowing how, and then used their strength to fabricate it.



"Okay, I see you are all hungry, call little Irene out, go to eat, and see off the family in the afternoon." Ling Yun stood up and yawned deeply.


The little guy and Bei Bei smiled secretly, and then erased the painting.

The scene in the sky disappeared immediately, and everyone was in disbelief.

The people from Tianmen didn't stay any longer and left immediately, because there was a force driving them away, and that force was Ling Yunlai.

"See the Supreme Lord."

Many people respect Ling Yun very much, and when he arrives, many people salute.

"Don't talk nonsense, I was wasted a lot of time by a group of jumping clowns."

There were three little guys in Ling Yun's arms, and everyone was a little surprised.

An Qing came over, together with Ling Yun, and took the little guy away.

The Emperor Martial Ancestor smiled and said, "Dear fellows, please take your seat."

Xin Zhao and Ji Wushuang looked at each other, nodded to each other, and shouted: "Take a seat."

This period of time was very normal, there was no trouble, and the Martial Ancestor God Emperor was not at the same table with Ling Yun, so he took the time to ask about the matter just now, the latter shook his head, he didn't want to talk about it.


When An Qing asked him, he smiled and said that there was a black hand behind the scenes manipulating everything, and he was included.

The accident that Xin Zhao entered Su Min's room drunk last night was also caused by someone.

Ling Yun whispered: "There is no evidence, let him do it."

He sneered in his heart, and there must be a follow-up, because the plan of the black hand behind the scenes had been achieved.

"You know?" An Qing asked, frowning.


While Ling Yun answered, he looked at Yang Erhuang, staring at Yang Erhuang with an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"You should have told the Emperor." An Qing said.

Ling Yun shook his head in response, said?The Martial Ancestor God Emperor will believe it, let's wait for Yang Erhuang to show his fox tail.

"Qiqian, shall we go to that table to eat?" An Qing wanted to be with Yang Dongshi, and then come back with Ling Yun halfway, but the latter had no objection.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Whether Papa will go or not, and sister will go or not."

Ling Yun said: "You go."

Beibei looked at the direction An Qing was pointing at, and shook her head. There was no acquaintance, so no, no.

The little guy shook his head immediately, and said in a baby voice, "Ma Ma, we are waiting for you here."


Qianye was amused by her, Sissy scratched her head in a foolish way, she was so cute.

An Qing patted her head, then smiled and left.

Beibei took two mouthfuls of rice, her eyes rolled round, she said, "Handsome!"

Ling Yun smiled, but didn't laugh out loud, and didn't answer.

Beibei said again: "Handsome sorghum!"

"Puchi, what is little Beibei going to do? Acting like a baby?" Qianye covered her mouth and smiled, the two of them are so cute.

"Handsome!" Beibei pointed to the field in the center.

Dance and dance above!

Ling Yun already knew that she remembered, he stood up, hugged the little guy and went down, said: "Look at Qianqian, go, I will accompany you."

Beibei chuckled, the little guy blinked and was at a loss, not knowing what her father was talking about.

Little Irene said in a childish voice, "Dancing, it's beautiful."

Ling Yun piled up a bunch of kids and said, "Go, go."

Beibei immediately pulled the little guy, the latter pouted, she hadn't eaten enough vegetables, what if she couldn't grow a strange fire.


Everyone looked at the two little guys, not knowing what they were going to do, standing in the open space, disturbing others to dance.

Ling Yun's voice suddenly sounded.

"Back off, let's make room."

This tone seemed to allow no one to refuse, the second prince and the fourth prince looked at each other in blank dismay, making them feel as if they were guests and the emperor was the master, feeling very uncomfortable.

The Martial Ancestor Emperor nodded, and everyone in the open space backed out.

Beibei and the little guy were not afraid of strangers, and even stared at the nearby monks with small eyes, and many female monks were cute.

Ling Yun's figure disappeared, but a moment later came the sound of a piano.

The tune was beautiful, and as soon as it was played, Beibei and the little guy immediately danced.

The sound of the piano cleanses the soul, making people feel refreshed and ethereal, and the dance is also beautiful.

Since there are no lyrics, the two little guys can only sing instead, but it doesn't affect the sound of this song.

The butterfly from the Nine Heavens came, everyone closed their eyes, and many people had an epiphany.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth smiled, this is the song he played on the lady's piano, it can purify the spirit and exorcise demons, and wash away all irritability.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor's eyes widened, he did not expect that the singing of the two little princesses could actually affect the spirit of all things and make people enlightened.

The end of the song!

Everyone didn't open their eyes for a long time, and many people almost realized the epiphany, but it's a pity that there is no pity.

"it is good!"

Xin Zhao was the first to applaud, and he also benefited a lot from the sound of this song. It was already a surprise for Ling Yun to present a song for him when he was married.

(End of this chapter)

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