Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1019 Nine Heavenly Changes

Chapter 1019 Change of the Nine Heavens (Third Change)
In an instant, the sky was filled with golden light and shadows, surging up like a river, making people tremble uncontrollably.

Ling Yun smiled playfully!
"Ants, let you see what the gap is."

A pair of wings appeared behind Ling Yun, and the evil Buddha trembled in fright.

"Who are you? It is impossible to exist. How could you have such a powerful force?"

"True God! True God, how could you exist in the Twelve Realms!!" The evil Buddha faltered, his voice trembling.

"It's just an ant, why do you know so much?"

Ling Yun squinted his eyes, and with a move full of stars, he broke the terrifying martial arts move of the evil Buddha just now, and there was a loud noise all around.

The terrifying waves of rippling star sea swept around like waves, and many uninhabited planets exploded.

"I don't believe it, it's fake, I'm the strongest, you go to die for me, the evil light shines."

The evil Buddha said angrily, his whole body doubled in size, a layer of fire appeared around him, showing a state of burning more and more vigorously, and when his two big palms closed, bursts of strong light burst out, which was so terrifying.

"Oh! Show? Buddha's light shines everywhere."

Ling Yun folded his palms together lightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his hands radiated a golden light.

this moment! !

The terrifying breath shattered the sea of ​​stars, and thousands of miles of stars roared.

The evil Buddha with a golden body and fierce spirit screamed, and the fragmented film fell, and the scene was extremely horrifying.

"You wait for me, I will come back again, wait, wait, wait..."

The last unwilling voice of the afterimage of the evil Buddha echoed across the sea of ​​stars.


The evil Buddha who was going to the Demon God Sea with his real body spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell straight into the Demon God Sea, muttering in his mouth: "Damn it, you will make you suffer forever, please don't let me meet you in the Demon God Sea, you must use Mysteries improve cultivation, and true gods do not exist in the twelve domains."

A sound of falling water...

"One thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon, and that's how you are, ha ha."

Ling Yun sneered, and his figure disappeared.

Nine Heavens!
Martial Ancestor God Emperor and Yang Erhuang were confronting each other, both of them had blood stains at the corners of their mouths.

"Second brother, you gave me a big surprise." Martial Ancestor God Emperor said coldly.

Just now when he and the others broke through the gate of the Nine Heavens, they were unexpectedly backlashed by the force, and all the people with him fell.

And he was injured a little bit, and the person standing opposite him was not the enemy he thought before, but his second brother who he had least doubted.

All the direct descendants of Wuzu Shenhuang's family were detained and trapped in the cage of heaven and earth under the control of Yang Erhuang.


All of them were expressionless, just like puppets, at the mercy of Yang Erhuang.

"Not enough surprises, you will be even more surprised later."

Yang Erhuang said blankly, according to his plan, the evil Buddha would kill Taishenjun and the others, and this was the biggest surprise.

He gets excited just thinking about it, his brother's beloved Su Min died tragically?
I don't know what will happen if the Martial Ancestor God Emperor knows?Just vomit blood and die without hitting?It's really possible.

"Don't you just want the position of God? If you say it, the Emperor will consider it. Why are you playing so many tricks?"

Martial Ancestor Shenhuang said angrily, and at the same time he thought of Su Min's side, he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't get excited, maybe she's not dead, haha." Yang Erhuang sneered, that look really made him want to punch him.

"Hmph, there is the Supreme God." The Martial Ancestor God Emperor calmed down, and his breath was much calmer.

"Hehe, maybe." Yang Erhuang picked out his ears, shook his head and smiled disdainfully.

"Your layout is really deep. Did you kill the elder of Tianmen last night?" Martial Ancestor God Emperor asked.

"Yes, that old man actually gave up. He promised well at first, but he can only be blamed for his ignorance." There is no need for Yang Erhuang to hide, there is no one from Tianmen here.

And the people from Tianmen went to chase Xin Zhao, and the fight between the two sides was planned at this moment, so Yang Erhuang believed that Xin Zhao and the others must die.

Even if he escaped from the hands of the evil Buddha, he still couldn't escape the gate of heaven with so many people.

"Second brother, are you still the second brother I know? You plotted against Tianmen, Taishenjun, Oniying faction, and me!"

Martial Ancestor God Emperor was heartbroken, his half-white hair was all white now, it was a blow to him too much, as if he just couldn't accept the fact.

"Haha, you're wrong, I even calculated the interstellar pirates."

"Haha, in terms of strength? I'm worse than you in that point. Tell me, why everyone knows you in the nine heavens and twelve domains, but they don't know me."

"What kind of drug did you drug your father back then, and let him pass on the throne to you, did you have any doubts in your heart?"

"You forced me. Aunt Hecun liked me back then. Why did she choose you? And why did she die?"



"Say it?"

Yang Erhuang bared his teeth and asked a series of questions, looking very ferocious, holding his head in his hands and crying unbearably.

The Martial Ancestor retorted in a speechless manner, covering his heart with his right hand tightly, committing an old mistake.

"Say it." Yang Erhuang slashed down terrifying waves with his palm.

The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor hastily dodged, then took a deep breath and said, "It's about Aunt Hecun, you misunderstood, she likes you."

"You lie, you want to live, right? It's impossible for me to tell you, quickly give me the seal of God."

Killing intent flashed across Yang Erhuang's eyes, and he kicked out. The Martial Ancestor God Emperor launched his physical skills and resisted without any pressure.

"Listen to me, Aunt Hecun suffered from an incurable disease back then, and she knew that her time was running out, so she asked me to cooperate with the acting."

Martial Ancestor Shenhuang explained weakly, his face gradually turned pale, after all, he was still old and useless.

Ling Yun stood beside him and listened quietly. They started to make tea. They were leisurely, and they didn't intend to make a move yet. Let Yang Erhuang make a fuss.

"It's already at this time, and you still want to lie to me, haha, my good brother."

"You..." The Martial Ancestor was so angry that he asked him to explain, but he didn't believe it!
Ling Yun shook his head, another poor man crazy about love.

However, this Yang Erhuang still has the heart to seek to seize God, not because he was distracted by his love.

"This emperor said, you can say so before you want the throne of God, are you trying to destroy Jiuchongtian, destroying our Yang family's tens of millions of years of foundation will not work." expression.

Yang Erhuang didn't care, he went all out, and continued to attack the Martial Ancestor God Emperor with terrifying footwork, and the surrounding world was violently turbulent.

After dozens of rounds!

Martial Ancestor Shenhuang was out of breath, and Yang Erhuang was similar. The two brothers fought half a circle around Jiuchongtian, and the places they went were unsightly.

Half of Jiuchongtian is considered destroyed.

"Hmph, don't blame me for being ruthless if you fight back and don't hand over the mark of God."

Yang Erhuang looked at Yang Dong and the others. The fourth prince in the prison of heaven and earth was trembling, but the others were pretty strong.

Martial Ancestor God's royal family is not too many, one main wife Yang Dong, one concubine Zhao Concubine, seven girls, five married, and Su Min's fifth and sixth sisters are left!

Three of the five sisters came back, but they went back after Su Min left Jiuchongtian.

There are four sons. The eldest prince died, and the third prince joined the sect to practice and did not come back.

The eldest prince has an orphan, a son who also has a cultivation level during the tribulation period, and he is also trapped at this moment.

There are several other family members.

Yang Erhuang said that after 1 minute, Wuzu Shenhuang couldn't make a choice, so he would use the family of Wuzu Shenhuang to force him to submit.

(End of this chapter)

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