Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1023

Chapter 1023 Open up space (first update)
"It's good that you are fine, get up quickly." The Martial Ancestor God Emperor shook his head and said.

Su Min and Yang Dongshi were talking, they all had watery eyes, they almost didn't hug each other and cry.

Xin Zhao still blamed himself for not protecting Su Min well, which frightened her, Martial Ancestor God Emperor was very pleased, at least Xin Zhao had this heart.

Ji Wushuang came over, pulled Ling Yun and said: "Dijun, you are really invincible, by the way, Tianmen really has a problem with us."

"Isn't it obvious that Old Man Qingshan is a man in the Twelve Realms, and he is very serious. I guess he proposed to attack you this time." Ling Yun replied indifferently.

"That damned old guy, it's really cool to be killed by brother Xinchu. This time, Tianmen can be said to be back and forth." Ji Wushuang replied with a look of resentment.

"I don't know if Tianmen will make any moves this time. They are in the dark and you are in the light. Be careful." Ling Yun reminded.

No one knows better than Ling Yun what kind of power Tianmen is. A group of hypocrites with a good face are just like Putuo Temple, fakes will die.

"I know." Ji Wushuang nodded, she is an old man who knows more or less the inside story of Tianmen, Ling Yun's words are very true.

"In short, just be careful." Ling Yun was worried about Tianmen's conspiracy, and it was nothing to him. It was hard to say for Zhao Xin and Ji Wushuang, worried that they would suffer.

"I know, why is Jiuchongtian destroyed like this? Does the emperor know?"

At the beginning, Ji Wushuang suspected that this place was not Jiuchongtian. There was nothingness, and the prosperity of Jiuchongtian in the past could not be seen.

He thought that Ling Yun had just arrived, and he was asking too much. He also knew the power of the evil Buddha, so he didn't think it would be done in such a short time.

"The Martial Ancestor Emperor's younger brother rebelled and made a mess. Everything we encountered was planned by him." Ling Yun replied.

"What? That old thing? Is he dead? I'm going to step on it more." Ji Wushuang looked angry, thinking of Yang Erhuang's appearance, he wanted to hit someone.

Ling Yun smiled and said: "There is no dregs of death left."

Ji Wushuang immediately asked: "Who did it? Bull."

He still didn't think of Shi Lingyun.

"It's no wonder who's going to die."

"Oh, it's cheap for him." Ji Wushuang said with disdain.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, thinking that Ji Wushuang hadn't seen the last horror of Yang Erhuang, that thunder and lightning was so terrifying.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor came with Xin Zhao, who was very grateful to Ling Yun, if it wasn't for Ling Yun, he probably wouldn't be able to keep anything in this marriage.

No, it is true that nothing can be guarded.

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled, and said to Xin Zhao, they are brothers, so don't worry about it, the latter is still very moved.

Martial Ancestor Shenhuang said: "Emperor, less."

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "There is no need to discuss."

Both Zhao Xin and Ji Wushuang were at a loss. They looked at Martial Ancestor God Emperor and Ling Yun.

"The emperor really can't take it out."

"That's your business, the emperor doesn't care, there is no 50, you can handle those sects yourself." Ling Yun's tone was still the same firm.

An Qing and Yang Dongshi came, and as soon as they got close to them, they heard the conversation between Ling Yun and the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

"What is 50?" Yang Dong questioned.

"It's nothing." Ling Yun quickly shook his head.

"Is such that……"

Martial Ancestor Shenhuang immediately explained to them, Zhao Xin's mouth twitched after hearing this, An Qing was speechless.

Ji Wushuang sympathizes with the Martial Ancestor God Emperor, this is about to be tricked.

Yang Dong didn't understand, she asked, "Great God, your wife is my goddaughter, you can figure it out."

Just as Ling Yun was about to say something, he was stared at by An Qing.

"Ahem... this!..."

Ling Yun didn't know how to speak for a long time, until the little guy came back.

"Papa, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." Ling Yun couldn't say anything more, he wouldn't own the Lingshi even if he was trapped, this time he lifted a stone and shot himself in the foot.

Xin Zhao snickered...

An Qing didn't care, she told the little guy, who pouted, looked at Martial Ancestor God Emperor and Yang Dongshi, and then she said 20.


Ling Yun vomited blood, this... really sucks!

Two mothers and daughters...


After Qianye knew about it later, she felt sympathy for Ling Yun, didn't she see the little guy pouted, staring at Ling Yun, it's so cute.

20 top-grade spirit stones?She thought it was a lot, so she shouldn't ask for more, mainly because the Martial Ancestor God pretended to be pitiful.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, you are so pitiful."

Ling Yun: "..."

"Okay, don't look like that." An Qing laughed, Ling Yun's fatal injury was the little guy.

"That's fine, for my precious daughter's sake, I will accept 20 top-grade spirit stones from you." Ling Yun had no choice but to retreat.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor's eyes lit up, he took out a glowing gem, and said to the little guy, "15."

The little guy widened his eyes and took it immediately. Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, and he said angrily: "Old man, you are going too far."

The Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor got up and said: "What's too much, why did the Emperor give her a work of art?"

That orb is really a work of art, it is useless at all, it can only be seen.

The little guy took something, of course he wanted to speak for the Martial Ancestor God Emperor.

In the end, Ling Yun was asked to open up Jiuchongtian, and only charged 18. Ling Yun vomited blood in his heart.

An Qing smiled and said nothing, this time she didn't draw Lingshi, Ling Yun could help if she could, Jiuchongtian was like this.


Ling Yun recognized it!

The little guy chuckled, pulled Ling Yun and said, "Papa, I love you."

Beibei also came back at some point, and said to the stunned Ling Yun, "I love you."

Ling Yun smiled in relief, he was really happy to see the little guy smiling so innocently, Lingshi didn't care anymore.

The Emperor Martial Ancestor laughed and kept praising the little guy, who was about to go to heaven.

"The little God Lord is awesome."

Xin Zhao: "..."

Ji Wushuang: "..."

An Qing: "..."

Ling Yun is about to open up Jiuchongtian at this moment, and it is better to say that it has been arranged in advance.

He asked everyone to temporarily stay outside the star field. The Martial Ancestor Emperor was a little worried. It should take a week, so what about the marriage?Don't need to do it?

Ling Yun smiled and said nothing!
a week?
It didn't take 10 minutes, but he didn't say anything.

Otherwise, the Martial Ancestor Emperor would have to beat his chest and stamp his feet angrily.

Beibei looked at Ling Yun with round eyes, and then brought the little guy in, they said they wanted to see it too.

Martial Ancestor God Emperor and An Qing had nothing to do with the two of them, it was better for little Irene, who kept playing games, her parents almost didn't recognize her, An Qing scolded them.

Little Irene knew she was wrong, and asked An Qing to take back the phone. The latter smiled happily. Little Irene is so cute.

What Ling Yun needs to do is very simple, that is, look at the broken Nine Heavens, and leave everything to him to put on the formation.

The little guy and Beibei were pointing east and west, asking Lingyun to do this and that, to make the construction direction of Jiuchongtian as childish as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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