Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030 Knowing Through (Second Change)

After Ling Yun finished everything, the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile again.

He pretended to be weak, pierced a sword into his body, and then lay quietly on the ground, seemingly breathing.

Shortly after!
Boss Bai and Gentleman are back!
"Who? Who the hell!"

"Is there an enemy? Sanchaku has also lost his strength?" Zheng Renjun frowned, looking around but did not find any clues.

"Brother, who will tell me who did it? I killed him." Boss Bai was quite angry, with messy hair fluttering in the wind.

"Boss Bai, come here, Hei Zi still has a faint breath of life."

The gentleman found Ling Yun who was lying on the ground not far away, squatted down to check, and pulled out the sword that had broken into Ling Yun's body.

Boss Bai immediately took out a pill and swallowed it for Ling Yun without hesitation.

In a moment!
Ling Yun opened his eyes and started his performance.

"Heizi, tell me everything you know." Boss Bai turned his head and asked, with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

"Boss Bai, what happened to you just after you came back?" Ling Yun was clichéd.

Boss Bai was furious: "I was the one who asked you, not you who asked me, say! How did Sanchaku die, and how did Xiaosi die!"

"I don't know, an extremely fast figure passed by him like the wind, I was in pain... Then I opened my eyes and saw you." Ling Yun pretended to be in pain, his lips turned white.

The gentleman said: "Things have happened, and there are no clues. Let's meet with the evil king to ask the crime."

Boss Bai shook the ground three times, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and then said: "That's the only way."

Ling Yun took the opportunity to ask: "Didn't Boss Bai's movement just now be caused by the evil king's questioning?"

"It's him! He killed a few people who didn't open their eyes." Boss Bai answered Ling Yun's words while walking.

After a few minutes!

Boss Bai brought Ling Yun and Zheng Renjun to a bamboo forest.

From a long distance, I heard the dialogue between the evil king and an old man.

"Tell me, the whereabouts of the Heavenly Demon Sword."

"You are not qualified." The old man was playing Reversi by himself.

Ling Yun's eyes stared, this old man was one of those few people when the Catmull Alliance was first established.

"Old man, my patience is limited." Xie Wang asked the crime to float in the air lightly, with a cold tone.

"Give up." The old man immediately overturned the Othello on the table.

All the black and white chess pieces are fixed in the air, and then attack the evil king as if there is a soul to question the crime.

"Hahaha, the old man is old, I am invincible here." Xie Wang asked with disdain, secretly thinking about the old man's little trick.

"Invincible? Who is calling invincible? Dare you say that you are invincible? Who can escape the end of the era? Cavin is dead, Tenenchi is dead, and the old man is dead. Only the old man was captured alive, and the Catmull League also was lost."

The old man laughed loudly, his moves began to change ever-changingly, and the evil king began to hide from place to place, not daring to fight head-on.

"Ignorant old man, agree to my conditions, I will take you out, think about it." Xie Wang asked, facing the old man's attack like a gust of wind, he had to give in.

"The Heavenly Demon Sword shouldn't appear, the old man doesn't want to go out, it's good to take care of the elderly here." The old man shook his head and refused.

"You? I'm so pissed off, look at the moves." The evil king asked the black qi to transform the sword qi, and used Ling Yun's one qi to transform the three cleans.

"It's a terrifying swordsmanship, but it's a pity that I haven't practiced enough."

The old man shook his head and smiled, and dodged it with a set of beautiful moves, the angry evil king asked the sinner his teeth itching.

"Evil King, I have a solution." Boss Bai walked over with a big smile, looking at the old man who had stopped, with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Don't let me down!" Xie Wang Asked Suspended quietly in the air, watching everything, motionless, like a black cloud.

"will not!"

At the same time as Boss Bai replied, he fought the old man directly, and the surrounding fluctuations destroyed half of the bamboo forest.

The gentleman said: "Hei Zi, go and help."

"Boss Bai is very powerful, do you really want me to go? What if he thinks I'm in the way?" Ling Yun replied with a shrug.


The gentleman stared at Ling Yun!

Ling Yun immediately went to help Boss Bai, and then the gentleman joined in, and the evil king would sneak up on him from time to time when he was prosecuted.

The old man gradually fell into the wind, I don't know what the second floor is, there are quite few people!
The entire bamboo forest was shattered, and people were densely packed all around.

It turned out that they were all gathered together, and the leader was the second floor master. He just wanted to help the old man, but the evil king stopped them and was negotiating.

In a moment!
The master of the second floor was shouting and cheering nearby, and none of his subordinates came up.

The evil king sneered, his purpose was to liberate the Suolong Pagoda, the second floor master has no reason to refuse such a good deed.

The old man is defeated!
It's a miracle that three-on-one can last that long.

He knelt on the ground with a bitter face, it was time to see his old friend, and then he willingly closed his eyes and muttered in his mouth.

"The Catmull League lives forever."

Word down!

He was wiped out in ashes!
Boss Bai was taken aback, and kept shouting: "No, no, no... what's going on? Disappear in ashes?"

Mr. Zhengren frowned and said: "He is very clear, so he is very decisive and won't give you a chance."

"Boss Bai?" Ling Yun blinked and said, pointing to the Xie Wang who floated over.

"I'm sorry Xie Wang, the old man would rather die than obey." Boss Bai said truthfully.

"Understood, I knew things would not go so smoothly." Xie Wang's tone of guilt was very frustrated and full of unwillingness.

"I'm sorry." Boss Bai apologized again, hating the old man in his heart.

"You guys continue with the task, my king's time is up." The black air of Xie Wang's accusation slowly faded, and then disappeared.

Ling Yun's heart twitched violently, how could the remnant soul be like this?I have learned a lot, so it should be the evil king asking the question about the cultivation method.

The master of the second floor walked over with a smile: "Greetings, senior."

Boss Bai was in a bad mood and said directly: "Don't say so many polite words, we are going to the third floor."

the third floor?
It is impossible to let them go, Ling Yun intends to trap Boss Bai and Mr. Zhengren on the second floor, he is going out.

A demon suddenly appeared on the ground, the latter killed Ling Yun as soon as it appeared, the latter sprayed a mouthful of blood, closed his eyes and fell down.

"Boss, save me!"

Ling Yun pretends to be very similar, what a showman!
"It's Pluto who came in, shit!" Boss Bai was angry again.

The master of the second floor took a few steps back, and he was startled even though there was no danger.

The gentleman smiled and said, "Hei Zai, stop acting. It's fun to play us like monkeys? You shouldn't be called Hei Zai, are you Pluto?"

Boss Bai stared at Ling Yun on the ground and the demon next to him with his eyes wide open.

"Impossible." Boss Bai shook his head, a little confused.

If it is true what Zheng Renjun said, then Pluto was by their side from the beginning?Both Sanchaku and Xiaosi died in his hands?
The gentleman's eyes radiated killing intent: "What? Don't dare to admit it?"

As soon as Ling Yun's body lying on the ground disappeared, he immediately stood up and appeared in everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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