Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1046 Shocked

Chapter 1046 Shocked (Third)

Could it be that Beibei did it?
After this thought came to Long Xingtian's mind, he was shocked.

Qin Xianglian cried, "Beibei, Mom misses you so much."

"Mom, don't cry." Beibei was holding Qin Xianglian's head.

After Long Xingtian woke up, he shook his head, then stood up.

"Xianglian, believe it, this world is not simple, and it is not surprising that there are twelve domains, I have said it, I have been there once."

"Well, Mom, there are so many people, so many treasures, so many delicious things." Beibei drew a few circles in the air, making them dumbfounded.

"Bebe, how did you get here?"

Qin Xianglian's eyes were serious, and she had a lot of questions in her heart. She understood more or less capable people, but she knew that Long Xingtian couldn't reach her immediately.

"Haha, that's it, there's a whooping sound!" Beibei pointed to the rooftop, where the Thunder Gate appeared, glittering with golden light.

Depend on!
Long Xingtian's heart twitched violently, such a powerful spell really belonged to Beibei.


Qin Xianglian must be tricked into the Twelve Realms, he has to learn, Beibei is better than this old man, how can this work?
"This...this...this...what? Did you come from here just now?" Qin Xianglian's tone trembled, seeing such a strange thing for the first time.

Beibei murmured, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees and said, "Mom, Shuai Shushu taught me this, and I'm so smart."

Qin Xianglian was shocked, how old is Beibei, can she be so powerful?It will be worth it in the future!
She still doesn't know that Beibei and the little guy are the most powerful, and the two of them who can't afford to mess with them are diapers!

"Mom, shall we go? My sister will wait for me, I will cry if I don't see you."

"Xianglian, go, the scenery over there is very beautiful, a beauty you have never seen in your life!" Long Xingtian's eyes lit up, and he couldn't believe that the two father and daughter couldn't handle her!
Beibei is acting like a baby again, her eyes are watery, which makes people feel distressed.

Ling Yun here!

He went to Ling's mansion and only went to see a few people, the first one was Ling Rufeng.

Since he retreated for three months, there is no news of Ling Yun. Ling Rufeng is not good, although his strength has reached the legendary level.

Ling Yun didn't attend his engagement banquet, so he canceled it, and occasionally went to university, most of which were in a daze at Ling's mansion.

In the kiosk!
Ling Yun appeared suddenly, and patted Ling Rufeng on the shoulder. The latter instinctively found a counterattack, and was held by Ling Yun with a fist, and the two brothers laughed out loud.

"Brother, where have you been these days?" Ling Rufeng asked with an excited tone.

"I went to the outside world, Rufeng, the outside world is wonderful, I'm sorry, I'm too late to attend your engagement banquet, I'm sorry."

"What are you talking about, I canceled it."

"What's on your mind?"

"I'm still young, so let's postpone it for a few days. Don't worry, she has no objection." Ling Rufeng shrugged, with an indifferent attitude.

"I came back very quickly. You are very strong in Blue Star now. When necessary, you must know how to make a move and not let outsiders bully us." Ling Yun patted Ling Rufeng on the shoulder and said seriously.

" want to leave here? Are you not coming back?" Ling Rufeng asked repeatedly, his face suddenly paled with shock, quite surprised.

"Come back, I will come back, I just don't know when it will be." Ling Yun shook his head, his and An Qing's plan was to stay in the God Realm, and they would return to Blue Star once in a while.

"Come back? Leave? Brother... I want to go too!" Ling Rufeng suddenly thought of something, and said while tugging at Ling Yun's shoulder.

" are still young, you are training hard at Blue Star, and I will not allow you to come back in the future!" Ling Yun suddenly smiled, with a deep meaning, and an unfathomable meaning appeared in his eyes.

"Brother, you can hone me, I want to grow up quickly."

"Training? The best training is to let nature take its course."

Ling Yun flickered, and at the same time his eyes lit up and he said again: "Of course, you can also be a senior member of the Dragon Group."

"Me??? Me too?" Ling Rufeng widened his eyes and pointed to himself.

"Okay, I'll talk to Long Xingtian later." Ling Yun secretly rejoiced, Long Xingtian is gone, the dragon team can't do without a leader, Ling Rufeng will definitely be a great leader.

Xu Le?

He's still at the US bureau, and he doesn't know what task Longshi has given him. It's been so long and he hasn't completed it yet.

"Are you serious?" Ling Rufeng asked a little uncertainly.

Ling Yun nodded with a smile, and edited text messages on the phone and sent them to Long Xingtian.

It's time to go boating!

Ling Rufeng also laughed, so it's just a training session. Besides, the top of the dragon group, his status is awesome, and now no one in Ling's mansion knows that he is in the legendary realm.

Play pig eat tiger?

he likes!
"Brother... When do you plan to deal with the matter of the Bai family?" Ling Rufeng asked.

"He's still playing tricks behind his back?" Ling Yun frowned.

"I have observed secretly, and there is one thing, that is, to buy some desperadoes."

"Hehe, want to stand up? Rufeng, go and cut off most of the funds of their Bai family tomorrow, and slaughter all those desperadoes." Ling Yun smiled playfully, without money, let's see how they make trouble!
"Hey, this trick is perfect!" Ling Rufeng nodded.

"Have you met your fourth uncle in the capital?"

"I came here once, and he asked where you were. I knew where you were at that time, but now only our Ling family knows about his existence. Grandpa is worried that the islanders will go crazy if they find out, especially the Toyotomi family!"

What Ling Rufeng said is also very reasonable. If you are clear, you are not afraid of them secretly playing tricks.

There is still an inner ghost in Ling's mansion, won't he expose this matter?For what purpose, Ling Yun couldn't think of it.

Probably because of the money, huh, huh!Who knows.

After Ling Yun briefly told Ling Rufeng to pay attention to some things, he left the pavilion. The latter's phone rang immediately, and it was Long Xingtian's! ! !
His speed is really fast, and it was arranged immediately. The position is the agent leader, the highest position, and Ling Rufeng was frightened when he heard it. Can he be an important task?

Ling Yun disappeared, and secretly looked at Lin Qiuyan and Ling Tianyang. The two elders probably haven't disappeared for a long time. They were worried and looked haggard.

He took out his phone!
Call Lin Qiuyan...

bell bell bell…

"'s my son!!" Lin Qiuyan's eyes widened, she became more energetic, and her eyes turned red instantly. Ling Yun saw everything in her eyes.

The moment the phone was connected, Lin Qiuyan was crying.

Ling Yun gave a random explanation, and it took a lot of time to get the two elders settled.

(End of this chapter)

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